Source code for coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization.quantizer

#  Copyright (c) 2024, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
#  found in the LICENSE.txt file or at

import copy as _copy
import logging as _logging
from typing import Any as _Any
from typing import Optional as _Optional
from typing import Tuple as _Tuple

import torch as _torch
import as _aoquant
import torch.nn.intrinsic.qat as _nnintrinsicqat
from import ConvertCustomConfig as _ConvertCustomConfig
from import PrepareCustomConfig as _PrepareCustomConfig
from import convert_to_reference_fx as _convert_to_reference_fx

from coremltools.optimize.torch._utils.math_utils import rmse_error as _rmse_error
from coremltools.optimize.torch._utils.metadata_utils import (
    register_metadata_version as _register_metadata_version,
from coremltools.optimize.torch._utils.torch_utils import get_eval_model as _get_eval_model
from coremltools.optimize.torch.base_model_optimizer import (
    BaseTrainingTimeModelOptimizer as _BaseTrainingTimeModelOptimizer,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.base_model_optimizer import _Report
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization._backend_config import (
    get_backend_config as _get_backend_config,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization._backend_config import (
    get_supported_modules as _get_supported_modules,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization._configure import (
    QATConfigurationHandler as _QATConfigurationHandler,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization._qconfig_mapping import _QConfigMappingBuilder
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization._utils import (
    register_compression_metadata as _register_compression_metadata,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization.quantization_config import (
    LinearQuantizerConfig as _LinearQuantizerConfig,
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization.quantization_config import (
    ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig as _ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig,

_logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Quantizer(_BaseTrainingTimeModelOptimizer):

