►Nboost | |
►Ngil | |
►Ndetail | |
Ckernel_1d_adaptor | Kernel adaptor for one-dimensional cores Core needs to provide size(),begin(),end(),operator[], value_type,iterator,const_iterator,reference,const_reference |
Cbilinear_sampler | A sampler that sets the destination pixel as the bilinear interpolation of the four closest pixels from the source. If outside the bounds, it doesn't change the destination |
Cchannel_assigns_t | |
Cchannel_divides_scalar_t | |
Cchannel_divides_t | |
Cchannel_halves_t | |
Cchannel_minus_scalar_t | |
Cchannel_minus_t | |
Cchannel_multiplies_scalar_t | |
Cchannel_multiplies_t | |
Cchannel_plus_scalar_t | |
Cchannel_plus_t | |
Cchannel_zeros_t | |
Ckernel_1d | Variable-size kernel |
Ckernel_1d_fixed | Static-size kernel |
Cmapping_traits | Define affine mapping that transforms the source coordinates by the affine transformation |
Cmatrix3x2 | |
Cnearest_neighbor_sampler | A sampler that sets the destination pixel to the closest one in the source. If outside the bounds, it doesn't change the destination |
Cpixel_assigns_t | |
Cpixel_divides_scalar_t | Construct for dividing a pixel by a scalar |
Cpixel_halves_t | Construct for dividing a pixel by 2 |
Cpixel_minus_t | Construct for subtracting two pixels |
Cpixel_multiplies_scalar_t | Construct for multiplying scalar to a pixel |
Cpixel_plus_t | Construct for adding two pixels |
Cpixel_proxy | Returns the reference proxy associated with a type that has a "reference" member typedef |
Cpixel_zeros_t | Construct for setting a pixel to zero (for whatever zero means) |
►Ncppipc | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdeserialize_return_and_clear | |
Cexec_and_serialize_response | |
Cexec_and_serialize_response< void, T, MemFn, Args... > | |
Cexecute_disect | |
Cexecute_disect< T, Memfn, std::tuple<>, Args... > | |
Cexecute_disect_call | |
Cissue_disect | |
Cissue_disect< ArgumentTuple, Arg, Args... > | |
Cissue_disect< std::tuple<>, Args... > | |
Cauthentication_base | |
Cauthentication_token_method | |
Ccall_message | |
Ccomm_client | |
Ccomm_server | |
Cdispatch | |
Cdispatch_impl | |
Cfunction_args_to_tuple | |
Cleft_shift_tuple< std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Cobject_factory_base | |
Cobject_factory_impl | |
Cobject_factory_proxy | |
Cobject_proxy | |
Creply_message | |
►Nparser_impl | |
Cparser_config | |
►Nturi | SKD |
►Nactivity_classification | |
►Cdata_iterator | |
►Cbatch | |
Cchunk_info | |
Cparameters | |
Csimple_data_iterator | |
►Naggregate | All the available groupby aggregators aggregators. See gl_sframe::groupby for details |
Cgroupby_descriptor_type | |
►Nannotate | |
Cannotation_global | |
CAnnotationBase | |
►Ndir_archive_impl | |
Carchive_index_information | |
►Ndrawing_classifier | |
►Cdata_iterator | |
Cbatch | |
Cparameters | |
Csimple_data_iterator | |
►Nevaluation | |
Cclassifier_accuracy | |
Cconfusion_matrix | |
Cfbeta_score | |
Cflex_pair_hash | |
Cflexible_accuracy | |
Cmax_error | |
Cprecision | |
Cprecision_recall_base | |
Crecall | |
Crmse | |
Croc_curve | |
Csupervised_evaluation_interface | |
►Nfactorization | |
Cexplicit_ranking_sgd_solver | |
Cfactorization_model | |
Cfactorization_sgd_interface | |
Cimplicit_ranking_sgd_solver | |
Closs_logistic | |
Closs_model_profile | |
Closs_ranking_hinge | |
Closs_ranking_logit | |
Closs_squared_error | |
►Cranking_sgd_solver_base | |
Cneg_sample_proc_buffer | |
►Nfileio | |
►Ns3 | |
CAWSReadStreamBase | Reader stream that should be used to read from AWS SDK there's no buffer in this implementation. Every read will fetch packets through network. So combine this with read_caching_device |
CFileInfo | Use to store file information |
