Source code for coremltools.optimize.torch.palettization.palettization_config

#  Copyright (c) 2024, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict
from typing import Any as _Any
from typing import Callable as _Callable
from typing import Dict as _Dict
from typing import List as _List
from typing import NewType as _NewType
from typing import Optional as _Optional
from typing import Union as _Union

import cattrs as _cattrs
import torch as _torch
import torch.nn as _nn
from attr import define as _define
from attr import field as _field
from attrs import validators as _validators

from coremltools.optimize.torch._utils.torch_utils import (
    maybe_convert_str_to_dtype as _maybe_convert_str_to_dtype,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.optimization_config import (
    ModuleOptimizationConfig as _ModuleOptimizationConfig,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.optimization_config import OptimizationConfig as _OptimizationConfig
from coremltools.optimize.torch.optimization_config import (

# Default advanced options for palettization
    "cluster_permute": None,
    "palett_max_mem": 1.0,
    "kmeans_max_iter": 3,
    "prune_threshold": 1e-7,
    "kmeans_init": "auto",
    "kmeans_opt1d_threshold": 1024,
    "enforce_zero": False,
    "palett_mode": "dkm",
    "palett_tau": 0.0001,
    "palett_epsilon": 0.0001,
    "palett_lambda": 0.0,
    "add_extra_centroid": False,
    "palett_cluster_tol": 0.0,
    "palett_min_tsize": 64 * 1024,
    "palett_unique": False,
    "palett_shard": False,
    "palett_batch_mode": False,
    "palett_dist": False,
    "per_channel_scaling_factor_scheme": "min_max",
    "percentage_palett_enable": 1.0,
    "kmeans_batch_threshold": 4,
    "kmeans_n_init": 100,
    "zero_threshold": 1e-7,
    "kmeans_error_bnd": 0.0,
    "channel_axis": 0,

    "quant_min": -128,
    "quant_max": 127,
    "dtype": _torch.qint8,
    "lut_dtype": "f32",
    "weight_threshold": 2048,
    "milestone": 0,
    "quantize_activations": False,
    "enable_per_channel_scale": False,
    "granularity": "per_tensor",
    "group_size": None,

_default_palettization_scheme = {

# Default scheme for palettization
    _nn.Linear: {"n_bits": 4, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.Conv1d: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.Conv2d: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.Conv3d: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.LayerNorm: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.MultiheadAttention: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},
    _nn.Embedding: {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 1, **_default_palettization_scheme},

# Pytorch modules from that are supported
# for palettization
SUPPORTED_PYTORCH_QAT_MODULES = (_nn.Linear, _nn.Conv2d, _nn.Conv3d)

