# Copyright (c) 2020, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import cattrs
import numpy as np
import yaml
from attrs import define, field, validators
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil import operation, types
from coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.type_mapping import is_builtin, numpy_type_to_builtin_type
# TODO: Share the enum between cto.coreml and cto.torch (rdar://124409664).
class CompressionGranularity(Enum):
class OpCompressorConfig(ABC):
An abstract class for the compressor configuration
def _validate_op_type(self, op_type):
A utility function checking if an op type is valid for the configuration
def _from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OpCompressorConfig":
An abstract method that construct an OpCompressorConfig from a dictionary.
It must be implemented in the child class.
raise ValueError("_from_dict must be implemented in the subclasses of OpCompressorConfig.")
def _check_weight_threshold(instance, attribute, value):
if value is not None and value < 0:
raise ValueError(f"\"weight_threshold\" must be a non-negative integer. Got {value}.")
def _normalize_dtype(dtype: Union[str, type]) -> type:
if isinstance(dtype, str):
dtype = types.string_to_builtin(dtype)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid dtype {dtype}. Only support int8/uint8/int4/uint4.")
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
dtype = types.numpy_type_to_builtin_type(dtype)
elif not types.is_builtin(dtype):
raise ValueError(f"dtype={dtype} is unsupported for OpLinearQuantizerConfig.")
return dtype
Linear Quantization configuration
def _normalize_granularity(
granularity: Union[str, CompressionGranularity]
) -> CompressionGranularity:
if isinstance(granularity, CompressionGranularity):
return granularity
if granularity == "per_tensor":
return CompressionGranularity.PER_TENSOR
elif granularity == "per_grouped_channel":
return CompressionGranularity.PER_GROUPED_CHANNEL
elif granularity == "per_channel":
return CompressionGranularity.PER_CHANNEL
elif granularity == "per_block":
return CompressionGranularity.PER_BLOCK
raise ValueError(f"Invalid granularity={granularity}")
def check_block_size(instance, attr, block_size):
Validator for block_size.
Note the `instance` and `attr` are not used but required by attrs interface.
if block_size is not None:
if isinstance(block_size, int):
if block_size < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"The block_size must be non-negative values, but got {block_size}"
elif isinstance(block_size, (list, tuple)):
for it_block_size in block_size:
if not isinstance(it_block_size, int) or it_block_size < 0:
raise ValueError("All values in block_size must be non-negative values.")
raise ValueError(
f"The block_size should be int or list/tuple of int, but got {type(block_size)}."
def _structure_block_size_type(block_size, dtype):
The block_size's type Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]] need a custom structure hook
for attrs yaml conversion.
Note the `dtype` parameter is not used but required by attrs interface.
if isinstance(block_size, int):
return block_size
if not isinstance(block_size, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError(
f'"block_size" must be int or list/tuple of int. Got {type(block_size)}'
return block_size
class OpLinearQuantizerConfig(OpCompressorConfig):
mode: str
Mode for linear quantization:
* ``"linear_symmetric"`` (default): Input data are quantized in the range
``[-R, R]``, where :math:`R = max(abs(w_r))`.
* ``"linear"``: Input data are quantized in the range
:math:`[min(w_r), max(w_r)]`.
dtype: str or np.generic or mil.type
Determines the quantized data type (int8/uint8/int4/uint4).
* The allowed values are:
* ``np.int8`` (the default)
* ``np.uint8``
* ``coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.int8``
* ``coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.uint8``
* ``coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.int4``
* ``coremltools.converters.mil.mil.types.uint4``
* strings to specify dtype such as "int4", "uint4", etc
granularity: str
Granularity for quantization.
* ``"per_tensor"``
* ``"per_channel"`` (default)
* ``"per_block"``
block_size: int or List/Tuple of int
* Only effective when granularity is set to "per_block".
* Determines size of the block, where all elements in a block share the same scale and zero_point.
* If it's int, the block size on each axis is auto determined for best performance. More specifially,
the block will have ``block_size`` on input axis and ``1`` on output axis, where input/output
axis is auto picked based on op type.
For example, if weight has shape [Cout, Cin], the block will have shape [1, block_size];
If the weight has shape [C_out, C_in, KH, KW], the block will has shape [1, block_size, KH, KW].
* If it's a tuple of int, it must have the same rank as the weight, which specify the block size on each axis.
* The value 0 means block size equal to dim size at the corresponding axis.
* If the dim size on any axis is not divisible by the corresponding block size, the op will be skipped.
The tuple input of ``block_size`` provides users fully control about the block.
