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turi::text::topic_model Class Referenceabstract

#include <toolkits/text/topic_model.hpp>

Public Member Functions

virtual topic_modeltopic_model_clone ()=0
virtual void init_options (const std::map< std::string, flexible_type > &_opts) override=0
virtual size_t get_version () const override=0
virtual void save_impl (turi::oarchive &oarc) const override=0
virtual void load_version (turi::iarchive &iarc, size_t version) override=0
virtual void train (std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> dataset, bool verbose)=0
std::vector< std::string > list_fields ()
v2::ml_data create_ml_data_using_metadata (std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> dataset)
void set_associations (const sframe &associations)
void set_topics (const std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> word_topic_prob, const std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> vocabulary, size_t weight)
std::pair< std::vector< flexible_type >, std::vector< double > > get_topic (size_t topic_id, size_t num_words=5, double cdf_cutoff=1.0)
std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type > > predict_gibbs (std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> data, size_t num_burnin)
count_matrix_type predict_counts (std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type > > dataset, size_t num_burnin)
std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type > > get_topics_matrix ()
std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type > > get_vocabulary ()
double perplexity (std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> documents, const count_matrix_type &doc_topic_counts, const count_matrix_type &word_topic_counts)
const variant_typeget_value_from_state (std::string key)
const std::map< std::string, flexible_type > & get_current_options () const
std::map< std::string, flexible_typeget_default_options () const
const flexible_typeget_option_value (const std::string &name) const
const std::map< std::string, variant_type > & get_state () const
bool is_trained () const
void set_options (const std::map< std::string, flexible_type > &_options)
void add_or_update_state (const std::map< std::string, variant_type > &dict)
const std::vector< option_handling::option_info > & get_option_info () const
virtual const char * name ()=0
virtual const std::string & uid ()=0
void save_to_url (const std::string &url, const variant_map_type &side_data={})
void save_model_to_data (std::ostream &out)
const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & list_functions ()
const std::vector< std::string > & list_get_properties ()
const std::vector< std::string > & list_set_properties ()
variant_type call_function (const std::string &function, variant_map_type argument)
variant_type get_property (const std::string &property)
variant_type set_property (const std::string &property, variant_map_type argument)
const std::string & get_docstring (const std::string &symbol)
virtual void perform_registration ()

Protected Member Functions

void register_function (std::string fnname, const std::vector< std::string > &arguments, impl_fn fn)
void register_defaults (const std::string &fnname, const variant_map_type &arguments)
void register_setter (const std::string &propname, impl_fn setfn)
void register_getter (const std::string &propname, impl_fn getfn)
void register_docstring (const std::pair< std::string, std::string > &fnname_docstring)

Protected Attributes

std::map< std::string, variant_typestate

Detailed Description

Class for learning topic models of text corpora.

Typical use (as seen in cgs.cpp):

1) Create a topic model with a map of options:

topic_model m = new topic_model(options);

2) Create an ml_data object where words have been assigned integers to faciliate indexing.

ml_data d = m->create_ml_data_using_metadata(dataset);

3) Initialize the model so that we have the internal parameters needed for each of the words observed in the dataset.


Note: Two other actions can be useful after initialization:

set_topics: Loads a set of topics and vocabulary. set_associations: Loads a set of word-topic assignments.

Definition at line 59 of file topic_model.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_or_update_state()

void turi::ml_model_base::add_or_update_state ( const std::map< std::string, variant_type > &  dict)

Append the key value store of the model.

[in]dictOptions (Key-Value pairs) to set

◆ call_function()

variant_type turi::model_base::call_function ( const std::string &  function,
variant_map_type  argument 

Calls a user defined function.

◆ create_ml_data_using_metadata()

v2::ml_data turi::text::topic_model::create_ml_data_using_metadata ( std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  dataset)

Methods with meaningful default implementations.

