Source code for coremltools.optimize.coreml._post_training_quantization

# Copyright (c) 2023, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
from attrs import define, field, validators
from tqdm import tqdm

from import load as _milproto_to_pymil
from import PassOption
from import PASS_REGISTRY
from coremltools.models import model as _model
from coremltools.models import utils as _model_utils
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import OptimizationConfig as _OptimizationConfig
from coremltools.optimize.coreml._config import _MetaDataDict

from ._quantization_passes import WeightDecompressor as _WeightDecompressor

def _is_valid_const(val, weight_threshold):
    return isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.size >= weight_threshold

def _multifunction_unsupported(func):
    The decorator marks the PTQ API that doesn't support the multifunction model.
    We should use this decorator until the radar is fixed:
    rdar://126084385 ([Infra] Figure out the story of PTQ or other passes operate on loaded Mutli-function model)

    Note that the API must take `mlmodel` with type of `MLModel` as an input.

    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        num_args = func.__code__.co_argcount
        arg_names = list(func.__code__.co_varnames)[:num_args]
        param_dict = {k: v for k, v in zip(arg_names, args)}
        model = param_dict.get("mlmodel", None)
        if model is None:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Function {func} decorated with _multifunction_unsupported must takes "mlmodel" as an input.'
        if model._is_multifunction():
            raise ValueError(f"{func} is not supported for a multifunction model.")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    decorator.__doc__ = func.__doc__
    return decorator

[docs] @_multifunction_unsupported def linear_quantize_weights( mlmodel: _model.MLModel, config: _OptimizationConfig, joint_compression: bool = False ): """ Utility function to convert a float precision MLModel of type ``mlprogram``, which uses float-precision weights, into a compressed MLModel that uses n-bit weights (currently only support n=4 and n=8). This is achieved by converting the float weight values that are stored in the ``const`` op into the ``constexpr_affine_dequantize`` or ``constexpr_blockwise_shift_scale`` op (based on model's minimum deployment target). This function uses linear quantization on the float weights, providing up to 4x (for 4-bit) savings in storage compared to float 16, or up to 4x savings compared to float 32. All computation at runtime uses float precision; the precision of the intermediate tensors and the compute precision of the ops are not altered. For each weight, this utility function converts the weight into the int4/8 or uint4/8 type using either `linear interpolation` (``"linear"`` mode) or `linear symmetric interpolation` (``"linear_symmetric"`` mode, the default). **Linear interpolation** The following description uses 8-bit quantization to illustrate, and 4-bit is similar to it. Linear interpolation (``"linear"`` mode) maps the min/max of the float range to the 8-bit integer range ``[low, high]`` using a zero point (also called quantization bias, or offset) and a scale factor. For the int8 quantization, ``[low, high] = [-128, 127]``, while uint8 quantization uses range ``[0, 255]``. ``"linear"`` mode uses the quantization formula: .. math:: w_r = s * (w_q - z) Where: * :math:`w_r` and :math:`s` are of type float. * :math:`w_r`` represents the float precision weight. * :math:`s` represents the scale. * :math:`w_q` and :math:`z` are of type 8-bit integer. * :math:`w_q` represents quantized weight. * :math:`z` represents the zero point. Quantized weights are computed as follows: .. math:: w_q = cast\_to\_8\_bit\_integer(w_r / s + cast\_to\_float(z)) Note: :math:`cast\_to\_8\_bit\_integer` is the process of clipping the input to range ``[low, high]`` followed by rounding and casting to 8-bit integer. In ``"linear"`` mode, ``s, z`` are computed by mapping the original float range ``[A, B]`` into the 8-bit integer range ``[-128, 127]`` or ``[0, 255]``. That is, you are solving the following linear equations: * ``B = s * (high - z)`` * ``A = s * (low - z)`` The equations