Here are some examples about how different granularities could be achieved:
Given the weight of a 2D Conv which has shape [C_out, C_in, KH, KW]:
| Granularity | output_channel_block_size| input_channel_block_size | Weight Shape of Each Block |
| Per Tensor | 0 | 0 | [C_out, C_in, KH, KW] |
| Per Input Channel | 0 | 1 | [C_out, 1, KH, KW] |
| Per Output Channel | 1 | 0 | [1, C_in, KH, KW] |
| Per Block | 1 | 32 | [1, 32, KH, KW] |
Given the weight of a linear layer which has shape [C_out, C_in]:
| Granularity | output_channel_block_size| input_channel_block_size | Weight Shape of Each Block |
| Per Tensor | 0 | 0 | [C_out, C_in] |
| Per Input Channel | 0 | 1 | [C_out, 1] |
| Per Output Channel | 1 | 0 | [1, C_in] |
| Per Block | 1 | 32 | [1, 32] |
Given the weight of matmul's y (transpose_y=False) which has shape [..., C_in, C_out]:
| Granularity | output_channel_block_size| input_channel_block_size | Weight Shape of Each Block |
| Per Tensor | 0 | 0 | [..., C_in, C_out] |
| Per Input Channel | 0 | 1 | [..., 1, C_out] |
| Per Output Channel | 1 | 0 | [..., C_in, 1] |
| Per Block | 1 | 32 | [..., 32, 1] |
weight_threshold: int
The size threshold, above which weights are pruned.
That is, a weight tensor is pruned only if its total number of elements are greater than ``weight_threshold``.
Default to 2048.
For example, if ``weight_threshold = 1024`` and a weight tensor is of shape ``[10, 20, 1, 1]``, hence ``200``
elements, it will not be pruned.
mode: str = field(default="linear_symmetric", validator=validators.instance_of(str))
dtype: Union[str, type] = field(default=types.int8, converter=_normalize_dtype)
granularity: Union[str, CompressionGranularity] = field(
block_size: Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]] = field(
default=32, validator=check_block_size
weight_threshold: Optional[int] = field(default=2048, validator=validators.optional([validators.instance_of(int), _check_weight_threshold]))
def check_mode(self, attr, mode):
if not mode.upper() in self._WEIGHT_AFFINE_QUANTIZATION_MODES:
raise ValueError(f"Only mode {self._WEIGHT_AFFINE_QUANTIZATION_MODES} supported for weight affine quantization. Got mode: \"{mode}\".")
def check_dtype(self, attr, dtype):
if not types.is_builtin(dtype):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid dtype. Should be builtin dtype, but got {type(dtype)}")
if not (types.is_int(dtype) and dtype.get_bitwidth() in {4, 8}):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid dtype. Should be int4/8 or uint4/8, but got {types.builtin_to_string(dtype)}"
def check_granularity(self, attr, granularity):
if granularity not in self._VALID_GRANULARITIES:
raise ValueError(
f'"granularity" must be one of {self._VALID_GRANULARITIES}, but got {granularity}'
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self.mode = self.mode.upper()
if not is_builtin(self.dtype):
self.dtype = numpy_type_to_builtin_type(self.dtype)
# Set nbits and signed for backward compatibility with existing code.
if types.is_int(self.dtype):
self.nbits = self.dtype.get_bitwidth()
self.signed = not self.dtype.is_unsigned()
def _from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> OpLinearQuantizerConfig:
converter = cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True)
Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]], _structure_block_size_type
return converter.structure(config_dict, cls)
Pruner configurations
class OpThresholdPrunerConfig(OpCompressorConfig):
All weights with absolute value smaller than ``threshold`` are changed to ``0``,
and the tensor is stored in a sparse format.
For example, given the following:
* ``weight = [0.3, -0.2, -0.01, 0.05]``
* ``threshold = 0.03``
The sparsified weight would be ``[0.3, -0.2, 0, 0.05]``.
threshold: float
All weight values above this threshold are set to ``0``.
* Default value is ``1e-12``.
minimum_sparsity_percentile: float
The sparsity level must be above this value for the weight representation to be stored in the sparse format rather than the dense format.
For example, if ``minimum_sparsity_percentile = 0.6`` and the sparisty level is ``0.54``; that is, ``54%`` of the
weight values are exactly ``0``, then the resulting weight tensor will be stored as a dense const op,
and not converted to the ``constsexpr_sparse_to_dense`` op (which stores the weight values in a sparse format).
* Must be a value between ``0`` and ``1``.
* Default value is ``0.5``.
weight_threshold: int
The size threshold, above which weights are pruned.
