# Copyright (c) 2024, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
import re as _re
from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict
from enum import Enum as _Enum
from typing import Any as _Any
from typing import Callable as _Callable
from typing import Dict as _Dict
from typing import List as _List
from typing import Optional as _Optional
from typing import Union as _Union
import torch as _torch
from attr import Factory as _Factory
from attr import define as _define
from attrs import field as _field
from coremltools.optimize.torch._utils.python_utils import DictableDataClass as _DictableDataClass
class QuantizationGranularity(_Enum):
Enum to denote granularity at which different compression schemes are applied.
See specific algorithm for more details.
per_tensor = "per_tensor"
per_channel = "per_channel"
per_block = "per_block"
class PalettizationGranularity(_Enum):
Enum to denote granularity at which different compression schemes are applied.
See specific algorithm for more details.
per_tensor = "per_tensor"
per_grouped_channel = "per_grouped_channel"
class ModuleOptimizationConfig(_DictableDataClass):
class OptimizationConfig(_DictableDataClass):
global_config: _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig] = None
module_type_configs: _Dict[
_Union[_Callable, str], _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]
] = _Factory(_OrderedDict)
module_name_configs: _Dict[str, _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]] = _Factory(_OrderedDict)
def set_global(
self, global_config: _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]
) -> "OptimizationConfig":
Set the global config.
self.global_config = global_config
return self
def set_module_type(
self, object_type: _Union[_Callable, str], opt_config: _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]
) -> "OptimizationConfig":
Set the module level optimization config for a given module type. If the module level optimization config
for an existing module type was already set, the new config will override the old one.
self.module_type_configs[object_type] = opt_config
return self
def set_module_name(
self, module_name: str, opt_config: _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]
) -> "OptimizationConfig":
Set the module level optimization config for a given module instance. If the module level optimization config
for an existing module was already set, the new config will override the old one.
self.module_name_configs[module_name] = opt_config
return self
def get_module_config(
self, name: str, module: _torch.nn.Module
) -> _Optional[ModuleOptimizationConfig]:
for mod_name in self.module_name_configs:
if _re.fullmatch(mod_name, name):
return self.module_name_configs[mod_name]
if type(module) in self.module_type_configs:
return self.module_type_configs[type(module)]
elif module.__class__.__name__ in self.module_type_configs:
return self.module_type_configs[module.__class__.__name__]
return self.global_config
def from_dict(cls, config_dict: _Dict[str, _Any]) -> _Optional["OptimizationConfig"]:
Create class from a dictionary of string keys and values.
config_dict (:obj:`dict` of :obj:`str` and values): A nested dictionary of strings
and values.
# passing forbid_extra_keys=True doesn't prevent silent failure when keys are mis-spelled
def _validate_same_params(self, param_names: _List[str]):
This method validates that all the parameters in param_names
have the same value across all the module level configs.
expected_values = None
if self.global_config is not None:
expected_values = {
param_name: getattr(self.global_config, param_name) for param_name in param_names
for name, config in self.module_type_configs.items():
if config is not None:
expected_values = self._validate_expected_value(
expected_values, name, config, param_names
for name, config in self.module_name_configs.items():
if config is not None:
expected_values = self._validate_expected_value(
expected_values, name, config, param_names
def _validate_expected_value(
expected_values: _Dict[str, _Any],
name: str,
config: ModuleOptimizationConfig,
param_names: _List[str],
if expected_values is None:
expected_values = {
param_name: getattr(config, param_name) for param_name in param_names
for param_name, expected_val in expected_values.items():
val = getattr(config, param_name)
if val != expected_val:
raise ValueError(
f"Value of parameter {param_name} cannot "
f"be different between different module level configs."
f"Expected value: {expected_val}, received: {val} "
f"for config {name}."
return expected_values
def _structure_from_dict_hook_factory(conversion_cls: _Any) -> _Callable:
def _structure_from_dict_hook(
module_type_dict: _Dict[_Union[_Callable, str], _Any], type: _Any
return_dict = _OrderedDict()
for key, value in module_type_dict.items():
if value is None:
return_dict[key] = None
if isinstance(value, dict):
return_dict[key] = conversion_cls.from_dict(value)
assert isinstance(value, conversion_cls), (
"value in module type dict should be either a dict or "
"a module config object."
return_dict[key] = value
return return_dict
return _structure_from_dict_hook
def _validate_module_type_keys_factory(supported_modules):
supported_module_names = [cls.__name__ for cls in supported_modules]
def validate_module_type_key(instance, attribute, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
assert value in supported_module_names, (
f"keys for module_type_configs must be one of "
f"{supported_module_names}. Received: {value}."
assert value in supported_modules, (
f"keys for module_type_configs must be one of "
f"{supported_modules}. Received: {value}."
return validate_module_type_key
def _deprecated_field(message="This field is deprecated"):
def validator(inst, attr, val):
if val is not None:
raise DeprecationWarning(message)
return _field(default=None, validator=validator, on_setattr=validator)