[docs] class LinearQuantizer(Quantizer): """ Perform quantization aware training (QAT) of models. This algorithm simulates the effects of quantization during training, by quantizing and dequantizing the weights and/or activations during the model's forward pass. The forward and backward pass computations are conducted in ``float`` dtype, however, these ``float`` values follow the constraints imposed by ``int8`` and ``quint8`` dtypes. Thus, this algorithm adjusts the model's weights while closely simulating the numerics which get executed during quantized inference, allowing model's weights to adjust to quantization constraints. For more details, please refer to `Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference <>`_. Example: .. code-block:: python import torch.nn as nn from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization import ( LinearQuantizer, LinearQuantizerConfig, ) model = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict( { "conv": nn.Conv2d(1, 20, (3, 3)), "relu1": nn.ReLU(), "conv2": nn.Conv2d(20, 20, (3, 3)), "relu2": nn.ReLU(), } ) ) loss_fn = define_loss() # initialize the quantizer config = LinearQuantizerConfig.from_dict( { "global_config": { "quantization_scheme": "symmetric", "milestones": [0, 100, 400, 400], } } ) quantizer = LinearQuantizer(model, config) # prepare the model to insert FakeQuantize layers for QAT model = quantizer.prepare() # use quantizer in your PyTorch training loop for inputs, labels in data: output = model(inputs) loss = loss_fn(output, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() quantizer.step() # convert operations to their quanitzed counterparts using parameters learnt via QAT model = quantizer.finalize(inplace=True) Args: model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): Module to be trained. config (:py:class:`_LinearQuantizerConfig`): Config that specifies how different submodules in the model will be quantized. Default config is used when passed as ``None``. """ _supported_modules: _Tuple = tuple(_get_supported_modules()) def __init__(self, model: _torch.nn.Module, config: _Optional[_LinearQuantizerConfig] = None): config = _LinearQuantizerConfig() if config is None else config super().__init__(model, config) global_config = self._construct_global_config() self._is_prepared = False self._quantization_scheme = global_config.quantization_scheme self._milestones = global_config.milestones qmapping_builder = _QConfigMappingBuilder() self._qconfig_mapping = qmapping_builder.get_qconfig_mapping_from_quantization_config( model=self._model, quantization_config=self._config, quantization_scheme=self._quantization_scheme, ) def _construct_global_config(self) -> _ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig: if self._config.global_config is not None: return self._config.global_config for _, config in self._config.module_type_configs.items(): if config is not None: return config for _, config in self._config.module_name_configs.items(): if config is not None: return config return _ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig()
[docs] def prepare(self, example_inputs: _Tuple[_Any, ...], inplace: bool = False) -> _torch.nn.Module: """ Prepares the model for quantization aware training by inserting :py:class:`` layers in the model in appropriate places. Args: example_inputs (:obj:`Tuple[Any, ...]`): Example inputs for forward function of the model, tuple of positional args (keyword args can be passed as positional args as well) inplace (:obj:`bool`): If ``True``, model transformations are carried out in-place and the original module is mutated, otherwise a copy of the model is mutated and returned. .. note:: This method uses `prepare_qat_fx method <>`_ to insert quantization layers and the returned model is a :py:class:`torch.fx.GraphModule`. Some models, like those with dynamic control flow, may not be trace-able into a :py:class:`torch.fx.GraphModule`. Please follow directions in `Limitations of Symbolic Tracing <>`_ to update your model first before using :py:class:`LinearQuantizer` algorithm. """ if self._is_prepared: _logger.warning( "Model has already been prepared for QAT. This API call " "will be a no-op." ) return self._model model = self._get_model_for_compression(inplace=inplace) model.train() prepare_custom_config = _PrepareCustomConfig().set_non_traceable_module_names( self._config.non_traceable_module_names ) prepare_custom_config = prepare_custom_config.set_preserved_attributes( self._config.preserved_attributes ) qat_handler = _QATConfigurationHandler( prepare_custom_config=prepare_custom_config, qconfig_mapping=self._qconfig_mapping, backend_config=_get_backend_config(), quantization_scheme=self._quantization_scheme, ) prepared_model = qat_handler.prepare(model, example_inputs) if self._milestones is not None: prepared_model.apply(_aoquant.disable_observer) prepared_model.apply(_aoquant.disable_fake_quant) self._model = prepared_model self._is_prepared = True return prepared_model
[docs] def step(self): """ Steps through the milestones defined for this quantizer. The first milestone corresponds to enabling observers, the second to enabling fake quantization simulation, the third to disabling observers, and the last to freezing batch norm statistics. .. note:: If milestones argument is set as ``None``, this method is a no-op. .. note:: In order to not use a particular milestone, its value can be set as ``float('inf')``. """ if not self._is_prepared: _logger.warning( "Model has not been prepared for QAT. This API call " "will be a no-op. prepare method must be called before " "a call to the step method." ) return if self._milestones is None: return else: if self._step_count == self._milestones[0]: self._model.apply(_aoquant.enable_observer) if self._step_count == self._milestones[1]: self._model.apply(_aoquant.enable_fake_quant) if self._step_count == self._milestones[2]: self._model.apply(_aoquant.disable_observer) if self._step_count == self._milestones[3]: self._model.apply(_nnintrinsicqat.freeze_bn_stats) self._step_count += 1
[docs] def finalize( self, model: _Optional[_torch.nn.Module] = None, inplace: bool = False ) -> _torch.nn.Module: """ Prepares the model for export. Args: model (:py:class:`_torch.nn.Module`): Model to be finalized. inplace (:obj:`bool`): If ``True``, model transformations are carried out in-place and the original module is mutated; otherwise, a copy of the model is mutated and returned. .. note:: Once the model is finalized with ``in_place = True``, it may not be runnable on the GPU. """ if not self._is_prepared: _logger.warning( "Model has not been prepared for QAT. This API call " "will be a no-op. prepare method must be called before " "a call to the finalize method." ) return self._model if model is None: model = self._model if not inplace: model = _copy.deepcopy(model) model.eval() convert_custom_config = _ConvertCustomConfig().set_preserved_attributes( self._config.preserved_attributes ) finalized_model = _convert_to_reference_fx( model, convert_custom_config=convert_custom_config, qconfig_mapping=self._qconfig_mapping, backend_config=_get_backend_config(), ) _register_metadata_version(finalized_model) for name, submodule in finalized_model.named_modules(remove_duplicate=True): if hasattr(submodule, "weight_scale"): submod_config = self._config.get_module_config(name, submodule) _register_compression_metadata(submodule, submod_config) if model is None: self._model = finalized_model return finalized_model
[docs] def report(self) -> _Report: """ Returns a dictionary with important statistics related to current state of quantization. Each key in the dictionary corresponds to a module name, and the value is a dictionary containing the statistics such as scale, zero point, number of parameters, and so on. """ report = _Report() with _get_eval_model(self._model) as model: with _torch.no_grad(): for name, module in model.named_modules(remove_duplicate=True): module_summary = dict() if hasattr(module, "weight_fake_quant"): module_summary["device"] = module.weight.device observer = module.weight_fake_quant.activation_post_process qweight = module.weight_fake_quant.forward(module.weight.detach()) module_summary["qmin"] = module.weight_fake_quant.quant_min module_summary["qmax"] = module.weight_fake_quant.quant_max module_summary["min_v"] = _torch.min(observer.min_val).item() module_summary["max_v"] = _torch.max(observer.max_val).item() scale = module.weight_fake_quant.scale if len(scale) <= 1: module_summary["scale"] = scale.item() zerop = module.weight_fake_quant.zero_point if len(zerop) <= 1: module_summary["zerop"] = zerop.item() module_summary["error"] = _rmse_error( module.weight.detach(), qweight ).item() module_summary["#params"] = int(_torch.numel(qweight)) report[name] = module_summary return report