
class turicreate.SFrame(data=None, format='auto', _proxy=None)

SFrame means scalable data frame. A tabular, column-mutable dataframe object that can scale to big data. The data in SFrame is stored column-wise, and is stored on persistent storage (e.g. disk) to avoid being constrained by memory size. Each column in an SFrame is a size-immutable SArray, but SFrames are mutable in that columns can be added and subtracted with ease. An SFrame essentially acts as an ordered dict of SArrays.

Currently, we support constructing an SFrame from the following data formats:

  • csv file (comma separated value)
  • sframe directory archive (A directory where an sframe was saved previously)
  • general text file (with csv parsing options, See read_csv())
  • a Python dictionary
  • pandas.DataFrame
  • JSON

and from the following sources:

  • your local file system
  • a network file system mounted locally
  • HDFS
  • Amazon S3
  • HTTP(S).

Only basic examples of construction are covered here. For more information and examples, please see the User Guide.

data : array | pandas.DataFrame | string | dict, optional

The actual interpretation of this field is dependent on the format parameter. If data is an array or Pandas DataFrame, the contents are stored in the SFrame. If data is a string, it is interpreted as a file. Files can be read from local file system or urls (local://, hdfs://, s3://, http://).

format : string, optional

Format of the data. The default, “auto” will automatically infer the input data format. The inference rules are simple: If the data is an array or a dataframe, it is associated with ‘array’ and ‘dataframe’ respectively. If the data is a string, it is interpreted as a file, and the file extension is used to infer the file format. The explicit options are:

  • “auto”
  • “array”
  • “dict”
  • “sarray”
  • “dataframe”
  • “csv”
  • “tsv”
  • “sframe”.

See also

Create a new SFrame from a csv file. Preferred for text and CSV formats, because it has a lot more options for controlling the parser.
Save an SFrame for later use.


  • When reading from HDFS on Linux we must guess the location of your java installation. By default, we will use the location pointed to by the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If this is not set, we check many common installation paths. You may use two environment variables to override this behavior. TURI_JAVA_HOME allows you to specify a specific java installation and overrides JAVA_HOME. TURI_LIBJVM_DIRECTORY overrides all and expects the exact directory that your preferred libjvm.so file is located. Use this ONLY if you’d like to use a non-standard JVM.


>>> import turicreate
>>> from turicreate import SFrame


Construct an SFrame from a dataframe and transfers the dataframe object across the network.

>>> df = pandas.DataFrame()
>>> sf = SFrame(data=df)

Construct an SFrame from a local csv file (only works for local server).

>>> sf = SFrame(data='~/mydata/foo.csv')

Construct an SFrame from a csv file on Amazon S3. This requires the environment variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to be set before the python session started.

>>> sf = SFrame(data='s3://mybucket/foo.csv')

Read from HDFS using a specific java installation (environment variable only applies when using Linux)

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['TURI_JAVA_HOME'] = '/my/path/to/java'
>>> from turicreate import SFrame
>>> sf = SFrame("hdfs://mycluster.example.com:8020/user/myname/coolfile.txt")

An SFrame can be constructed from a dictionary of values or SArrays:

>>> sf = tc.SFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'val':['A','B','C']})
>>> sf
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C

Or equivalently:

>>> ids = SArray([1,2,3])
>>> vals = SArray(['A','B','C'])
>>> sf = SFrame({'id':ids,'val':vals})

It can also be constructed from an array of SArrays in which case column names are automatically assigned.

>>> ids = SArray([1,2,3])
>>> vals = SArray(['A','B','C'])
>>> sf = SFrame([ids, vals])
>>> sf
    X1 int
    X2 str
Rows: 3
   X1  X2
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C

If the SFrame is constructed from a list of values, an SFrame of a single column is constructed.

>>> sf = SFrame([1,2,3])
>>> sf
    X1 int
Rows: 3
0  1
1  2
2  3


The turicreate.SFrame.read_csv() is quite powerful and, can be used to import a variety of row-based formats.