That is, a weight tensor is pruned only if its total number of elements are greater than ``weight_threshold``.
For example, if ``weight_threshold = 1024`` and a weight tensor is of shape ``[10, 20, 1, 1]``, hence ``200``
elements, it will not be pruned.
* If not provided, it will be set to ``2048``, in which weights bigger than ``2048`` elements are compressed.
threshold: float = field(default=1e-12, validator=validators.instance_of(float))
minimum_sparsity_percentile: float = field(default=0.5, validator=validators.instance_of(float))
weight_threshold: Optional[int] = field(
validator=validators.optional([validators.instance_of(int), _check_weight_threshold])
def check_threshold(self, attr, threshold):
if threshold < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value of \"threshold\": {threshold}. Needs to be in [0, inf)"
def check_minimum_sparsity_percentile(self, attr, minimum_sparsity_percentile):
if minimum_sparsity_percentile < 0 or minimum_sparsity_percentile > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value of \"minimum_sparsity_percentile\": {minimum_sparsity_percentile}. Needs to be in [0, 1]"
def _from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OpThresholdPrunerConfig":
converter = cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True)
return converter.structure(config_dict, cls)
class OpMagnitudePrunerConfig(OpCompressorConfig):
Prune the weight with a constant sparsity percentile, which can be specified by either ``target_sparsity`` or ``n_m_ratio``.
If ``target_sparsity`` is set, where ``n = floor(size_of_weight_tensor * target_sparsity)``, the ``n`` lowest
absolute weight values are changed to ``0``. For example, given the following:
* ``weight = [0.3, -0.2, -0.01, 0.05]``
* ``target_sparsity = 0.75``
The sparsified weight would be ``[0.3, 0, 0, 0]``.
If ``block_size`` is set, then weights are pruned in a block structured manner; that is, chunks of weight values, as big as the ``block_size``, will be set to ``0``.
Block sparsity can only be applied to ``linear`` and ``conv`` layers.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
# Given a 4 x 2 weight with the following value, and block_size = 2, dim = 0.
[1, 3],
[-6, -7],
[0, 3],
[-9, 2],
# We first flatten the matrix along axis = 0.
[1, -6, 0, -9, 3, -7, 3, 2]
# For block size 2, the L2 norm will be compute of first 2 elements, then the second and 3rd element and so on.
[6.08, 9.00, 7.62, 3.61]
# Then the smallest values will be picked to prune. So if target_sparsity = 0.5, then the blocks that will be
# pruned will be with ones with L2 norm value of 6.08 and 3.61. And hence, the elements in the first and third
# block are pruned. Resulting in the following flatten pruned tensor:
[0, 0, 0, -9, 3, -7, 0, 0]
# The final pruned tensor is:
[0, 3],
[0, -7],
[0, 0],
[-9, 0],
The ``n_m_ratio`` triggers ``n:m`` pruning along the ``dim`` axis. In ``n:m`` pruning,
out of every ``m`` elements, ``n`` with lowest magnitude are set to ``0``.
For more information, see
`Learning N:M Fine-Grained Structured Sparse Neural Networks From Scratch <https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.04010>`_.
``n:m`` pruning can be applied only to ``linear`` and ``conv`` layers.
.. code-block:: python
# Given a 4 x 4 weight of
[3, 4, 7, 6],
[1, 8, -3, -8],
[-2, -3, -4, 0],
[5, 4, -3, -2],
# For n_m_ratio = (1, 2) with axis = 1 (default), the resulting pruned weight is
[0, 4, 7, 0],
[0, 8, 0, -8],
[0, -3, -4, 0],
[5, 0, -3, 0],
# For axis = 0, we get
[3, 0, 7, 0],
[0, 8, 0, -8],
[0, 0, -4, 0],
[5, 4, 0, -2],
target_sparsity: float
The percentage of sparsity for compression, which needs to be in the range ``[0, 1]``. When ``0``, no sparsification
occurs. For ``1``, all weights become ``0``.
block_size: int
Block size for inducing block sparsity.
This is applied on the ``dim`` dimension of the parameter.
Having the zeros aligned in the parameter helps gain latency/memory performance on-device.
* If set, must be greater than ``1`` to enable block sparsity.
* Block sparsity can be applied only to ``linear`` and ``conv`` layers.
* The channel will be padded with ``0`` if it is not divisible by ``block_size``.
n_m_ratio: tuple[int]
A tuple of two integers which specify the ratio for ``n:m`` pruning.
* ``n`` must be smaller or equal to ``m``.