result in the following: * ``s = (B - A) / (high - low)`` * ``z = cast_to_8_bit_integer((low * B - high * A) / (B - A))`` When the rank of weight ``w`` is 1, then ``s`` and ``z`` are both scalars. When the rank of the weight is greater than 1, then ``s`` and ``z`` are both vectors. In that case, scales are computed per `channel`, in which `channel` is the output dimension, which corresponds to the first dimension for ops such as ``conv`` and ``linear``, and the second dimension for the ``conv_transpose`` op. For ``"linear"`` mode, :math:`A = min(w_r)`, :math:`B = max(w_r)`. **Linear symmetric interpolation** With linear symmetric interpolation (``"linear_symmetric"`` mode, the default), rather than mapping the exact min/max of the float range to the quantized range, the function chooses the maximum absolute value between the min/max, which results in a floating-point range that is symmetric with respect to zero. This also makes the resulting zero point ``0`` for int8 weight and ``127`` for uint8 weight. For ``"linear_symmetric"`` mode: * :math:`A = -R` and :math:`B = R`, where :math:`R = max(abs(w_r))`. * This function maps to the range of ``[-127, 127]`` for int8 weight and ``[0, 254]`` for uint8 weight. * The result is ``s=(B-A)/254`` -> ``s=2R/254`` -> ``s=R/127``. * Solving for ``z``: * int8: ``z = (-127 * R + 127 * R)/2R`` -> ``z=0``. * uint8: ``z = (0 * R + 254 * R)/2R`` -> ``z=127``. Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model to be quantized. This MLModel should be of type ``mlprogram``. config: OptimizationConfig An :py:class:`OptimizationConfig` object that specifies the parameters for weight quantization. joint_compression: bool Specification of whether or not to further compress the already-compressed input MLModel to a jointly compressed MLModel. See the `blockwise_palettize_weights` graph pass for information about which compression schemas could be further jointly palettized. Take "palettize + quantize" as an example of joint compression, where the input MLModel is already palettized, and the palettization's lookup table will be further quantized. In such an example, the weight values are represented by ``constexpr_blockwise_shift_scale`` + ``constexpr_lut_to_dense`` ops: lut(int8) -> constexpr_blockwise_shift_scale -> lut(fp16) -> constexpr_lut_to_dense -> dense(fp16) Returns ------- model: MLModel The quantized MLModel instance. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct import coremltools.optimize as cto model = ct.coreml.models.MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig( global_config=cto.coreml.OpLinearQuantizerConfig(mode="linear_symmetric") ) compressed_model = cto.coreml.linear_quantize_weights(model, config) """ blockwise_weight_quantizer = PASS_REGISTRY["compression::linear_quantize_weights"] blockwise_weight_quantizer.set_options( [PassOption("config", config), PassOption("joint_compression", joint_compression)] ) return _model_utils._apply_graph_pass(mlmodel, blockwise_weight_quantizer)
[docs] @_multifunction_unsupported def palettize_weights( mlmodel: _model.MLModel, config: _OptimizationConfig, joint_compression: bool = False ): """ Utility function to convert a float precision MLModel of type ``mlprogram`` to a compressed MLModel by reducing the overall number of weights using one or more lookup tables (LUT). A LUT contains a list of float values. An ``n-bit`` LUT has :math:`2^{n-bits}` entries. For example, a float weight vector such as ``{0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5}`` can be compressed using a 1-bit LUT: ``{0.3, 0.5}``. In this case the float vector can be replaced with a 1-bit vector ``{0, 0, 1, 1}``. This function iterates over all the weights in the ``mlprogram``, discretizes its values, and constructs the LUT according to the algorithm specified in ``mode``. The float values are then converted to the ``n-bit`` values, and the LUT is saved alongside each weight. The ``const`` ops storing weight values are replaced by ``constexpr_lut_to_dense`` ops. At runtime, the LUT and the ``n-bit`` values are used to reconstruct the float weight values, which are then used to perform the float operation the weight is feeding into. Consider the following example of ``"uniform"`` mode (a linear histogram): * ``nbits = 4`` * ``mode = "uniform"`` * ``weight = [0.11, 0.19, 0.3, 0.08, 0.0, 0.02]`` The weight can be converted to a palette with indices ``[0, 1, 2, 3]`` (2 bits). The indices are a byte array. The data range ``[0.0, 0.3]`` is divided into four partitions linearly, which is ``[0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]``. * The LUT would be ``[0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]``. * The weight is rounded to ``[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0]`` and represented in the palette as indices ``[01b, 10b, 11b, 01b, 00b, 00b]``. Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model to be converted by a LUT. This MLModel should be of type ``mlprogram``. config: OptimizationConfig An :py:class:`OptimizationConfig` object that specifies the parameters for weight palettization. joint_compression: bool Specification of whether or not to further compress the already-compressed input MLModel to a jointly compressed MLModel. See the `channelwise_palettize_weights` graph pass for information about which compression schemas could be further jointly palettized. Take "prune + palettize" as an example of joint compression, where the input MLModel is already pruned, and the non-zero entries will be further palettized. In such an example, the weight values are represented by ``constexpr_lut_to_sparse`` + ``constexpr_sparse_to_dense`` ops: ``lut(sparse)`` -> ``constexpr_lut_to_sparse`` -> ``weight(sparse)`` -> ``constexpr_sparse_to_dense`` -> ``weight(dense)`` Returns ------- model: MLModel The palettized MLModel instance. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct import coremltools.optimize as cto model = ct.models.MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig( global_config=cto.coreml.OpPalettizerConfig(mode="kmeans", nbits=4) ) compressed_model = cto.coreml.palettize_weights(model, config) """ weight_palettizer = PASS_REGISTRY["compression::palettize_weights"] weight_palettizer.set_options( [PassOption("config", config), PassOption("joint_compression", joint_compression)] ) return _model_utils._apply_graph_pass(mlmodel, weight_palettizer)
[docs] @_multifunction_unsupported def prune_weights( mlmodel: _model.MLModel, config: _OptimizationConfig, joint_compression: bool = False ): """ Utility function to convert a float precision MLModel of type ``mlprogram`` to a compressed MLModel using sparse representation. The ``const`` ops storing weight values are replaced by ``constexpr_sparse_to_dense`` ops. This function is useful if the model is trained with pruning techniques so that a lot of weights have zero values. If a large percentage of weight values are zero, a sparse representation is more efficient than a dense one (the default). The sparsified weights are stored in a bit mask. If the weight values are ``{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56.3}``, its sparse representation contains a bit mask with ones on locations where the value is non-zero: ``00000001b``. This is accompanied by non-zero data, which is a size-1 vector of value ``{56.3}``. For example, given the following: * ``weight = [0.3, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0]`` * ``non_zero_data, bit_mask = sparsify(weight)`` The indices of the non-zero elements are: * ``non_zero_data = [0.3, 0.5]`` * ``bit_mask = "100100"`` Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model to be sparsified. This MLModel should be of type ``mlprogram``. config: OptimizationConfig An :py:class:`OptimizationConfig` object that specifies the parameters for weight pruning. joint_compression: bool Specification of whether or not to further prune the already-compressed input MLModel to a jointly compressed MLModel. See the `prune_weights` graph pass for information about which compression schemas could be further pruned. Take "quantize + prune" as an example of joint compression, where the input MLModel is already quantized, and it will be further pruned. In such an example, the weight values are represented by ``constexpr_sparse_blockwise_shift_scale`` + ``constexpr_sparse_to_dense`` ops: quantized(sparse) -> constexpr_sparse_blockwise_shift_scale -> weight(sparse) -> constexpr_sparse_to_dense -> weight(dense) Returns ------- model: MLModel The sparse MLModel instance. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct import coremltools.optimize as cto model = ct.models.MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig( global_config=cto.coreml.OpThresholdPrunerConfig(threshold=1e-12) ) compressed_model = cto.coreml.prune_weights(model, config) """ weight_pruner = PASS_REGISTRY["compression::prune_weights"] weight_pruner.set_options( [PassOption("config", config), PassOption("joint_compression", joint_compression)] ) return _model_utils._apply_graph_pass(mlmodel, weight_pruner)