First, some simple cases:

>>> !cat ratings.csv
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('ratings.csv')
  user_id   int
  movie_id  int
  rating    int
Rows: 9
| user_id | movie_id | rating |
|  10210  |    1     |   1    |
|  10213  |    2     |   5    |
|  10217  |    2     |   2    |
|  10102  |    1     |   3    |
|  10109  |    3     |   4    |
|  10117  |    5     |   2    |
|  10122  |    2     |   4    |
|  10114  |    1     |   5    |
|  10125  |    1     |   1    |
[9 rows x 3 columns]

Delimiters can be specified, if “,” is not the delimiter, for instance space ‘ ‘ in this case. Only single character delimiters are supported.

>>> !cat ratings.csv
user_id movie_id rating
10210 1 1
10213 2 5
10217 2 2
10102 1 3
10109 3 4
10117 5 2
10122 2 4
10114 1 5
10125 1 1
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('ratings.csv', delimiter=' ')

By default, “NA” or a missing element are interpreted as missing values.

>>> !cat ratings2.csv
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('ratings2.csv')
  user  str
  movie int
  rating    int
Rows: 4
|   user  | movie | rating |
|   tom   |  None |   1    |
|  harry  |   5   |  None  |
|   jack  |   2   |   2    |
| missing |  None |  None  |
[4 rows x 3 columns]

Furthermore due to the dictionary types and list types, can handle parsing of JSON-like formats.

>>> !cat ratings3.csv
business, categories, ratings
"Restaurant 1", [1 4 9 10], {"funny":5, "cool":2}
"Restaurant 2", [], {"happy":2, "sad":2}
"Restaurant 3", [2, 11, 12], {}
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('ratings3.csv')
business    str
categories  array
ratings dict
Rows: 3
|   business   |           categories           |         ratings         |
| Restaurant 1 | array('d', [1.0, 4.0, 9.0, ... | {'funny': 5, 'cool': 2} |
| Restaurant 2 |           array('d')           |  {'sad': 2, 'happy': 2} |
| Restaurant 3 | array('d', [2.0, 11.0, 12.0])  |            {}           |
[3 rows x 3 columns]

The list and dictionary parsers are quite flexible and can absorb a variety of purely formatted inputs. Also, note that the list and dictionary types are recursive, allowing for arbitrary values to be contained.

All these are valid lists:

>>> !cat interesting_lists.csv
[1 2 3]
["c",d, e]
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('interesting_lists.csv')
  list  list
Rows: 7
|       list      |
|        []       |
|    [1, 2, 3]    |
|    [1, 2, 3]    |
|    [1, 2, 3]    |
|   [{'a': 'b'}]  |
| ['c', 'd', 'e'] |
|     [['a']]     |
[7 rows x 1 columns]

All these are valid dicts:

>>> !cat interesting_dicts.csv
{space:1 separated:1}
>>> tc.SFrame.read_csv('interesting_dicts.csv')
  dict  dict
Rows: 7
|             dict             |
|  {'dict': 1, 'classic': 1}   |
| {'separated': 1, 'space': 1} |
|     {'emptyvalue': None}     |
|              {}              |
|         {None: None}         |
| {'recursive1': [{'a': 'b'}]} |
| {None: [{None: array('d')}]} |
[7 rows x 1 columns]


Save and load the sframe in native format.

>>> sf.save('mysframedir')
>>> sf2 = turicreate.load_sframe('mysframedir')

Column Manipulation

An SFrame is composed of a collection of columns of SArrays, and individual SArrays can be extracted easily. For instance given an SFrame:

>>> sf = SFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'val':['A','B','C']})
>>> sf
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C

The “id” column can be extracted using:

>>> sf["id"]
dtype: int
Rows: 3
[1, 2, 3]

And can be deleted using:

>>> del sf["id"]

Multiple columns can be selected by passing a list of column names:

>>> sf = SFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'val':['A','B','C'],'val2':[5,6,7]})
>>> sf
    id   int
    val  str
    val2 int
Rows: 3
   id  val val2
0  1   A   5
1  2   B   6
2  3   C   7
>>> sf2 = sf[['id','val']]
>>> sf2
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C

You can also select columns using types or a list of types:

>>> sf2 = sf[int]
>>> sf2
    id   int
    val2 int
Rows: 3
   id  val2
0  1   5
1  2   6
2  3   7

Or a mix of types and names:

>>> sf2 = sf[['id', str]]
>>> sf2
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C

The same mechanism can be used to re-order columns:

>>> sf = SFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'val':['A','B','C']})
>>> sf
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C
>>> sf[['val','id']]
>>> sf
    val str
    id  int
Rows: 3
   val id
0  A   1
1  B   2
2  C   3

Element Access and Slicing

SFrames can be accessed by integer keys just like a regular python list. Such operations may not be fast on large datasets so looping over an SFrame should be avoided.

>>> sf = SFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'val':['A','B','C']})
>>> sf[0]
{'id': 1, 'val': 'A'}
>>> sf[2]
{'id': 3, 'val': 'C'}
>>> sf[5]
IndexError: SFrame index out of range

Negative indices can be used to access elements from the tail of the array

>>> sf[-1] # returns the last element
{'id': 3, 'val': 'C'}
>>> sf[-2] # returns the second to last element
{'id': 2, 'val': 'B'}

The SFrame also supports the full range of python slicing operators:

>>> sf[1000:] # Returns an SFrame containing rows 1000 to the end
>>> sf[:1000] # Returns an SFrame containing rows 0 to row 999 inclusive
>>> sf[0:1000:2] # Returns an SFrame containing rows 0 to row 1000 in steps of 2
>>> sf[-100:] # Returns an SFrame containing last 100 rows
>>> sf[-100:len(sf):2] # Returns an SFrame containing last 100 rows in steps of 2

Logical Filter

An SFrame can be filtered using

>>> sframe[binary_filter]

where sframe is an SFrame and binary_filter is an SArray of the same length. The result is a new SFrame which contains only rows of the SFrame where its matching row in the binary_filter is non zero.

This permits the use of boolean operators that can be used to perform logical filtering operations. For instance, given an SFrame

>>> sf
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C
>>> sf[(sf['id'] >= 1) & (sf['id'] <= 2)]
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B

See SArray for more details on the use of the logical filter.

This can also be used more generally to provide filtering capability which is otherwise not expressible with simple boolean functions. For instance:

>>> sf[sf['id'].apply(lambda x: math.log(x) <= 1)]
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B

Or alternatively:

>>> sf[sf.apply(lambda x: math.log(x['id']) <= 1)]
Create an SFrame from a Python dictionary.
>>> from turicreate import SFrame
>>> sf = SFrame({'id':[1,2,3], 'val':['A','B','C']})
>>> sf
    id  int
    val str
Rows: 3
   id  val
0  1   A
1  2   B
2  3   C