* The channel would be padded with ``0`` if it is not divisible by ``m``.
dim: int
Dimension where the block sparsity or ``n:m`` sparsity is applied.
* Must be either ``0`` or ``1``.
* The default value for block sparsity is ``0`` (output channel).
* The default value for ``n:m`` sparsity is ``1`` (input channel).
weight_threshold: int
The size threshold, above which weights are pruned.
That is, a weight tensor is pruned only if its total number of elements is greater than ``weight_threshold``.
For example, if ``weight_threshold = 1024`` and a weight tensor is of shape ``[10, 20, 1, 1]``, hence ``200``
elements, it will not be pruned.
* If not provided, it will be set to ``2048``, in which weights bigger than ``2048`` elements are compressed.
target_sparsity: Optional[float] = field(default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(float)))
block_size: Optional[int] = field(default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(int)))
n_m_ratio: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = field(default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of((list, tuple))))
dim: Optional[int] = field(default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(int)))
weight_threshold: Optional[int] = field(
validator=validators.optional([validators.instance_of(int), _check_weight_threshold])
"conv": ["weight"],
"linear": ["weight"],
def _is_structural_pruning(self):
return self.n_m_ratio is not None or self.block_size is not None
def _validate_op_type(self, op_type):
Structural sparsity can only be applied to conv / linear weight.
if self._is_structural_pruning() and op_type not in self._SUPPORTED_OPS_FOR_STRUCTURAL_PRUNING:
raise ValueError(f"block sparsity or n:m pruning does not support op type {op_type}.")
def _check_const_op_is_valid(self, op):
def _get_child_op_and_input(op):
assert op.op_type == "const"
res = []
for child in op.outputs[0].child_ops:
child_op_type = child.op_type
child_op_input = ""
for k, v in child.inputs.items():
if v is op.outputs[0]:
child_op_input = k
assert child_op_input != ""
res.append((child_op_type, child_op_input))
return res
if not self._is_structural_pruning():
return True
child_op_type_and_input = _get_child_op_and_input(op)
for op_type, input in child_op_type_and_input:
return False
if input not in self._SUPPORTED_OPS_FOR_STRUCTURAL_PRUNING[op_type]:
return False
return True
def check_target_sparsity(self, attr, target_sparsity):
msg = "Either \"target_sparsity\" or \"n_m_ratio\" need to be set. They cannot be set at the same time."
if target_sparsity is not None and self.n_m_ratio is not None:
raise ValueError(msg)
if target_sparsity is None and self.n_m_ratio is None:
raise ValueError(msg)
if target_sparsity is None:
if target_sparsity < 0 or target_sparsity > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value of \"target_sparsity\": {target_sparsity}. Needs to be in [0, 1]."
def check_block_size(self, attr, block_size):
if block_size is not None and self.n_m_ratio is not None:
raise ValueError(
"\"block_size\" and \"n_m_ratio\" cannot be set at the same time."
if block_size is None:
if block_size is not None and block_size <= 1:
raise ValueError(f"\"block_size\" must be an integer > 1. Got {block_size}.")
def check_n_m_ratio(self, attr, n_m_ratio):
if n_m_ratio is None:
if len(n_m_ratio) != 2 or n_m_ratio[0] > n_m_ratio[1]:
raise ValueError(f"\"n_m_ratio\" must be a tuple of two integers (n, m). n <= m. Got {n_m_ratio}")
def check_dim(self, attr, dim):
if dim is None:
if self.block_size is None and self.n_m_ratio is None:
raise ValueError("\"dim\" can only be set along with \"block_size\" or \"n_m_ratio\".")
if dim not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError(f"\"dim\" must be 1 or 0. Got {dim}.")
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
if self.block_size is not None and self.dim is None:
self.dim = 0
if self.n_m_ratio is not None and self.dim is None:
self.dim = 1
def _from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OpMagnitudePrunerConfig":
converter = cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True)
return converter.structure(config_dict, cls)
Palettizer configuration
class OpPalettizerConfig(OpCompressorConfig):
nbits: int
Number of bits per weight. Required for ``kmeans`` or ``uniform`` mode, but must
not be set for ``unique`` or ``custom`` mode. A LUT would have
2\ :sup:`nbits` entries, where `nbits` can be ``{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8}``.
mode: str
Determine how the LUT is constructed by specifying one of the following:
* ``"kmeans"`` (default): The LUT is generated by `k-means clustering`, a method of vector
quantization that groups similar data points together to discover underlying
patterns by using a fixed number (`k`) of clusters in a dataset. A cluster
refers to a collection of data points aggregated together because of certain
similarities. `nbits` is required.