[docs] @_multifunction_unsupported def decompress_weights(mlmodel: _model.MLModel): """ Utility function to convert weights that are sparse or palettized or affine quantized, back to the float format. That is, convert any of the following three ops to ``mb.const``: (1) ``constexpr_affine_dequantize`` (2) ``constexpr_lut_to_dense`` (3) ``constexpr_sparse_to_dense`` Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model which will be decompressed. Returns ------- model: MLModel The MLModel with no ``constexpr`` ops included. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct model = ct.models.MLModel("my_compressed_model.mlpackage") decompressed_model = ct.optimize.coreml.decompress_weights(model) """ weight_decompressor = _WeightDecompressor(op_selector=lambda op: True) return _model_utils._apply_graph_pass(mlmodel, weight_decompressor)
[docs] @_multifunction_unsupported def get_weights_metadata(mlmodel: _model.MLModel, weight_threshold: int = 2048): """ Utility function to get the weights metadata as a dictionary, which maps the weight's name to its corresponding CoreMLWeightMetaData. CoreMLWeightMetaData contains the following attributes: 1. ``val``: The weight data. 2. ``sparsity``: the percentile of the element whose absolute value ``<= 1e-12``. 3. ``unique_values``: number of unique values in the weight. 4. ``child_ops``: meta information of the child ops in which the weight is feeding into. Parameters ---------- mlmodel: MLModel Model in which the weight metadata is retrieved from. weight_threshold: int * The size threshold, above which weights are returned. That is, a weight tensor is included in the resulting dictionary only if its total number of elements are greater than ``weight_threshold``. For example, if ``weight_threshold = 1024`` and a weight tensor is of shape ``[10, 20, 1, 1]``, hence ``200`` elements, it will not be returned by the ``get_weights_metadata`` API. * If not provided, it will be set to ``2048``, in which weights bigger than ``2048`` elements are returned. Returns ------- dict[str, CoreMLWeightMetaData] A dict that maps weight's name to its metadata. Examples -------- In this example, there are two weights whose sizes are greater than ``2048``. A weight named ``conv_1_weight`` is feeding into a ``conv`` op named ``conv_1``, while another weight named ``linear_1_weight`` is feeding into a ``linear`` op named ``linear_1``. You can access the metadata by ``weight_metadata_dict["conv_1_weight"]``, and so on. .. sourcecode:: python import coremltools as ct mlmodel = ct.models.MLModel("my_model.mlpackage") weight_metadata_dict = ct.optimize.coreml.get_weights_metadata( mlmodel, weight_threshold=2048 ) # get the weight names with size > 25600 large_weights = [] for k, v in weight_metadata_dict.items(): if v.val.size >= 25600: large_weights.append(k) # get the weight names with sparsity >= 50% sparse_weights = [] for k, v in weight_metadata_dict.items(): if v.sparsity >= 0.5: sparse_weights.append(k) # get the weight names with unique elements <= 16 palettized_weights = [] for k, v in weight_metadata_dict.items(): if v.unique_values <= 16: palettized_weights.append(k) # print out the dictionary print(weight_metadata_dict) The output from the above example would be: :: conv_1_weight [ val: np.ndarray(shape=(32, 64, 2, 2), dtype=float32) sparsity: 0.5 unique_values: 4097 child_ops: [ conv(name=conv_1, weight=conv_1_weight, ...) ] ] linear_1_weight [ val: np.ndarray(shape=(128, 64), dtype=float32) sparsity: 0.2501220703125 unique_values: 4 child_ops: [ linear(name=linear_1, weight=linear_1_weight, ...) ] ] """ def _get_weight_metadata(op): """ Returns a CoreMLWeightMetaData object given a const operation. """ assert op.op_type == "const", f"Expect