▼ capi | |
► impl | |
capi_error_handling.hpp | |
capi_initialization.hpp | |
capi_initialization_internal.hpp | |
capi_wrapper_structs.hpp | |
▼ core | |
► data | |
► flexible_type | |
flexible_type.hpp | |
flexible_type_base_types.hpp | |
flexible_type_conversion_utilities.hpp | |
flexible_type_converter.hpp | |
flexible_type_detail.hpp | |
flexible_type_spirit_parser.hpp | |
json_util.hpp | |
ndarray.hpp | |
string_escape.hpp | |
string_parser.hpp | |
type_traits.hpp | |
► image | |
► numeric_extension | |
affine.hpp | Support for affine transformations |
algorithm.hpp | Numeric algorithms / |
channel_numeric_operations.hpp | Structures for channel-wise numeric operations / |
convolve.hpp | 2D seperable convolutions and correlations / / |
kernel.hpp | Definitions of 1D fixed-size and variable-size kernels and related operations / |
perspective_projection.hpp | |
pixel_numeric_operations.hpp | Structures for pixel-wise numeric operations / |
resample.hpp | Support for generic image resampling NOTE: The code is for example use only. It is not optimized for performance |
sampler.hpp | Nearest-neighbor and bilinear image samplers. NOTE: The code is for example use only. It is not optimized for performance |
image_type.hpp | |
image_util_impl.hpp | |
io.hpp | |
io_impl.hpp | |
► json | |
json_include.hpp | |
► sframe | |
gl_gframe.hpp | |
gl_sarray.hpp | |
gl_sframe.hpp | |
gl_sgraph.hpp | |
► generics | |
blob.hpp | |
gl_string.hpp | |
gl_vector.hpp | |
hopscotch_map.hpp | |
hopscotch_set.hpp | |
hopscotch_table.hpp | |
is_memmovable.hpp | |
sparse_parallel_2d_array.hpp | |
string_conversion_internals.hpp | |
string_internals.hpp | |
string_serialization.hpp | |
string_stream_internals.hpp | |
symmetric_2d_array.hpp | |
type_trait_def.hpp | |
type_trait_undef.hpp | |
value_container_mapper.hpp | |
value_container_mapper_internal.hpp | |
vector_internals.hpp | |
vector_serialization.hpp | |
► globals | |
global_constants.hpp | |
globals.hpp | |
► logging | |
► table_printer | |
table_element_printers.hpp | |
table_printer.hpp | |
assertions.hpp | |
backtrace.hpp | |
error.hpp | |
fail_method.hpp | |
log_level_setter.hpp | |
log_rotate.hpp | |
logger.hpp | |
logger_includes.hpp | |
► parallel | |
atomic.hpp | |
atomic_ops.hpp | |
deferred_rwlock.hpp | |
execute_task_in_native_thread.hpp | |
lambda_omp.hpp | |
lockfree_push_back.hpp | |
mutex.hpp | |
parallel_includes.hpp | |
pthread_tools.hpp | |
queued_rwlock.hpp | |
thread_pool.hpp | |
► random | |
alias.hpp | |
random.hpp | |
► storage | |
► fileio | |
block_cache.hpp | |
buffered_writer.hpp | |
cache_stream.hpp | |
cache_stream_sink.hpp | |
cache_stream_source.hpp | |
curl_downloader.hpp | |
file_download_cache.hpp | |
file_handle_pool.hpp | |
file_ownership_handle.hpp | |
fileio_constants.hpp | |
fixed_size_cache_manager.hpp | |
fs_utils.hpp | |
general_fstream.hpp | |
general_fstream_sink.hpp | |
general_fstream_source.hpp | |
get_s3_endpoint.hpp | |
hdfs.hpp | |
read_caching_device.hpp | |
s3_api.hpp | |
s3_filesys.hpp | |
s3_fstream.hpp | |
sanitize_url.hpp | |
set_curl_options.hpp | |
temp_files.hpp | |
union_fstream.hpp | |
► lazy_eval | |
lazy_eval_operation.hpp | |