SFrame.add_column(data[, column_name, inplace]) Returns an SFrame with a new column.
SFrame.add_columns(data[, column_names, inplace]) Returns an SFrame with multiple columns added.
SFrame.add_row_number([column_name, start, …]) Returns an SFrame with a new column that numbers each row sequentially.
SFrame.append(other) Add the rows of an SFrame to the end of this SFrame.
SFrame.apply(fn[, dtype]) Transform each row to an SArray according to a specified function.
SFrame.column_names() The name of each column in the SFrame.
SFrame.column_types() The type of each column in the SFrame.
SFrame.copy() Returns a shallow copy of the sframe.
SFrame.drop_duplicates(subset) Returns an SFrame with duplicate rows removed.
SFrame.dropna([columns, how, recursive]) Remove missing values from an SFrame.
SFrame.dropna_split([columns, how, recursive]) Split rows with missing values from this SFrame.
SFrame.explore([title]) Explore the SFrame in an interactive GUI.
SFrame.export_csv(filename[, delimiter, …]) Writes an SFrame to a CSV file.
SFrame.export_json(filename[, orient]) Writes an SFrame to a JSON file.
SFrame.fillna(column_name, value) Fill all missing values with a given value in a given column.
SFrame.filter_by(values, column_name[, exclude]) Filter an SFrame by values inside an iterable object.
SFrame.flat_map(column_names, fn[, …]) Map each row of the SFrame to multiple rows in a new SFrame via a function.
SFrame.from_sql(conn, sql_statement[, …]) Convert the result of a SQL database query to an SFrame.
SFrame.groupby(key_column_names, operations, …) Perform a group on the key_column_names followed by aggregations on the columns listed in operations.
SFrame.head([n]) The first n rows of the SFrame.
SFrame.is_materialized() Returns whether or not the SFrame has been materialized.
SFrame.join(right[, on, how, alter_name]) Merge two SFrames.
SFrame.materialize() For an SFrame that is lazily evaluated, force the persistence of the SFrame to disk, committing all lazy evaluated operations.
SFrame.num_columns() The number of columns in this SFrame.
SFrame.num_rows() The number of rows in this SFrame.
SFrame.pack_columns([column_names, …]) Pack columns of the current SFrame into one single column.
SFrame.plot() Create a Plot object that contains a summary of each column in an SFrame.
SFrame.print_rows([num_rows, num_columns, …]) Print the first M rows and N columns of the SFrame in human readable format.
SFrame.random_split(fraction[, seed, exact]) Randomly split the rows of an SFrame into two SFrames.
SFrame.read_csv(url[, delimiter, header, …]) Constructs an SFrame from a CSV file or a path to multiple CSVs.
SFrame.read_csv_with_errors(url[, …]) Constructs an SFrame from a CSV file or a path to multiple CSVs, and returns a pair containing the SFrame and a dict of filenames to SArrays indicating for each file, what are the incorrectly parsed lines encountered.
SFrame.read_json(url[, orient]) Reads a JSON file representing a table into an SFrame.
SFrame.remove_column(column_name[, inplace]) Returns an SFrame with a column removed.
SFrame.remove_columns(column_names[, inplace]) Returns an SFrame with one or more columns removed.
SFrame.rename(names[, inplace]) Returns an SFrame with columns renamed.
SFrame.sample(fraction[, seed, exact]) Sample a fraction of the current SFrame’s rows.
SFrame.save(filename[, format]) Save the SFrame to a file system for later use.
SFrame.select_column(column_name) Get a reference to the SArray that corresponds with the given column_name.
SFrame.select_columns(column_names) Selects all columns where the name of the column or the type of column is included in the column_names.
SFrame.show() Visualize a summary of each column in an SFrame.
SFrame.shuffle() Randomly shuffles the rows of the SFrame.
SFrame.sort(key_column_names[, ascending]) Sort current SFrame by the given columns, using the given sort order.
SFrame.split_datetime(column_name[, …]) Splits a datetime column of SFrame to multiple columns, with each value in a separate column.
SFrame.stack(column_name[, new_column_name, …]) Convert a “wide” column of an SFrame to one or two “tall” columns by stacking all values.
SFrame.swap_columns(column_name_1, column_name_2) Returns an SFrame with two column positions swapped.
SFrame.tail([n]) The last n rows of the SFrame.
SFrame.to_dataframe() Convert this SFrame to pandas.DataFrame.
SFrame.to_numpy() Converts this SFrame to a numpy array
SFrame.to_sql(conn, table_name[, …]) Convert an SFrame to a single table in a SQL database.
SFrame.topk(column_name[, k, reverse]) Get top k rows according to the given column.
SFrame.unique() Remove duplicate rows of the SFrame.
SFrame.unpack([column_name, …]) Expand one column of this SFrame to multiple columns with each value in a separate column.
SFrame.unstack(column_names[, new_column_name]) Concatenate values from one or two columns into one column, grouping by all other columns.