* ``"uniform"``: The LUT is generated by a linear histogram.
- ``[v_min, v_min + scale, v_min + 2 * scale, ..., v_max]``
- Where the weight is in the range ``[v_min, v_max]``, and
``scale = (v_max - v_min) / (1 << nbits - 1)``.
- ``nbits`` is required.
A `histogram` is a representation of the distribution of a continuous variable,
in which the entire range of values is divided into a series of intervals (or
`bins`) and the representation displays how many values fall into each bin.
Linear histograms have one bin at even intervals, such as one bin per integer.
* ``"unique"``: The LUT is generated by unique values in the weights. The weights
are assumed to be on a discrete lattice but stored in a float data type. This
parameter identifies the weights and converts them into the palettized representation.
Do not provide ``nbits`` for this mode. ``nbits`` is picked up automatically,
with the smallest possible value in ``{1, 2, 4, 6, 8}`` such that the
number of the unique values is ``<= (1 << nbits)``. If the weight has ``> 256``
unique values, the compression is skipped.
For example:
* If the weights are ``{0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4}`` and ``nbits=2``, the weights are
converted to ``{00b, 01b, 10b, 11b}``, and the generated LUT is
``[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]``.
* If the weights are ``{0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4}`` and ``nbits=1``, nothing happens
because the weights are not a 1-bit lattice.
* If the weights are ``{0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5}`` and ``nbits=2``, nothing
happens because the weights are not a 2-bit lattice.
* ``"custom"``: The LUT and palettization parameters are calculated using a custom
function. If this mode is selected then ``lut_function`` must be provided.
Do not provide ``nbits`` for this mode. The user should customize ``nbits`` in the
``lut_function`` implementation.
lut_function: callable
A callable function which computes the weight palettization parameters. This must
be provided if the mode is set to ``"custom"``.
weight: np.ndarray
A float precision numpy array.
Returns: lut: list[float]
The lookup table.
indices: list[int]
A list of indices for each element.
The following is an example that extract the ``top_k`` elements as the LUT. Given
that ``weight = [0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]``, the ``lut_function``
produces ``lut = [0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7], indices = [0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3]``.
.. sourcecode:: python
def lut_function(weight):
# In this example, we assume elements in the weights >= 0
weight = weight.flatten()
nbits = 4
# Get the LUT, from extracting top k maximum unique elements in the weight to be the LUT
# Note that k = 1 << nbits - 1, so we have the first element be 0
unique_elements = np.unique(weight)
k = (1 << nbits) - 1
top_k = np.partition(weight, -k)[-k:]
lut = [0.0] + top_k.tolist()
# Compute the indices
mapping = {v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(lut)}
indices = [mapping[v] if v in mapping else 0 for v in weight]
return lut, indices
granularity: str
Granularity for quantization.
* ``"per_tensor"`` (default)
* ``"per_grouped_channel"``
group_size: int
* Specify the number of channels in a group. Only effective when granularity is per_grouped_channel.
* Default to 32.
channel_axis: Optional[int] = None
* Specify the channel axis to form a group of channels. Only effective when granularity is per_grouped_channel.
* Default to None, where the axis is automatically picked based on op type.
cluster_dim: int
* The dimension of centroids for each look up table. When cluster_dim == 1, it's scalar
palettization, where each entry in the lookup table is a scalar element. When cluster_dim > 1,
it's vector palettization, where each entry in the lookup table is a vector of length cluster_dim.
* More specifically, when ``cluster_dim > 1``, each ``cluster_dim`` length of weight vectors
along the channel axis are palettized using the same 2-D centroid. .
* Default to 1.
enable_per_channel_scale: bool
* When set to True, weights are normalized along the output channels using per channel
scales before being palettized.
num_kmeans_workers: int
* Number of worker processes to use for performing k-means. It is recommended to use more
than one worker process to parallelize the clustering, especially when multiple CPUs are available.
* Default to 1.
weight_threshold: int
The size threshold, above which weights are pruned.
That is, a weight tensor is pruned only if its total number of elements are greater than ``weight_threshold``.
For example, if ``weight_threshold = 1024`` and a weight tensor is of shape ``[10, 20, 1, 1]``, hence ``200``
elements, it will not be pruned.