lazy_eval_operation_dag.hpp | |
► query_engine | |
► algorithm | |
ec_permute.hpp | |
ec_sort.hpp | |
groupby_aggregate.hpp | |
sort.hpp | |
sort_and_merge.hpp | |
sort_comparator.hpp | |
► execution | |
execution_node.hpp | |
query_context.hpp | |
subplan_executor.hpp | |
► operators | |
all_operators.hpp | |
append.hpp | |
binary_transform.hpp | |
constant.hpp | |
generalized_transform.hpp | |
generalized_union_project.hpp | |
lambda_transform.hpp | |
logical_filter.hpp | |
operator.hpp | |
operator_properties.hpp | |
operator_transformations.hpp | |
optonly_identity_operator.hpp | |
project.hpp | |
range.hpp | |
reduce.hpp | |
sarray_source.hpp | |
sframe_source.hpp | |
ternary_operator.hpp | |
transform.hpp | |
union.hpp | |
► planning | |
► optimizations | |
append_transforms.hpp | |
general_union_project_transforms.hpp | |
logical_filter_transforms.hpp | |
optimization_transforms.hpp | |
project_transforms.hpp | |
source_transforms.hpp | |
union_transforms.hpp | |
materialize_options.hpp | |
optimization_engine.hpp | |
optimization_node_info.hpp | |
planner.hpp | |
planner_node.hpp | |
► util | |
aggregates.hpp | |
broadcast_queue.hpp | |
query_engine_lock.hpp | |
► serialization | |
basic_types.hpp | |
conditional_serialize.hpp | |
dir_archive.hpp | |
has_load.hpp | |
has_save.hpp | |
iarchive.hpp | |
is_pod.hpp | |
iterator.hpp | |
list.hpp | |
map.hpp | |
oarchive.hpp | |
rcpp_serialization.hpp | |
serializable_concept.hpp | |
serializable_pod.hpp | |
serialization_includes.hpp | |
serialize.hpp | |
serialize_eigen.hpp | |
serialize_to_from_string.hpp | |
set.hpp | |
unordered_map.hpp | |
unordered_set.hpp | |
unsupported_serialize.hpp | |
vector.hpp | |
► sframe_data | |
algorithm.hpp | |
comma_escape_string.hpp | |
csv_line_tokenizer.hpp | |
csv_writer.hpp | |
dataframe.hpp | |
group_aggregate_value.hpp | |
groupby.hpp | |
groupby_aggregate.hpp | |
groupby_aggregate_impl.hpp | |
groupby_aggregate_operators.hpp | |
integer_pack.hpp | |
integer_pack_impl.hpp | |
is_sarray_like.hpp | |
is_siterable.hpp | |
is_swriter_base.hpp | |
join.hpp | |
join_impl.hpp | |
output_iterator.hpp | |
parallel_csv_parser.hpp | |
rolling_aggregate.hpp | |
sarray.hpp | |
sarray_file_format_interface.hpp | |
sarray_file_format_v2.hpp | |
sarray_index_file.hpp | |
sarray_iterators.hpp | |
sarray_reader.hpp | |
sarray_reader_buffer.hpp | |
sarray_saving.hpp | |
sarray_sorted_buffer.hpp | |
sarray_v2_block_manager.hpp | |
sarray_v2_block_types.hpp | |
sarray_v2_block_writer.hpp | |
sarray_v2_encoded_block.hpp | |
sarray_v2_type_encoding.hpp | |
sframe.hpp | |
sframe_compact.hpp | |
sframe_compact_impl.hpp | |
sframe_config.hpp | |
sframe_constants.hpp | |
sframe_index_file.hpp | |
sframe_io.hpp | |
sframe_iterators.hpp | |
sframe_reader.hpp | |
sframe_reader_buffer.hpp | |
sframe_rows.hpp | |
sframe_saving.hpp | |
sframe_saving_impl.hpp | |
shuffle.hpp | |
siterable.hpp | |
swriter_base.hpp | |
testing_utils.hpp | |
unfair_lock.hpp | |
► sframe_interface | |
unity_sarray.hpp | |
unity_sarray_binary_operations.hpp | |
unity_sarray_builder.hpp | |
unity_sframe.hpp | |
unity_sframe_builder.hpp | |
unity_sgraph.hpp | |
unity_sgraph_lazy_ops.hpp | |
