
SGraph.add_vertices(vertices, vid_field=None)

Add vertices to the SGraph. Vertices should be input as a list of Vertex objects, an SFrame, or a pandas DataFrame. If vertices are specified by SFrame or DataFrame, vid_field specifies which column contains the vertex ID. Remaining columns are assumed to hold additional vertex attributes. If these attributes are not already present in the graph’s vertex data, they are added, with existing vertices acquiring the value None.

vertices : Vertex | list [Vertex] | pandas.DataFrame | SFrame

Vertex data. If the vertices are in an SFrame or DataFrame, then vid_field specifies the column containing the vertex IDs. Additional columns are treated as vertex attributes.

vid_field : string, optional

Column in the DataFrame or SFrame to use as vertex ID. Required if vertices is an SFrame. If vertices is a DataFrame and vid_field is not specified, the row index is used as vertex ID.

out : SGraph

A new SGraph with vertices added.

See also

Vertex, SFrame, add_edges


  • If vertices are added with indices that already exist in the graph, they are overwritten completely. All attributes for these vertices will conform to the specification in this method.


>>> from turicreate import SGraph, Vertex, SFrame
>>> g = SGraph()

Add a single vertex.

>>> g = g.add_vertices(Vertex(0, attr={'breed': 'labrador'}))

Add a list of vertices.

>>> verts = [Vertex(0, attr={'breed': 'labrador'}),
             Vertex(1, attr={'breed': 'labrador'}),
             Vertex(2, attr={'breed': 'vizsla'})]
>>> g = g.add_vertices(verts)

Add vertices from an SFrame.

>>> sf_vert = SFrame({'id': [0, 1, 2], 'breed':['lab', 'lab', 'vizsla']})
>>> g = g.add_vertices(sf_vert, vid_field='id')