Turi Create
This is the complete list of members for turi::const_gl_sarray_reference, including all inherited members.
all() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
any() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
append(const gl_sarray &other) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
apply(std::function< flexible_type(const flexible_type &)> fn, flex_type_enum dtype, bool skip_undefined=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
astype(flex_type_enum dtype, bool undefined_on_failure=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
builtin_rolling_apply(const std::string &fn_name, ssize_t start, ssize_t end, size_t min_observations=size_t(-1)) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
clip(flexible_type lower=FLEX_UNDEFINED, flexible_type upper=FLEX_UNDEFINED) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
clip_lower(flexible_type threshold) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
clip_upper(flexible_type threshold) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
contains(const flexible_type &other) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
count_ngrams(size_t n=2, std::string method="word", bool to_lower=true, bool ignore_space=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
count_words(bool to_lower=true, turi::flex_list delimiters={"\, "\", "\", "\", "\", " "}) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
cumulative_aggregate(std::shared_ptr< group_aggregate_value > aggregator) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
cumulative_sum() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
datetime_to_str(const std::string &str_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%ZP") const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_has_all_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_has_any_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_keys() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_trim_by_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys, bool exclude=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_trim_by_values(const flexible_type &lower=FLEX_UNDEFINED, const flexible_type &upper=FLEX_UNDEFINED) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dict_values() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dropna() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
dtype() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
empty() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
fillna(flexible_type value) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
filter(std::function< bool(const flexible_type &)> fn, bool skip_undefined=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
from_const(const flexible_type &value, size_t size) | turi::gl_sarray | static |
from_sequence(size_t start, size_t end, bool reverse=false) | turi::gl_sarray | static |
get_proxy() const | turi::const_gl_sarray_reference | virtual |
gl_sarray() | turi::gl_sarray | |
gl_sarray(const gl_sarray &) | turi::gl_sarray | |
gl_sarray(gl_sarray &&) | turi::gl_sarray | |
gl_sarray(const std::string &directory) | turi::gl_sarray | explicit |
gl_sarray(const std::vector< flexible_type > &values, flex_type_enum dtype=flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED) | turi::gl_sarray | |
gl_sarray(const std::initializer_list< flexible_type > &values) | turi::gl_sarray | |
hash(size_t seed=0) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
head(size_t n) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
is_materialized() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
item_length() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
materialize() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
materialize_to_callback(std::function< bool(size_t, const std::shared_ptr< sframe_rows > &)> callback, size_t nthreads=(size_t)(-1)) | turi::gl_sarray | |
max() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
mean() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
min() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
nnz() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
num_missing() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
operator=(const gl_sarray &) | turi::gl_sarray | |
operator=(gl_sarray &&) | turi::gl_sarray | |
operator[](int64_t i) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
operator[](const gl_sarray &slice) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
operator[](const std::initializer_list< int64_t > &slice) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
pixel_array_to_image(size_t width, size_t height, size_t channels=3, bool undefined_on_failure=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
plot(const flexible_type &title, const flexible_type &xlabel, const flexible_type &ylabel) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
range_iterator(size_t start=0, size_t end=(size_t)(-1)) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
read_json(const std::string &url) | turi::gl_sarray | static |
sample(double fraction) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
sample(double fraction, size_t seed, bool exact=false) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
save(const std::string &directory, const std::string &format="binary") const | turi::gl_sarray | |
show(const std::string &path_to_client, const flexible_type &title, const flexible_type &xlabel, const flexible_type &ylabel) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
size() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
sort(bool ascending=true) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
split_datetime(const std::string &column_name_prefix="X", const std::vector< std::string > &limit={"year","month","day","hour","minute","second"}, bool tzone=false) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
std() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
str_to_datetime(const std::string &str_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%ZP") const | turi::gl_sarray | |
subslice(flexible_type start=FLEX_UNDEFINED, flexible_type stop=FLEX_UNDEFINED, flexible_type step=FLEX_UNDEFINED) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
sum() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
tail(size_t n) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
topk_index(size_t topk=10, bool reverse=false) const | turi::gl_sarray | |
unique() const | turi::gl_sarray | |
unpack(const std::string &column_name_prefix="X", const std::vector< flex_type_enum > &column_types=std::vector< flex_type_enum >(), const flexible_type &na_value=FLEX_UNDEFINED, const std::vector< flexible_type > &limit=std::vector< flexible_type >()) const | turi::gl_sarray |