► sgraph_data | |
hilbert_curve.hpp | |
hilbert_parallel_for.hpp | |
sgraph.hpp | |
sgraph_compute.hpp | |
sgraph_compute_vertex_block.hpp | |
sgraph_constants.hpp | |
sgraph_edge_apply.hpp | |
sgraph_engine.hpp | |
sgraph_fast_triple_apply.hpp | |
sgraph_io.hpp | |
sgraph_synchronize.hpp | |
sgraph_synchronize_interface.hpp | |
sgraph_triple_apply.hpp | |
sgraph_types.hpp | |
sgraph_vertex_apply.hpp | |
storage.hpp | |
storage_forward.hpp | |
► system | |
► cppipc | |
► client | |
comm_client.hpp | |
console_cancel_handler.hpp | |
console_cancel_handler_unix.hpp | |
console_cancel_handler_win.hpp | |
issue.hpp | |
object_proxy.hpp | |
► common | |
authentication_base.hpp | |
authentication_token_method.hpp | |
ipc_deserializer.hpp | |
ipc_deserializer_minimal.hpp | |
message_types.hpp | |
object_factory_base.hpp | |
object_factory_impl.hpp | |
object_factory_proxy.hpp | |
status_types.hpp | |
► server | |
cancel_ops.hpp | |
comm_server.hpp | |
dispatch.hpp | |
dispatch_impl.hpp | |
► util | |
► generics | |
member_function_return_type.hpp | |
tuple.hpp | |
cppipc.hpp | |
ipc_object_base.hpp | |
magic_macros.hpp | |
registration_macros.hpp | |
► exceptions | |
error_types.hpp | |
TuriErrorCode.hpp | |
TuriException.hpp | |
► lambda | |
graph_lambda_interface.hpp | |
graph_pylambda.hpp | |
graph_pylambda_master.hpp | |
lambda_constants.hpp | |
lambda_interface.hpp | |
lambda_master.hpp | |
lambda_utils.hpp | |
pylambda.hpp | |
pylambda_function.hpp | |
pylambda_worker.hpp | |
python_callbacks.hpp | |
worker_pool.hpp | |
► nanosockets | |
async_reply_socket.hpp | |
async_request_socket.hpp | |
get_next_port_number.hpp | |
print_zmq_error.hpp | |
publish_socket.hpp | |
socket_config.hpp | |
socket_errors.hpp | |
subscribe_socket.hpp | |
zmq_msg_vector.hpp | |
► platform | |
► config | |
apple_config.hpp | |
► crash_handler | |
crash_handler.hpp | |
► cross_platform | |
windows_wrapper.hpp | |
► network | |
net_util.hpp | |
► perf | |
memory_info.hpp | |
tracepoint.hpp | |
► process | |
process.hpp | |
process_util.hpp | |
► shmipc | |
shmipc.hpp | |
shmipc_garbage_collect.hpp | |
► timer | |
timer.hpp | |
► startup_teardown | |
startup_teardown.hpp | |
► util | |
► dot_graph_printer | |
dot_graph.hpp | |
► std | |
is_detected.hpp | |
make_unique.hpp | |
any.hpp | |
basic_types.hpp | |
bitops.hpp | |
blocking_queue.hpp | |
boost_property_tree_utils.hpp | |
branch_hints.hpp | |
buffer_pool.hpp | |
charstream.hpp | |
city_hasher.hh | |
cityhash_tc.hpp | |
code_optimization.hpp | |
coro.hpp | |
dense_bitset.hpp | |
fast_integer_power.hpp | |
fast_top_k.hpp | |
file_line_count_estimator.hpp | |
fs_util.hpp | |
function_output_iterator.hpp | |
hash_value.hpp | |
int128_types.hpp | |
logit_math.hpp | |
lru.hpp | |
md5.hpp | |
mutable_queue.hpp | |
resizing_array_sink.hpp | |
safe_circular_char_buffer.hpp | |
Span.hpp | |
stl_util.hpp | |
string_util.hpp | |
sys_util.hpp | |
syserr_reporting.hpp | |
test_macros.hpp | |
testing_utils.hpp | |
try_finally.hpp | |
Verify.hpp | |
web_util.hpp | |
export.hpp | |
▼ ml | |
► ml_data | |
► data_storage | |
internal_metadata.hpp | |
ml_data_block_manager.hpp | |
ml_data_row_format.hpp | |
ml_data_row_translation.hpp | |