CReadStream | Reader stream that can be used to read |
CSeekStream | Interface of i/o stream that support seek |
Ccache_block | |
Cfile_handle_pool | |
Cfile_ownership_handle | |
Cfixed_size_cache_manager | |
►Nfileio_impl | |
Ccache_stream_sink | |
Ccache_stream_source | |
Cgeneral_fstream_sink | |
Cgeneral_fstream_source | |
►Nflexible_type_impl | |
Capprox_equality_operator | |
Ccity_hash128_visitor | |
Ccity_hash_visitor | |
Cconst_visitor_wrapper | |
Cdate_time_string_reader | |
Cdecrement_operator | |
Cdeserializer | |
Cdivide_equal_operator | |
Cequality_operator | |
Cget_datetime_visitor | |
Cget_dict_visitor | |
Cget_float_visitor | |
Cget_img_visitor | |
Cget_int_visitor | |
Cget_ndvec_visitor | |
Cget_recursive_visitor | |
Cget_string_visitor | |
Cget_type_index | |
Cget_vec_visitor | |
Cgt_operator | |
Cincrement_operator | |
Cinvalid_type_instantiation_assert | |
Clt_operator | |
Cminus_equal_operator | |
Cmod_equal_operator | |
Cmultiply_equal_operator | |
Cndarray | |
Cnegation_operator | |
Cplus_equal_operator | |
Cserializer | |
Csoft_assignment_visitor | |
►Nflexible_type_internals | |
Cft_converter | |
Cft_converter< CVTR__ENUM > | |
Cft_converter< CVTR__FLEXIBLE_TYPE_EXACT > | |
Cft_converter< CVTR__FLOATING_POINT > | |
Cft_converter< CVTR__INTEGER > | |
►Nglobals | |
Cregister_global< double > | |
Cregister_global< int64_t > | |
Cregister_global< std::string > | |
►Ngroupby_aggregate_impl | |
Cgroup_aggregate_container | |
Cgroup_descriptor | |
Cgroupby_element | |
►Ngroupby_operators | |
Cargmax | |
Cargmin | |
Caverage | |
Ccount | |
Ccount_distinct | |
Cdistinct | |
Cfrequency_count | |
Cmax | |
Cmin | |
Cnon_null_count | |
Cquantile | |
Cselect_one | |
Csum | |
Cvariance | |
Cvector_average | |
Cvector_sum | |
Czip_dict | |
Czip_list | |
►Njoin_impl | |
Chash_join_executor | |
Cjoin_hash_table | |
►Nkmeans | |
Ccluster | |
Ckmeans_model | |
►Nlambda | |
Cgraph_pylambda_master | |
Clambda_call_by_dict_data | |
Clambda_call_by_sframe_rows_data | |
Clambda_call_data | |
Clambda_graph_triple_apply_data | |
Clambda_master | |
Cpylambda_evaluator | |
Cpylambda_function | |
Cpysgraph_synchronize | |
Cworker_guard | |
Cworker_pool | |
Cworker_process | |
►Nml_data_internal | |
Ccolumn_indexer | |
Ccolumn_metadata | |
Ccolumn_statistics | |
Centry_value | |
Cml_data_block | |
Cml_data_block_manager | |
Crow_data_block | |
Crow_metadata | |
►Nnanosockets | |
Casync_reply_socket | |
Casync_request_socket | |
Cpublish_socket | |
Csubscribe_socket | |
►Nnearest_neighbors | |
Cball_tree_neighbors | |
Ccosine | |
Ceuclidean | |
Cgaussian_kernel | |
Clsh_cosine | |
Clsh_dot_product | |
Clsh_euclidean | |
Clsh_jaccard | |
Clsh_manhattan | |
Clsh_neighbors | |
Clsh_squared_euclidean | |
Cmanhattan | |
Csquared_euclidean | |
►Nneural_net | |
Cac_parameters | |
CCallableIterator | |
CCallableTransform | |
CCompletion | |
►Ccompute_context | |
Cregistration | |
CCoreImageImage | Concrete implementation of the Image interface that wraps a CIImage |
CDemand | |
►Cfloat_array_image_augmenter | |
Cfloat_array_result | |
Clabeled_float_image | |
CFuturesStream | |
CFuturesSubscriber | |
CGlobalPosixTaskQueue | |
CGrandCentralDispatchQueue | Concrete TaskQueue implementation wrapping Grand Central Dispatch/ |
CImage | Abstract interface for images that a training pipeline can consume |
Cimage_annotation | |
►Cimage_augmenter | |
Ccrop_options | |
Coptions | |
Cpad_options | |
Cresult | |
Cimage_box | |
CIterator | |
CIteratorPublisher | |
Clabeled_image | |
Clstm_weight_initializers | |
CMapPublisher | |
Cmodel_backend | |
Cmodel_spec | |
Cmps_compute_context | |
Cmps_od_backend | |
Cpipeline_spec | |
CPortableImage | |