* If not provided, it will be set to ``2048``, in which weights bigger than ``2048`` elements are compressed.
mode: str = field(default="kmeans", validator=validators.instance_of(str))
nbits: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
lut_function: Optional[Callable] = field(default=None)
granularity: Union[str, CompressionGranularity] = field(
group_size: int = field(default=32)
channel_axis: Optional[int] = field(default=None)
cluster_dim: int = field(default=1, validator=validators.instance_of(int))
enable_per_channel_scale: bool = field(default=False, validator=validators.instance_of(bool))
num_kmeans_workers: int = field(default=1, validator=validators.instance_of(int))
weight_threshold: Optional[int] = field(default=2048, validator=validators.optional([validators.instance_of(int), _check_weight_threshold]))
_VALID_NBITS = (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8)
def check_nbits(self, attr, nbits):
mode = self.mode.upper()
if nbits is None and mode in ("KMEANS", "UNIFORM"):
raise ValueError(f"\"nbits\" must be provided for {self.mode} mode")
if nbits is not None and mode in ("UNIQUE", "CUSTOM"):
raise ValueError(f"\"nbits\" must NOT be provided for {self.mode} mode")
if nbits is not None and nbits not in self._VALID_NBITS:
raise ValueError(
f'Invalid value of "nbits" ({nbits}) for palettization. Supported "nbits" are {self._VALID_NBITS}'
def check_mode(self, attr, mode):
if not mode.upper() in self._WEIGHT_PALETTIZATION_MODES:
raise ValueError(f"Only modes {self._WEIGHT_PALETTIZATION_MODES} are supported for weight palettization. Got \"mode\": \"{mode}\".")
def check_lut_function(self, attr, lut_function):
mode = self.mode.upper()
if lut_function is None and mode == "CUSTOM":
raise ValueError("\"lut_function\" can not be None, if \"mode\" is \"custom\".")
if lut_function is not None and mode != "CUSTOM":
raise ValueError("\"lut_function\" must be None, if \"mode\" is not \"custom\".")
if lut_function is not None and not callable(lut_function):
raise ValueError(f"A function object must be provided as \"lut_function\". Got a \"lut_function\" as type {type(self.lut_function)}")
def check_granularity(self, attr, granularity):
if granularity not in self._VALID_GRANULARITIES:
raise ValueError(
f'"granularity" must be one of {self._VALID_GRANULARITIES}, but got {granularity}'
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self.mode = self.mode.upper()
def _from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> OpPalettizerConfig:
if "lut_function" in config_dict:
raise ValueError(
"_from_dict method does not support lut_function. Please create the OpPalettizerConfig from scratch."
converter = cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True)
return converter.structure(config_dict, cls)
class OptimizationConfig:
A configuration wrapper that enables fine-grained control when compressing a model,
Providing the following levels: `global`, `op type`, and `op name`.
1. ``global_config``: The default configuration applied to all ops / consts.
2. ``op_type_configs``: Configurations applied to specific op type. It overrides ``global_config``.
3. ``op_name_configs``: Configurations applied to specific constant or op instance. It overrides ``global_config`` and ``op_type_configs``.
The following is an example that constructs an optimization config for weight palettization.
.. code-block:: python
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OpPalettizerConfig, OptimizationConfig
# The default global configuration is 8 bits palettization with kmeans
global_config = OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=8)
# We use 2 bits palettization for convolution layers, and skip the compression for linear layers
op_type_configs = {
"conv": OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=2),
"linear": None,
# We want a convolution layer named "conv_1" to have a 4 bits palettization with a different mode
op_name_configs = {
"conv_1": OpPalettizerConfig(mode="uniform", nbits=4),
# Now we can put all configuration across three levels to construct an OptimizationConfig object
config = OptimizationConfig(
global_config: OpCompressorConfig
Config to be applied globally to all supported ops.
op_type_configs: dict[str, OpCompressorConfig]
Op type level configs applied to a specific op class.
* The keys of the dictionary are the string of the op type, and the values are the corresponding :py:class:`OpCompressorConfig`.
* An op type will not be compressed if the value is set to ``None``.
op_name_configs: dict[str, OpCompressorConfig]
Op instance level configs applied to a specific constant or op.
* The keys of the dictionary are the name of a constant or an op instance, and the values are the corresponding :py:class:`OpCompressorConfig`.
* An op instance will not be compressed if the value is set to ``None``.