util.hpp | |
column_indexer.hpp | |
column_statistics.hpp | |
metadata.hpp | |
metadata_impl.hpp | |
ml_data.hpp | |
ml_data_column_modes.hpp | |
ml_data_entry.hpp | |
ml_data_iterator.hpp | |
row_reference.hpp | |
testing_utils.hpp | |
► neural_net | |
► style_transfer | |
mps_style_transfer_backend.hpp | |
combine.hpp | |
combine_base.hpp | |
combine_futures_subscriber.hpp | |
combine_iterator.hpp | |
combine_map.hpp | |
combine_mock.hpp | |
combine_queue.hpp | |
compute_context.hpp | |
CoreImageImage.hpp | |
float_array.hpp | |
GrandCentralDispatchQueue.hpp | |
Image.hpp | |
image_augmentation.hpp | |
mlc_compute_context.hpp | |
mlc_dc_backend.hpp | |
mlc_layer_weights.hpp | |
mlc_od_backend.hpp | |
mlc_utils.hpp | |
model_backend.hpp | |
model_spec.hpp | |
mps_command_queue.hpp | |
mps_compute_context.hpp | |
mps_image_augmentation.hpp | |
mps_od_backend.hpp | |
PortableImage.hpp | |
PosixTaskQueue.hpp | |
quantization_utils.hpp | |
TaskQueue.hpp | |
tf_compute_context.hpp | |
weight_init.hpp | |
► optimization | |
accelerated_gradient-inl.hpp | |
constraint_interface.hpp | |
constraints-inl.hpp | |
gradient_descent-inl.hpp | |
lbfgs.hpp | |
line_search-inl.hpp | |
newton_method-inl.hpp | |
optimization_interface.hpp | |
regularizer_interface.hpp | |
regularizers-inl.hpp | |
utils.hpp | |
► sketches | |
countmin.hpp | |
countsketch.hpp | |
hyperloglog.hpp | |
quantile_sketch.hpp | |
space_saving.hpp | |
space_saving_flextype.hpp | |
streaming_quantile_sketch.hpp | |
unity_sketch.hpp | |
▼ model_server | |
► extensions | |
► json | |
decoder.hpp | |
encoder.hpp | |
types.hpp | |
► timeseries | |
grouped_timeseries.hpp | |
interpolate_value.hpp | |
registration.hpp | |
timeseries.hpp | |
additional_sframe_utilities.hpp | |
grouped_sframe.hpp | |
► lib | |
► api | |
client_base_types.hpp | |
function_closure_info.hpp | |
unity_global_interface.hpp | |
unity_graph_interface.hpp | |
unity_sarray_builder_interface.hpp | |
unity_sarray_interface.hpp | |
unity_sframe_builder_interface.hpp | |
unity_sframe_interface.hpp | |
unity_sketch_interface.hpp | |
► extensions | |
ml_model.hpp | |
model_base.hpp | |
option_info.hpp | |
option_manager.hpp | |
auto_close_sarray.hpp | |
flex_dict_view.hpp | |
image_util.hpp | |
options_map.hpp | |
sdk_registration_function_types.hpp | |
sgraph_triple_apply_typedefs.hpp | |
simple_model.hpp | |
toolkit_class_macros.hpp | |
toolkit_class_registry.hpp | |
toolkit_class_specification.hpp | |
toolkit_class_wrapper_impl.hpp | |
toolkit_function_invocation.hpp | |
toolkit_function_macros.hpp | |
toolkit_function_registry.hpp | |
toolkit_function_response.hpp | |
toolkit_function_specification.hpp | |
toolkit_function_wrapper_impl.hpp | |
toolkit_util.hpp | |
unity_base_types.hpp | |
unity_global.hpp | |
unity_global_singleton.hpp | |
variant.hpp | |
variant_converter.hpp | |
variant_deep_serialize.hpp | |
version.hpp | |
version_number.hpp | |
► server | |
registration.hpp | |
unity_server.hpp | |
unity_server_control.hpp | |
unity_server_init.hpp | |
unity_server_options.hpp | |
▼ python | |
► turicreate | |
► _cython | |
cython_cpp_error_handler.hpp | |
▼ toolkits | |
► activity_classification | |