CPosixTaskQueue | Abstract implementation of TaskQueue that wraps turi::thread_pool |
CPublisher | |
CReceiveOnQueuePublisher | |
CSerialPosixTaskQueue | |
CSubscribeOnQueuePublisher | |
CSubscriber | |
CSubscription | |
CTaskQueue | Abstract task queue interface modeled after Grand Central Dispatch |
Ctf_compute_context | |
CTransform | |
►Nobject_detection | |
Caverage_precision_calculator | |
CCheckpoint | |
CCheckpointMetadata | |
CConfig | |
CDarknetYOLOBackendInferenceWrapper | |
CDarknetYOLOBackendTrainingWrapper | |
CDarknetYOLOCheckpoint | |
CDarknetYOLOCheckpointer | |
CDarknetYOLOModelTrainer | |
►Cdata_iterator | |
Cparameters | |
CDataAugmenter | |
CDataBatch | |
CDataIterator | |
CEncodedBatch | |
CEncodedInputBatch | |
CInferenceOutputBatch | |
CInputBatch | |
CModelTrainer | |
CProgressUpdater | |
Csimple_data_iterator | |
CTrainingOutputBatch | |
CTrainingProgress | |
►Noptimization | |
C_ls_return | |
C_solver_return | |
Cbox_constraints | |
Cconstraint_interface | |
Celastic_net | |
Cfirst_order_opt_interface | |
Cl1_norm | |
Cl2_norm | |
Clbfgs_solver | |
Cnon_negative_orthant | |
Cregularizer_interface | |
Csecond_order_opt_interface | |
Csmooth_regularizer_interface | |
Csolver_status | |
►Noption_handling | |
Coption_info | |
►Npattern_mining | |
Cfp_growth | |
Cfp_node | |
Cfp_results_tree | |
Cfp_top_k_results_tree | |
Cfp_top_k_tree | |
Cfp_tree | |
Cfp_tree_header | |
Cfp_tree_heading | |
Crule | |
Crule_list | |
Crule_score_compare | |
Crule_score_min_heap | |
►Nquery_eval | |
Cexecution_node | |
Cgeneric_aggregator | |
Cless_than_full_function | |
Cless_than_partial_function | |
Cmaterialize_options | |
Cnode_info | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::APPEND_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::BINARY_TRANSFORM_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::CONSTANT_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::GENERALIZED_TRANSFORM_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::GENERALIZED_UNION_PROJECT_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::IDENTITY_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::LAMBDA_TRANSFORM_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::LOGICAL_FILTER_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::PROJECT_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::RANGE_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::REDUCE_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::SFRAME_SOURCE_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::TERNARY_OPERATOR > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::TRANSFORM_NODE > | |
Coperator_impl< planner_node_type::UNION_NODE > | |
Copt_append_on_source | |
Copt_eliminate_empty_append | |
Copt_eliminate_identity_project | |
Copt_merge_all_same_sarrays | |
Copt_merge_projects | |
Copt_project_append_exchange | |
Copt_project_on_source | |
Copt_split_contractive_expansive_projection | |
Copt_transform | |
Copt_union_on_source | |
Copt_union_project_exchange | |
Copt_union_project_merge | |
Coptimization_engine | |
Coptimization_transform_registry | |
Cplanner | |
Cplanner_node | |
Cquery_context | |
Cquery_operator | |
Cquery_operator_attributes | |
Csubplan_executor | |
►Nrandom | |
►Ndistributions | |
Cuniform | |
Calias_sampler | |
Cgenerator | |
►Nrecsys | |
Clm_data_generator | |
Crecsys_factorization_model | |
Crecsys_factorization_model_base | |
Crecsys_itemcf | |
Crecsys_model_base | |
Crecsys_ranking_factorization_model | |
►Nsdk_model | |
►Nfeature_engineering | |
Ccount_featurizer | |
Cfeature_binner | |
Crandom_projection | |
Csample_transformer | |
Ctransformer_base | |
►Nsframe_impl | |
Cis_sarray_like | |
Cis_siterable | |