* You can use ``coremltools.optimize.coreml.get_weights_metadata`` to get the name of the constants / op instances in the model.
global_config: Optional[OpCompressorConfig] = field(default=None)
op_type_configs: Optional[OpCompressorConfig] = field(default=None)
op_name_configs: Optional[OpCompressorConfig] = field(default=None)
# The following two private attributes is aim for backward compatibility for ct.compression_utils implementation
# They need to be removed in the future once we deprecate ct.compression_utils
_is_deprecated: bool = field(default=False, validator=validators.instance_of(bool))
_op_selector: Optional[Callable] = field(default=None)
def _check_op_config_type(config):
if config is None:
if not isinstance(config, OpCompressorConfig):
raise ValueError(f"config must be type of OpCompressorConfig. Got {type(config)}.")
def set_global(self, op_config: OpCompressorConfig):
Sets the global config that would be applied to all constant ops.
.. code-block:: python
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OpPalettizerConfig, OptimizationConfig
config = OptimizationConfig()
global_config = OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=8)
op_config: OpCompressorConfig
Config to be applied globally to all supported ops.
self.global_config = op_config
def set_op_type(
op_type: str,
op_config: OpCompressorConfig,
Sets the compression config at the level of op type.
.. code-block:: python
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OpPalettizerConfig, OptimizationConfig
config = OptimizationConfig()
conv_config = OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=2)
config.set_op_type("conv", conv_config)
op_type: str
The type of an op. For instance, ``"conv", "linear"``.
op_config: OpCompressorConfig
Op type level config applied to a specific op class ``op_type``.
if self._is_deprecated:
raise ValueError("set_op_type is not exposed through the coremltools.compression_utils API.")
if op_config is not None:
self.op_type_configs[op_type] = op_config
def set_op_name(
op_name: str,
op_config: OpCompressorConfig,
Sets the compression config at the level of constant / op instance by name.
.. code-block:: python
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OpPalettizerConfig, OptimizationConfig
config = OptimizationConfig()
op_config = OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=2)
config.set_op_name("conv_1", op_config)
Note that, in order to get the name of a constant or an op instance, please refer to the ``coremltools.optimize.coreml.get_weights_metadata`` API.
op_name: str
The name of a constant or an op instance.
op_config: OpCompressorConfig
Op instance level config applied to a specific constant or op with name ``op_name``.
if self._is_deprecated:
raise ValueError("set_op_name is not exposed through the coremltools.compression_utils API.")
self.op_name_configs[op_name] = op_config
def check_is_deprecated(self, attr, _is_deprecated):
if not _is_deprecated and self._op_selector is not None:
raise ValueError("op_selector is supported only through the coremltools.compression_utils API.")
def check_op_type_configs(self, attr, op_type_configs):
if op_type_configs is None:
for v in op_type_configs.values():
for k, v in op_type_configs.items():
if v is not None:
def check_op_name_configs(self, attr, op_name_configs):
if op_name_configs is None:
for v in op_name_configs.values():
def check_global_configs(self, attr, global_config):
if global_config is None:
def _get_op_config(self, op: operation.Operation):
This utility function retrieve the compression config for an non-const operation.Operation instance.
The priority is by: op name -> op type -> global
if not isinstance(op, operation.Operation):
raise TypeError(f"op must be type of operation.Operation. Got {type(op)}")
if op.op_type == "const":
raise TypeError("op must not be of type const")
if op.name in self.op_name_configs:
return self.op_name_configs[op.name]
elif op.op_type in self.op_type_configs:
return self.op_type_configs[op.op_type]
return self.global_config
def _get_const_op_config(self, op: operation.Operation):
This utility function retrieves the compression config by an const operation.Operation instance.
If the const is fed into multiple operations, an error would be thrown if a conflict is detected.
if not isinstance(op, operation.Operation):
raise TypeError(f"op must be type of operation.Operation. Got {type(op)}")
if not (op.op_type == "const" or op.op_type.startswith("constexpr_")):
raise TypeError(f"op must be of type const or constexpr. Got {op.op_type}")
if op.name in self.op_name_configs:
return self.op_name_configs[op.name]
if op.op_type in self.op_type_configs:
# We don't allow users to call set_op_type for "const" ops.
# The users are supposed to use set_global instead
raise ValueError("const ops cannot be set by the `set_op_type` function. Please use `set_global`")
# If the constant's output is only connected to the block output, we don't do compression
# Due to this bug: rdar://108274019 ([Bug] constexpr ops cannot be directly fed to block output)
child_ops = [child_op for op_output in op.outputs for child_op in op_output.child_ops]
if len(child_ops) == 0:
return None
# If the const is fed into constexpr ops, we follow the chain to get the non-constexpr.
if all(child_op.op_type.startswith("constexpr_") for child_op in child_ops):
return self._get_const_op_config(child_ops[0])
op_configs = [self._get_op_config(op) for op in child_ops]
for i, config in enumerate(op_configs):
if config != op_configs[0]:
raise ValueError(
f"compression config conflict detected between ops {child_ops[0]} and {child_ops[i]}. "
f"{child_ops[0]} has config {op_configs[0]} while {child_ops[i]} has {config}."
return op_configs[0]
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
if self.op_type_configs is None:
self.op_type_configs = {}
if self.op_name_configs is None:
self.op_name_configs = {}
def from_dict(cls, config_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "OptimizationConfig":
Construct an ``OptimizationConfig`` instance from a nested dictionary.