ac_data_iterator.hpp | |
activity_classifier.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
► clustering | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
include.hpp | |
kmeans.hpp | |
unity_kmeans.hpp | |
► coreml_export | |
coreml_export_utils.hpp | |
linear_models_exporter.hpp | |
mldata_exporter.hpp | |
mlmodel_include.hpp | |
mlmodel_wrapper.hpp | |
neural_net_models_exporter.hpp | |
xgboost_exporter.hpp | |
► drawing_classifier | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
data_preparation.hpp | |
dc_data_iterator.hpp | |
drawing_classifier.hpp | |
► evaluation | |
evaluation_constants.hpp | |
evaluation_interface-inl.hpp | |
metrics.hpp | |
unity_evaluation.hpp | |
► factorization | |
als.hpp | |
factorization_model.hpp | |
factorization_model_impl.hpp | |
factorization_model_sgd_interface.hpp | |
factors_to_sframe.hpp | |
loss_model_profiles.hpp | |
model_factory.hpp | |
ranking_sgd_solver_base.hpp | |
ranking_sgd_solver_explicit.hpp | |
ranking_sgd_solver_implicit.hpp | |
sgd_ranking_interface.hpp | |
► feature_engineering | |
bm25.hpp | |
categorical_imputer.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
content_interpretation.hpp | |
count_featurizer.hpp | |
count_thresholder.hpp | |
dict_transform_utils.hpp | |
dimension_reduction.hpp | |
feature_binner.hpp | |
mean_imputer.hpp | |
ngram_counter.hpp | |
one_hot_encoder.hpp | |
quadratic_features.hpp | |
sample_transformer.hpp | |
statistics_tracker.hpp | |
tfidf.hpp | |
tokenizer.hpp | |
topk_indexer.hpp | |
transform_to_flat_dictionary.hpp | |
transform_utils.hpp | |
transformer_base.hpp | |
word_counter.hpp | |
word_trimmer.hpp | |
► graph_analytics | |
connected_component.hpp | |
degree_count.hpp | |
graph_coloring.hpp | |
include.hpp | |
kcore.hpp | |
label_propagation.hpp | |
pagerank.hpp | |
sssp.hpp | |
triangle_counting.hpp | |
► image | |
image_fn_export.hpp | |
► image_deep_feature_extractor | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
image_deep_feature_extractor_toolkit.hpp | |
image_feature_extractor.hpp | |
mlmodel_image_feature_extractor.hpp | |
► ml_data_2 | |
► data_storage | |
internal_metadata.hpp | |
ml_data_block_manager.hpp | |
ml_data_row_format.hpp | |
ml_data_row_translation.hpp | |
ml_data_side_feature_translation.hpp | |
util.hpp | |
► indexing | |
column_indexer.hpp | |
column_unique_indexer.hpp | |
► iterators | |
composite_row_type.hpp | |
ml_data_block_iterator.hpp | |
ml_data_iterator.hpp | |
ml_data_iterator_base.hpp | |
row_reference.hpp | |
► statistics | |
basic_column_statistics.hpp | |
column_statistics.hpp | |
metadata.hpp | |
metadata_impl.hpp | |
ml_data.hpp | |
ml_data_column_modes.hpp | |
ml_data_entry.hpp | |
ml_data_iterators.hpp | |
ml_data_missing_values.hpp | |
row_slicing_utilities.hpp | |
sframe_index_mapping.hpp | |
side_features.hpp | |
standardization-inl.hpp | |
testing_utils.hpp | |
► ml_model | |
python_model.hpp | |
► nearest_neighbors | |
ball_tree_neighbors.hpp | |
brute_force_neighbors.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
distance_functions.hpp | |
distances.hpp | |
hash_map_container.hpp | |
lsh_family.hpp | |
lsh_neighbors.hpp | |
nearest_neighbors.hpp | |