Cis_swriter_base | |
►Nsframe_saving_impl | |
Ccolumn_blocks | |
►Nsgd | |
Csgd_interface_base | |
Csgd_ranking_interface | |
Csgd_solver_base | |
►Nsgraph_compute | |
Cedge_scope | |
Cfast_edge_scope | |
Csgraph_engine | |
Csgraph_synchronize | |
Csgraph_synchronize_interface | |
Cvertex_block | |
Cvertex_partition_exchange | |
►Nshmipc | |
Cclient | |
Cserver | |
►Nsketches | |
Ccountmin | |
Ccountsketch | |
Chyperloglog | |
Cquantile_sketch | |
Cspace_saving | |
Cspace_saving_flextype | |
Cstreaming_quantile_sketch | |
►Nsparse_sim | |
Cdense_triangular_itemitem_container | |
Csparse_similarity_lookup_impl | |
Cunused_value_type | |
►Nstyle_transfer | |
CCheckpoint | |
CConfig | |
CDataBatch | |
CDataIterator | |
CEncodedBatch | |
CEncodedInferenceBatch | |
CInferenceDataIterator | |
CModelTrainer | |
CProgressUpdater | |
CResNet16Checkpoint | |
CResNet16ModelTrainer | |
CTrainingProgress | |
►Nsupervised | |
►Nxgboost | |
Cboosted_trees_classifier | |
Cboosted_trees_regression | |
Crandom_forest_classifier | |
Crandom_forest_regression | |
Cxgboost_model | |
Cl2_rescaling | |
Clinear_regression | |
Clinear_regression_opt_interface | |
Clinear_svm | |
Clinear_svm_scaled_logistic_opt_interface | |
Clogistic_regression | |
Clogistic_regression_opt_interface | |
Cstandardization_interface | |
Csupervised_learning_model_base | |
►Ntable_internal | |
Ctable_printer_element< std::atomic< T >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< T, std::string >::value &&!std::is_same< T, flexible_type >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, bool >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, flexible_type >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, progress_time >::value >::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< T, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_integral< T >::value &&(!std::is_same< T, bool >::value))>::type > | |
Ctable_printer_element< turi::atomic< T >, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
►Ntext | |
Calias_topic_model | |
Ctopic_model | |
►Ntimeseries | |
Cinterpolator_value | |
►Ntoolkit_function_wrapper_impl | |
Cfill_in_args | |
Cfill_named_in_args | |
Cfunction_args_to_mpl_vector | |
Cmake_pointer_to | |
Cmake_range | |
Cmake_range2 | |
Cresult_of_function_wrapper | |
Cresult_of_function_wrapper< void > | |
►Nturi_impl | |
Catomic_impl< T, true > | Atomic object A templated class for creating atomic numbers |
►Nv2 | |
►Nml_data_internal | |
Cbasic_column_statistics | |
Ccolumn_indexer | |
Ccolumn_metadata | |
Ccolumn_statistics | |
Ccolumn_unique_indexer | |
Centry_value | |
Cml_data_block | |
Cml_data_block_manager | |
Crow_data_block | |
Crow_metadata | |
Ccomposite_row_container | |
Ccomposite_row_specification | |
Cml_data_block_iterator | |
Cml_data_entry | |
Cml_data_entry_global_index | |
Cml_data_full_entry | |
Cml_data_iterator | |
Cml_data_iterator_base | |
Cml_data_row_reference | |
Cml_data_side_features | |
Crow_slicer | |
Csframe_and_side_info | |
►Nv2_block_impl | |
Cblock_info | |
Cblock_manager | |
Cblock_writer | |
Cdecode_double_stream | |
Cdecode_double_stream_legacy | |
Cdecode_ndvector_stream | |
Cdecode_number_stream | |
Cdecode_string_stream | |
Cdecode_vector_stream | |
Cencoded_block | |
Cencoded_block_range | |
Ctyped_decode_stream | |
►Nvc_internal | |
Cvc_hashkey | |
Cvc_hashkey< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvc_hashkey_and_value | |
Cvc_hashkey_and_value< T, typename std::enable_if< vc_hashkey< T >::holds_value()>::type > | |
Call_flexible_type_convertible | |
Call_variant_convertible | |
►Cany | |
►Cholder | |
Cregistry_type | |
Cauto_close_sarrays | |
Cbad_alloc | |
Cbad_cast | |