[docs] @_define class ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig(_ModuleOptimizationConfig): r""" Configuration class for specifying global and module-level options for the palettization algorithm implemented in :py:class:`DKMPalettizer`. The parameters specified in this config control the DKM algorithm, described in `DKM: Differentiable K-Means Clustering Layer for Neural Network Compression <>`_. For most use cases, the only parameters you need to specify are ``n_bits``, ``weight_threshold``, and ``milestone``. .. note:: Most of the parameters in this class are meant for advanced use cases and for further fine-tuning the DKM algorithm. The default values usually work for a majority of tasks. .. note:: Change the following parameters only when you use activation quantization in conjunction with DKM weight palettization: ``quant_min``, ``quant_max``, ``dtype``, and ``quantize_activations``. Args: n_bits (:obj:`int`): Number of clusters. The number of clusters used is :math:`2^{n\_bits}`. Defaults to ``4`` for linear layers and ``2`` for all other layers. weight_threshold (:obj:`int`): A module is only palettized if the number of elements in its weight matrix exceeds ``weight_threshold``. If there are multiple weights in a module, such as :py:class:`torch.nn.MultiheadAttention`, all of them must have more elements than the ``weight_threshold`` for the module to be palettized. Defaults to ``2048``. granularity (:py:class:`PalettizationGranularity`): Granularity for palettization. One of ``per_tensor`` or ``per_grouped_channel``. Defaults to ``per_tensor``. group_size (:obj:`int`): Specify the number of channels in a group. Only effective when granularity is ``per_grouped_channel``. channel_axis (:obj:`int`): Specify the channel axis to form a group of channels. Only effective when granularity is ``per_grouped_channel``. Defaults to output channel axis. For now, only output channel axis is supported by DKM. enable_per_channel_scale (:obj:`bool`): When set to ``True``, per-channel scaling is used along the channel dimension. milestone (:obj:`int`): Step or epoch at which palettization begins. Defaults to ``0``. cluster_dim (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): The dimension of each cluster. quant_min (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): The minimum value for each element in the weight clusters if they are quantized. Defaults to ``-128``. quant_max (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): The maximum value for each element in the weight clusters if they are quantized. Defaults to ``127`` dtype (:py:class:`torch.dtype`, ``optional``): The ``dtype`` to use for quantizing the activations. Only applies when ``quantize_activations`` is ``True``. Defaults to :py:class:`torch.qint8`. lut_dtype (:obj:`str`, ``optional``): ``dtype`` to use for quantizing the clusters. Allowed options are ``'i8'``, ``'u8'``, ``'f16'``, ``'bf16'``, ``'f32'``. Defaults to ``'f32'``, so by default, the clusters aren't quantized. quantize_activations (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): When ``True``, the activations are quantized. Defaults to ``False``. cluster_permute (:obj:`tuple`, ``optional``): Permutation order to apply to weight partitions. Defaults to ``None``. palett_max_mem (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Proportion of available GPU memory that should be used for palettization. Defaults to ``1.0``. kmeans_max_iter (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Maximum number of differentiable ``k-means`` iterations. Defaults to ``3``. prune_threshold (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Hardshrinks weights between [``-prune_threshold``, ``prune_threshold``] to zero. Useful for joint pruning and palettization. Defaults to ``1e-7``. kmeans_init (:obj:`str`, ``optional``): ``k-means`` algorithm to use. Allowed options are ``opt1d``, ``cpu.kmeans++`` and ``kmeans++``. Defaults to ``auto``. kmeans_opt1d_threshold (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Channel threshold to decide if ``opt1d kmeans`` should be used. Defaults to ``1024``. enforce_zero (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, enforces the LUT centroid which is closest to the origin to be fixed to zero. Defaults to ``False``. palett_mode (:obj:`str`, ``optional``): Criteria to calculate attention during ``k-means``. Allowed options are ``gsm``, ``dkm`` and ``hard``. Defaults to ``dkm``. palett_tau (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Temperature factor for softmax used in DKM algorithm. Defaults to ``0.0001``. palett_epsilon (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Distance threshold for clusters between ``k-means`` iterations. Defaults to ``0.0001``. palett_lambda (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Reduces effects of outliers during centroid calculation. Defaults to ``0.0``. add_extra_centroid (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, adds an extra centroid to the LUT. Defaults to ``False``. palett_cluster_tol (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Tolerance for non-unique centroids in the LUT. The higher the number, the more tolerance for non-unique centroids. Defaults to ``0.0``. palett_min_tsize (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Weight threshold beyond which to use custom packing and unpacking hook for autograd. Defaults to ``64*1024``. palett_unique (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, reduces the attention map by leveraging the fact that FP16 only has ``2^16`` unique values. Useful for Large Models like LLMs where attention maps can be huge. Defaults to ``False``. For more details, read `eDKM: An Efficient and Accurate Train-time Weight Clustering for Large Language Models <>`_ . palett_shard (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, the index list is sharded across GPUs. Defaults to ``False``. For more details, read `eDKM: An Efficient and Accurate Train-time Weight Clustering for Large Language Models <>`_ . palett_batch_mode (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, performs batch DKM across different partitions created for different blocks. Defaults to ``False``. More details can be found `eDKM: An Efficient and Accurate Train-time Weight Clustering for Large Language Models <>`_ . palett_dist (:obj:`bool`, ``optional``): If ``True``, performs distributed distance calculation in batch_mode if distributed torch is available. Defaults to ``False``. per_channel_scaling_factor_scheme (:obj:`str`, ``optional``): Criteria to calculate the ``per_channel_scaling_factor``. Allowed options are ``min_max`` and ``abs``. Defaults to ``min_max``. percentage_palett_enable (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Percentage partitions to