unity_nearest_neighbors.hpp | |
► object_detection | |
► one_shot_object_detection | |
► util | |
color_convert.hpp | |
mapping_function.hpp | |
parameter_sampler.hpp | |
superposition.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
one_shot_object_detector.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
object_detector.hpp | |
od_darknet_yolo_model_trainer.hpp | |
od_data_iterator.hpp | |
od_evaluation.hpp | |
od_model_trainer.hpp | |
od_serialization.hpp | |
od_yolo.hpp | |
► pattern_mining | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
fp_growth.hpp | |
fp_node.hpp | |
fp_results_tree.hpp | |
fp_tree.hpp | |
fp_tree_header.hpp | |
rule_mining.hpp | |
► prototype | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
sparse_nn.hpp | |
► recsys | |
► models | |
factorization_models.hpp | |
item_content_recommender.hpp | |
itemcf.hpp | |
popularity.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
models.hpp | |
recsys_model_base.hpp | |
train_test_split.hpp | |
user_item_graph.hpp | |
user_item_lists.hpp | |
► sgd | |
basic_sgd_solver.hpp | |
sgd_interface.hpp | |
sgd_solver_base.hpp | |
► sparse_similarity | |
index_mapper.hpp | |
item_processing.hpp | |
neighbor_search.hpp | |
similarities.hpp | |
sliced_itemitem_matrix.hpp | |
sparse_similarity_lookup.hpp | |
sparse_similarity_lookup_impl.hpp | |
utilities.hpp | |
► style_transfer | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
st_model_trainer.hpp | |
st_resnet16_model_trainer.hpp | |
style_transfer.hpp | |
style_transfer_data_iterator.hpp | |
style_transfer_model_definition.hpp | |
► supervised_learning | |
automatic_model_creation.hpp | |
boosted_trees.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
classifier_evaluations.hpp | |
decision_tree.hpp | |
linear_regression.hpp | |
linear_regression_opt_interface.hpp | |
linear_svm.hpp | |
linear_svm_opt_interface.hpp | |
logistic_regression.hpp | |
logistic_regression_opt_interface.hpp | |
random_forest.hpp | |
standardization-inl.hpp | |
supervised_learning.hpp | |
supervised_learning_utils-inl.hpp | |
xgboost.hpp | |
xgboost_iterator.hpp | |
► text | |
alias.hpp | |
cgs.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
perplexity.hpp | |
scvb.hpp | |
topic_model.hpp | |
unity_text.hpp | |
► util | |
algorithmic_utils.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
data_generators.hpp | |
float_array_serialization.hpp | |
image_utils.hpp | |
indexed_sframe_tools.hpp | |
precision_recall.hpp | |
random_sframe_generation.hpp | |
sframe_utils.hpp | |
spmat.hpp | |
training_utils.hpp | |
▼ visualization | |
► annotation | |
annotation_base.hpp | |
class_registrations.hpp | |
image_classification.hpp | |
object_detection.hpp | |
utils.hpp | |
► server | |
batch_size.hpp | |
boxes_and_whiskers.hpp | |
categorical_heatmap.hpp | |
columnwise_summary.hpp | |
dark_mode.hpp | |
escape.hpp | |
extrema.hpp | |
groupby.hpp | |
heatmap.hpp | |
histogram.hpp | |
io_buffer.hpp | |
item_frequency.hpp | |
plot.hpp | |
process_wrapper.hpp | |
scatter.hpp | |
server.hpp | |
show.hpp | |
summary_view.hpp | |
table.hpp | |
thread.hpp | |
transformation.hpp | |
vega_data.hpp | |
vega_spec.hpp | |