Cblob | |
Cblock_cache | |
Cblocking_queue | Implements a blocking queue useful for producer/consumer models |
Cbroadcast_queue | |
Cbuffer_pool | |
Cbuffered_writer | |
Ccancellable_barrier | |
Cconditional | |
Cconditional_test | |
Cconst_gl_sarray_reference | |
Ccsv_file_handling_options | |
Ccsv_line_tokenizer | |
Ccsv_writer | |
Cdataframe_row_iterator | |
Cdataframe_t | |
Cdeferred_rwlock | |
Cdense_bitset | |
Cdir_archive | |
Cedge_triple | |
Cenum_to_type | |
Cfast_integer_power | |
Cfile_download_cache | |
Cfile_line_count_estimator | |
Cfirst_nested_type | |
Cfixed_dense_bitset | |
Cflex_date_time | |
Cflex_dict_view | |
Cflex_undefined | |
Cflexible_type | |
Cflexible_type_converter | |
Cflexible_type_parser | |
Cflexible_type_parser_impl | |
Cfunction_closure_info | |
Cfunction_output_iterator | |
Cgeneral_ifstream | |
Cgeneral_ofstream | |
Cgl_gframe | |
Cgl_is_pod | Tests if T is a POD type |
Cgl_is_pod_or_scaler | |
Cgl_sarray | |
►Cgl_sarray_range | |
Citerator | Iterator type |
Cgl_sarray_reference | |
Cgl_sarray_writer | |
Cgl_sframe | |
►Cgl_sframe_range | |
Citerator | Iterator type |
Cgl_sframe_writer | |
Cgl_sgraph | |
Cglobal_startup | |
Cglobal_teardown | |
Cgroup_aggregate_value | |
Cgroup_index_file_information | |
CGroupKeyHash | |
Chas_direct_conversion_to_flexible_type | |
Chash_bucket | |
Chash_bucket_container | |
Chash_value | |
Chopscotch_map | |
Chopscotch_set | |
►Chopscotch_table | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cinsert_iterator | |
Citerator | |
Ciarchive | The serialization input archive object which, provided with a reference to an istream, will read from the istream, providing deserialization capabilities |
Ciarchive_soft_fail | When this archive is used to deserialize an object, and the object does not support serialization, failure will only occur at runtime. Otherwise equivalent to turi::iarchive |
Cimage_type | |
Cindex_file_information | |
Cindexed_column_groupby | |
Cis_flexible_type_convertible | |
CIS_POD_TYPE | Inheriting from this type will force the serializer to treat the derived type as a POD type |
Cis_valid_flex_type | |
Cis_variant_convertible | |
Cl2_rescaling | |
Clazy_eval_future | |
Clazy_eval_operation_base | |
Clazy_eval_operation_dag | |
Clist_objects_response | |
Clockfree_push_back | |
Clru_cache | |
Cml_data | |
Cml_data_entry | |
Cml_data_entry_global_index | |
Cml_data_full_entry | |
Cml_data_iterator | |
Cml_data_row_reference | |
Cml_metadata | |
Cml_model_base | |
Cmodel_base | |
Cmodel_proxy | |
Cmutable_queue | |
Cmutex | |
Coarchive | The serialization output archive object which, provided with a reference to an ostream, will write to the ostream, providing serialization capabilities |
Coarchive_soft_fail | When this archive is used to serialize an object, and the object does not support serialization, failure will only occur at runtime. Otherwise equivalent to turi::oarchive |
Coption_manager | |
Cpadded_integer | Integer value padded to 64 bytes |
Cpadded_simple_spinlock | |
Cparallel_sframe_iterator | |
Cparallel_sframe_iterator_initializer | |
Cparallel_task_queue | |
Cprocess | |
Cprogress_time | |
Cqueued_rw_lock | |
Crdtsc_time | |
Cread_caching_device | |
Crecursive_mutex | |
Cresizing_array_sink_ref | |
Crwlock | |
Cs3_device | |
Cs3url | |
Csafe_circular_char_buffer | |
Csarray | |
Csarray_block_iterator | |
Csarray_format_reader_common_base | |
Csarray_format_reader_v2 | |
Csarray_group_format_writer | |
Csarray_group_format_writer_v2 | |
Csarray_iterator | |
Csarray_reader | |
Csarray_reader_buffer | |
Csarray_sorted_buffer | |
Cscoped_finally | |
Csecond_nested_type | |
Csemaphore | |
CSerializable | Concept checks if a type T is serializable |