enable for DKM. Defaults to ``1.0``. kmeans_batch_threshold (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Threshold to decide what the ``num_partitions`` value should be to go through with the sharded centroids list. ``num_partitions`` is calculated by dividing the channel size by the ``group_size`` provided. If ``num_partitions``` matches ``kmeans_batch_threshold``, the algorithm resorts to performing distributed k-means for lower partition numbers, given that ``num_partition`` number of GPUs are available. Defaults to ``4``. kmeans_n_init (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Number of time the k-means algorithm will be run with different centroid seeds. The final results will be the best output of ``kmeans_n_init`` consecutive runs in terms of inertia. zero_threshold (:obj:`int`, ``optional``): Zero threshold to be used to decide the minimum value of clamp for softmax. Defaults to ``1e-7``. kmeans_error_bnd (:obj:`float`, ``optional``): Distance threshold to decide at what distance between parameters and clusters to stop the ``k-means`` operation. Defaults to ``0.0``. This class supports two different configurations to structure the palettization: 1. **Per-tensor palettization**: This is the default configuration where the whole tensor shares a single lookup table. The ``granularity`` is set to ``per_tensor`` and ``group_size`` is ``None``. 2. **Per-grouped-channel palettization**: In this configuration, ``group_size`` number of channels along ``channel_axis`` share the same lookup table. For example, for a weight matrix of shape ``(16, 25)``, if we provide ``group_size = 8``, the shape of the lookup table would be ``(2, 2^n_bits)``. .. note:: Grouping is currently only supported along the output channel axis. """ n_bits: _Optional[int] = _field( default=None, validator=_validators.optional(_validators.instance_of(int)) ) weight_threshold: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["weight_threshold"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) granularity: PalettizationGranularity = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["granularity"], converter=PalettizationGranularity, validator=_validators.in_(PalettizationGranularity), ) group_size: _Optional[int] = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["group_size"], validator=_validators.optional(_validators.instance_of(int)), ) channel_axis: int = _field( default=0, validator=_validators.optional([_validators.instance_of(int), _validators.in_([0])]), ) enable_per_channel_scale: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["enable_per_channel_scale"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) milestone: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["milestone"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) cluster_dim: _Optional[int] = _field( default=None, validator=_validators.optional(_validators.instance_of(int)) ) quant_min: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["quant_min"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) quant_max: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["quant_max"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) dtype: _torch.dtype = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["dtype"], converter=_maybe_convert_str_to_dtype, validator=[ _validators.instance_of(_torch.dtype), _validators.in_([_torch.qint8, _torch.quint8, _torch.float32]), ], ) lut_dtype: str = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["lut_dtype"], validator=_validators.instance_of(str), ) quantize_activations: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_OPTIONS["quantize_activations"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) cluster_permute: _Optional[tuple] = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["cluster_permute"], validator=_validators.optional(_validators.instance_of(tuple)), ) palett_max_mem: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_max_mem"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) kmeans_max_iter: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_max_iter"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) prune_threshold: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["prune_threshold"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) kmeans_init: str = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_init"], validator=_validators.instance_of(str), ) kmeans_opt1d_threshold: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_opt1d_threshold"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) enforce_zero: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["enforce_zero"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) palett_mode: str = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_mode"], validator=_validators.instance_of(str), ) palett_tau: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_tau"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) palett_epsilon: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_epsilon"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) palett_lambda: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_lambda"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) add_extra_centroid: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["add_extra_centroid"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) palett_cluster_tol: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_cluster_tol"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) palett_min_tsize: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_min_tsize"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) palett_unique: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_unique"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) palett_shard: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_shard"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) palett_batch_mode: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_batch_mode"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) palett_dist: bool = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["palett_dist"], validator=_validators.instance_of(bool), ) per_channel_scaling_factor_scheme: str = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["per_channel_scaling_factor_scheme"], validator=_validators.and_( _validators.instance_of(str), _validators.in_(["min_max", "abs"]) ), ) percentage_palett_enable: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["percentage_palett_enable"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) kmeans_batch_threshold: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_batch_threshold"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) kmeans_n_init: int = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_n_init"], validator=_validators.instance_of(int), ) zero_threshold: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["zero_threshold"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) kmeans_error_bnd: float = _field( default=DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_ADVANCED_OPTIONS["kmeans_error_bnd"], validator=_validators.instance_of(float), ) partition_size: int = _deprecated_field( message=( "partition_size is being deprecated and will be removed in " "future versions. Please use group_size parameter instead." ) ) cluster_dtype: str = _deprecated_field( message=( "cluster_dtype is being deprecated and will be removed in " "future versions. Please use lut_dtype parameter instead." ) ) @group_size.validator def per_grouped_channel_granularity(self, attribute, value): if self.granularity == PalettizationGranularity.per_grouped_channel: assert ( value is not None ), "group_size has to be specified along with per_grouped_channel granularity." assert value > 0, "group_size should be greater than zero" else: assert value is None, "group_size can't be specified along with per_tensor granularity."
_default_module_type_configs = _OrderedDict( { key: ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig.from_dict(val) for key, val in DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_SCHEME.items() } ) _GlobalConfigType = _NewType( "GlobalConfigType", _Union[ _Optional[ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig], _List[_Optional[ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig]], ], ) _ModuleTypeConfigType = _NewType( "ModuleTypeConfigType", _Dict[_Union[_Callable, str], _GlobalConfigType] ) _ModuleNameConfigType = _NewType( "ModuleNameConfigType", _Dict[str, _Optional[ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig]] ) def _validate_dkm_config_type(instance, attribute, value): if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): return _validators.deep_iterable( member_validator=_validators.optional( _validators.instance_of(ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig) ), iterable_validator=_validators.instance_of(list), )(instance, attribute, value) else: return _validators.optional(_validators.instance_of(ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig))( instance, attribute, value )
[docs] @_define class DKMPalettizerConfig(_OptimizationConfig): """ Configuration for specifying how different submodules of a model are palettized by :py:class:`DKMPalettizer`. The ``module_type_configs`` parameter can accept a list of :py:class:`ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig` as values for a given module type. The list can specify different parameters for different ``weight_threshold`` values. This is useful if you want to apply different configs to layers of the same type with weights of different sizes. For example, to use ``4`` -bit palettization for weights with more than ``1000`` elements and ``2`` -bit palettization for weights with more than ``300`` but less than ``1000`` elements, create a config as follows: .. code-block:: python custom_config = { nn.Conv2d: [ {"n_bits": 4, "cluster_dim": 4, "weight_threshold": 1000}, {"n_bits": 2, "cluster_dim": 2, "weight_threshold": 300}, ] } config = DKMPalettizerConfig.from_dict({"module_type_configs": custom_config}) Args: global_config (:py:class:`ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig`): Config to be applied globally to all supported modules. Missing values are chosen from the default config. module_type_configs (:obj:`dict` of :obj:`str` to :py:class:`ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig`): Module type level configs applied to a specific module class, such as :py:class:`torch.nn.Linear`. The keys can be either strings or module classes. When ``module_type_config`` is set to ``None`` for a module type, it is not palettized. module_name_configs (:obj:`dict` of :obj:`str` to :py:class:`ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig`): Module-level configs applied to specific modules. The name of the module must be a fully qualified name that can be used to fetch it from the top-level module using the ``module.get_submodule(target)`` method. When ``module_name_config`` is set to ``None`` for a module, it is not palettized. """ global_config: _GlobalConfigType = _field(default=None, validator=_validate_dkm_config_type) module_type_configs: _ModuleTypeConfigType = _field( factory=_OrderedDict, validator=_validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=_validators.and_( _validators.instance_of((str, _Callable)), _validate_module_type_keys_factory(list(DEFAULT_PALETTIZATION_SCHEME.keys())), ), value_validator=_validate_dkm_config_type, mapping_validator=_validators.instance_of(dict), ), ) module_name_configs: _ModuleNameConfigType = _field( factory=_OrderedDict, validator=_validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=_validators.instance_of(str), value_validator=_validate_dkm_config_type, mapping_validator=_validators.instance_of(dict), ), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if ( self.global_config is None and len(self.module_type_configs) == 0 and len(self.module_name_configs) == 0 ): self.module_type_configs = _default_module_type_configs self._sort_configs_by_weight_threshold(self.global_config) for ctype, config in self.module_type_configs.items(): self.set_module_type(ctype, self._sort_configs_by_weight_threshold(config)) for name, config in self.module_name_configs.items(): self.set_module_name(name, self._sort_configs_by_weight_threshold(config))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config_dict: _Dict[str, _Any]) -> "DKMPalettizerConfig": super().from_dict(config_dict) converter = _cattrs.Converter(forbid_extra_keys=True) converter.register_structure_hook(_ModuleTypeConfigType, _structure_from_dict_hook) converter.register_structure_hook(_ModuleNameConfigType, _structure_from_dict_hook) converter.register_structure_hook(_GlobalConfigType, _structure_dkm_config_hook) return converter.structure_attrs_fromdict(config_dict, cls)
@staticmethod def _sort_configs_by_weight_threshold(config: _GlobalConfigType): if isinstance(config, list): return sorted(config, key=lambda x: x.weight_threshold) return config
def _structure_dkm_config_hook( config_dict: _Union[_List[_Dict[str, _Any]], _Dict[str, _Any]], type: _Any ): if isinstance(config_dict, list): return [ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig.from_dict(cd) for cd in config_dict] return ModuleDKMPalettizerConfig.from_dict(config_dict) def _structure_from_dict_hook(module_type_dict: _Dict[_Union[_Callable, str], _Any], type: _Any): return_dict = _OrderedDict() for key, value in module_type_dict.items(): if value is None: return_dict[key] = None else: return_dict[key] = _structure_dkm_config_hook(value, type) return return_dict