op be type of 'const', got '{op.op_type}'" child_ops = [] visited = set() for child_op in op.outputs[0].child_ops: if child_op in visited: continue visited.add(child_op) params_name_mapping = OrderedDict() for k, v in child_op.inputs.items(): if _is_valid_const(v.val, weight_threshold): params_name_mapping[k] = child_ops.append( CoreMLOpMetaData( op_type=child_op.op_type,, params_name_mapping=params_name_mapping, ) ) return CoreMLWeightMetaData(op.val.val, child_ops=child_ops) prog = _model_utils._convert_model_spec_to_pymil_prog( mlmodel, mlmodel.get_spec().specificationVersion, _milproto_to_pymil.load ) res = _MetaDataDict({}) def get_weights_meta_block(block): # get the candidates ops with the given op_type candidate_ops = [] for op in block.operations: for b in op.blocks: get_weights_meta_block(b) if op.op_type == "const" and _is_valid_const(op.val.val, weight_threshold): candidate_ops.append(op) for op in tqdm( candidate_ops, desc="Getting Core ML weights meta data", unit=" ops", ): res[] = _get_weight_metadata(op) for f in prog.functions.values(): get_weights_meta_block(f) return res
[docs] @define(frozen=True) class CoreMLOpMetaData: """ A container class that stores op meta data. The class has the following attributes: Parameters ---------- op_type: str The type of the op. For instance: ``conv``, ``linear``, and so on. name: str The name of the op. params_name_mapping: dict[str, str] A dict that maps the op's constant parameters to its corresponding weight name. For instance, given a ``conv`` op with ``params_name_mapping``, .. sourcecode:: python { "weight": "conv_1_weight", "bias": "conv_1_bias", } means that the weight and bias of this op are named ``conv_1_weight``, ``conv_1_bias``, respectively. """ op_type: str = field(validator=validators.instance_of(str)) name: str = field(validator=validators.instance_of(str)) params_name_mapping: Dict[str, str] = field(validator=validators.instance_of(dict)) def __str__(self): res = f"{self.op_type}(name={}" for k, v in self.params_name_mapping.items(): res += f", {k}={v}" res += ", ...)" return res
[docs] @define(frozen=True) class CoreMLWeightMetaData: """ A container class that stores weight meta data. The class has the following attributes: Parameters ---------- val: numpy.ndarray The weight data. sparsity: float The percentile of the element whose absolute value ``<= 1e-12``. unique_values: int Number of unique values in the weight. child_ops: list[CoreMLOpMetaData] A list of ``CoreMLOpMetaData`` which contains information of child ops in which the weight is feeding into. The attributes can be accessed by: ``child_ops[idx].op_type``: The operation type of the ``idx`` 'th child op. ``child_ops[idx].name``: The name of the ``idx`` 'th child op. Other op-dependant attributes also can be accessed. For instance, if ``idx`` 'th child op is a ``conv`` layer, ``child_ops[idx].weight`` will return its weight name. For more details, please refer to the ``CoreMLOpMetaData`` doc string. Examples -------- .. sourcecode:: python import numpy as np from coremltools.optimize.coreml import CoreMLWeightMetaData data = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 6.0]], dtype=np.float32) meta_data = CoreMLWeightMetaData(data) print(meta_data) Outputs:: [ val: np.ndarray(shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32) sparsity: 0.5 unique_values: 3 ] """ val: np.ndarray = field(validator=validators.instance_of(np.ndarray)) sparsity: Optional[float] = field(validator=validators.instance_of(float)) unique_values: Optional[int] = field(validator=validators.instance_of(int)) child_ops: Optional[List[CoreMLOpMetaData]] = field( default=None, validator=validators.optional(validators.instance_of(list)) ) @sparsity.default def _get_sparsity(self): num_of_zeros = np.sum(np.abs(self.val) <= 1e-12) return num_of_zeros / self.val.size @unique_values.default def _get_unique_values(self): return len(np.unique(self.val)) def __str__(self): res = "[ \n" res += f" val: np.ndarray(shape={self.val.shape}, dtype={self.val.dtype})\n" res += f" sparsity: {self.sparsity}\n" res += f" unique_values: {self.unique_values}\n" if self.child_ops is not None: res += " child_ops: [\n" for child_op in self.child_ops: res += f" {child_op}\n" res += " ]\n" res += "]" return res