The dictionary should have the structure that only contains (if any) the following four ``str`` keys:
* ``"config_type"``: Specify the configuration class type.
* ``"global_config"``: Parameters for ``global_config``.
* ``"op_type_configs"``: A nested dictionary for ``op_type_configs``.
* ``"op_name_config"``: A nested dictionary for ``op_name_configs``.
The following is a nested dictionary that creates an optimization config for weight palettization:
.. code-block:: python
config_dict = {
"config_type": "OpPalettizerConfig",
"global_config": {
"mode": "kmeans",
"nbits": 4,
"op_type_configs": {
"conv": {
"mode": "uniform",
"nbits": 1,
"op_name_configs": {
"conv_1": {
"mode": "unique",
Note that you can override the ``config_type``. For instance, if you want to do threshold-based
pruning to the model in addition to the convolution layers in which magnitude pruning is applied, the following is an
example of the nested dictionary:
.. code-block:: python
config_dict = {
"config_type": "OpThresholdPrunerConfig",
"global_config": {
"threshold": 0.01,
"op_type_configs": {
"conv": {
"config_type": "OpMagnitudePrunerConfig",
"n_m_ratio": [3, 4],
config_dict: dict[str, Any]
A dictionary that represents the configuration structure.
def _get_cls_instance(cls_type, cls_attrs):
if cls_attrs is None:
return None
converter = cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True)
if "config_type" in cls_attrs:
cls_type = cls_attrs["config_type"]
del cls_attrs["config_type"]
class_type = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], cls_type)
return class_type._from_dict(cls_attrs)
def _check_config_dict(config_dict):
valid_keys = ("config_type", "global_config", "op_name_configs", "op_type_configs")
for k in config_dict:
if k not in valid_keys:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid key {k} to construct an OptimizationConfig object. Supported keys are {valid_keys}."
config_type = config_dict.get("config_type", None)
if config_type is None or not isinstance(config_type, str):
raise ValueError("config_type must be provided with type of string.")
cls_attrs = {}
if config_dict.get("global_config", None) is not None:
cls_attrs["global_config"] = _get_cls_instance(
config_type, config_dict["global_config"]
for key in ["op_type_configs", "op_name_configs"]:
if config_dict.get(key, None) is None:
if not isinstance(config_dict[key], dict):
raise ValueError(f"{key} must be type of dict. Got {type(config_dict[key])}")
cls_attrs[key] = {
k: _get_cls_instance(config_type, v) for k, v in config_dict[key].items()
return cls(**cls_attrs)
def from_yaml(cls, yml: Union[IO, str]) -> "OptimizationConfig":
Construct an ``OptimizationConfig`` instance from a YAML file.
The YAML file should have the structure that only contains (if any) the following four ``str`` keys:
* ``"config_type"``: Specify the configuration class type.
* ``"global_config"``: Parameters for ``global_config``.
* ``"op_type_configs"``: A nested dictionary for ``op_type_configs``.
* ``"op_name_config"``: A nested dictionary for ``op_name_configs``.
The following is a YAML file that creates an optimization config for weight palettization:
config_type: OpPalettizerConfig
mode: kmeans
nbits: 4
mode: uniform
nbits: 1
mode: unique
Note that you can override the ``config_type``. For instance, if you want to do threshold-based
pruning to the model in addition to the convolution layers in which magnitude pruning is applied, the following is an
example of the YAML file:
config_type: OpThresholdPrunerConfig
threshold: 0.01
config_type: OpMagnitudePrunerConfig
n_m_ratio: [3, 4]
yml: str, IO
A YAML file or the path to the file.
if isinstance(yml, str):
with open(yml, "r") as file:
config_dict = yaml.safe_load(file)
config_dict = yaml.safe_load(yml)
return cls.from_dict(config_dict)
class _MetaDataDict(OrderedDict):
A dictionary class with nice print out str
def __init__(self, mapping=None, str_prefix=""):
self._str_prefix = str_prefix
def __str__(self):
res = ""
for k, v in self.items():
res += f"{self._str_prefix}{k}\n"
res += f"{v}\n"
return res