Csframe | |
Csframe_function_output_iterator | |
Csframe_index_file_information | |
Csframe_iterator | |
Csframe_reader | |
Csframe_reader_buffer | |
►Csframe_rows | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
►Crow | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Csgraph | |
Csimple_model | |
Csimple_spinlock | |
Csiterable | |
Csparse_parallel_2d_array | |
Csparse_similarity_lookup | |
Cspinrwlock | |
Cstandardization_interface | |
Cstatistics_tracker | |
Cswriter_base | |
Csymmetric_2d_array | |
Ctable_printer | |
►Cthread | |
Ctls_data | |
Cthread_group | |
Cthread_pool | |
Ctimer | A simple class that can be used for benchmarking/timing up to microsecond resolution |
Ctoolkit_class_registry | |
Ctoolkit_class_specification | |
Ctoolkit_function_invocation | |
Ctoolkit_function_registry | |
Ctoolkit_function_response_type | |
Ctoolkit_function_specification | |
Ctopk_indexer | |
Ctrace_count | |
Ctype_to_enum | |
Cunfair_lock | |
Cunion_fstream | |
Cunity_global | |
Cunity_global_base | |
Cunity_sarray | |
Cunity_sarray_builder | |
Cunity_sframe | |
Cunity_sframe_builder | |
Cunity_sgraph | |
Cunity_sgraph_base | |
Cunity_sketch | |
Cunsupported_serialize | Inheritting from this class will prevent the serialization of the derived class. Used for debugging purposes |
Cvalue_container_mapper | |
Cvariant_converter | |
Cvariant_converter< gl_sarray, void > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::function< S(Args...)>, typename std::enable_if< is_variant_convertible< S >::value &&all_variant_convertible< Args... >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::map< std::string, T >, typename std::enable_if<!is_flexible_type_convertible< T >::value &&is_variant_convertible< T >::value &&!is_variant_member< std::map< std::string, T > >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::pair< S, T >, typename std::enable_if<!is_flexible_type_convertible< T >::value &&is_variant_convertible< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::shared_ptr< T >, typename std::enable_if< is_model_descendent< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, model_base >::value &&!is_toolkit_builtin< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray >, void > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::shared_ptr< unity_sframe >, void > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::shared_ptr< unity_sgraph >, void > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::tuple< Args... >, typename std::enable_if<!all_flexible_type_convertible< Args... >::value &&all_variant_convertible< Args... >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::unordered_map< std::string, T >, typename std::enable_if<!is_flexible_type_convertible< T >::value &&is_variant_convertible< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<!is_flexible_type_convertible< std::vector< T > >::value &&is_variant_convertible< T >::value &&!is_variant_member< std::vector< T > >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< T, typename std::enable_if< is_flexible_type_convertible< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< T, typename std::enable_if< is_model_descendent< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, model_base >::value &&!is_toolkit_builtin< T >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< T, typename std::enable_if<(is_variant_member< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, flexible_type >::value)||std::is_same< T, variant_type >::value >::type > | |
Cvariant_converter< variant_type, void > | |
Cvector_index_mapper | |
Cbarrier | |
Cfile_logger | |
Clog_dispatch | |
Clog_level_setter | |
Cspmat | |