Helper function for creating the appropriate ml_data from an sarray of documents.

datasetAn SArray (of dictionary type) containing document data in bag of words format, where each element has words as keys and the corresponding counts as values.

◆ get_current_options()

const std::map<std::string, flexible_type>& turi::ml_model_base::get_current_options ( ) const

Get current options.

Dictionary containing current options.

Python side interface

Interfaces with the get_current_options function in the Python side.

◆ get_default_options()

std::map<std::string, flexible_type> turi::ml_model_base::get_default_options ( ) const

Get default options.

Dictionary with default options.

Python side interface

Interfaces with the get_default_options function in the Python side.

◆ get_docstring()

const std::string& turi::model_base::get_docstring ( const std::string &  symbol)

Returns the toolkit documentation for a function or property.

◆ get_option_info()

const std::vector<option_handling::option_info>& turi::ml_model_base::get_option_info ( ) const

Returns the option information struct for each of the set parameters.

◆ get_option_value()

const flexible_type& turi::ml_model_base::get_option_value ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the value of an option. Throws an error if the option does not exist.

[in]nameName of the option to get.

◆ get_property()

variant_type turi::model_base::get_property ( const std::string &  property)

Reads a property.

◆ get_state()

const std::map<std::string, variant_type>& turi::ml_model_base::get_state ( ) const

Get model.

Model map.

◆ get_topic()

std::pair<std::vector<flexible_type>, std::vector<double> > turi::text::topic_model::get_topic ( size_t  topic_id,
size_t  num_words = 5,
double  cdf_cutoff = 1.0 

Get the most probable words for a given topic.

topic_idThe integer id of the topic. Must be in [0, num_topics) length vocab_size used to construct the topic_model object.
num_wordsThe number of words to return for the given topic.
cdf_cutoffAfter ordering words by probability, this will only return words while the cumulative probability of the words is below this cutoff value.
Returns an SFrame with the word and its corresponding score. The SFrame is sorted by score.

◆ get_topics_matrix()

std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > turi::text::topic_model::get_topics_matrix ( )

Returns the current topics matrix as an SFrame

◆ get_value_from_state()

const variant_type& turi::ml_model_base::get_value_from_state ( std::string  key)

Returns the value of a particular key from the state.

Value of a key model_base for details.

Python side interface

From the python side, this is interfaced with the get() function or the [] operator in python.

◆ get_version()

virtual size_t turi::text::topic_model::get_version ( ) const
overridepure virtual

Gets the model version number

Reimplemented from turi::model_base.

Implemented in turi::text::alias_topic_model.

◆ get_vocabulary()

std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > turi::text::topic_model::get_vocabulary ( )

Returns current vocabulary of words.

◆ init_options()

virtual void turi::text::topic_model::init_options ( const std::map< std::string, flexible_type > &  _opts)
overridepure virtual

Set the model options. Use the option manager to set these options. The option manager should throw errors if the options do not satisfy the option manager's conditions.

[in]optsOptions to set

Reimplemented from turi::ml_model_base.

Implemented in turi::text::alias_topic_model.

◆ is_trained()

bool turi::ml_model_base::is_trained ( ) const

Is this model trained.

True if already trained.

◆ list_fields()

std::vector<std::string> turi::text::topic_model::list_fields ( )

Lists all the keys accessible in the "model" map.

List of keys in the model map. model_base for details.

◆ list_functions()

const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >& turi::model_base::list_functions ( )

Lists all the registered functions. Returns a map of function name to array of argument names for the function.

◆ list_get_properties()

const std::vector<std::string>& turi::model_base::list_get_properties ( )

Lists all the get-table properties of the class.

◆ list_set_properties()

const std::vector<std::string>& turi::model_base::list_set_properties ( )

Lists all the set-table properties of the class.

◆ load_version()

virtual void turi::text::topic_model::load_version ( turi::iarchive iarc,
size_t  version 
overridepure virtual

Load the model object.

Reimplemented from turi::model_base.

Implemented in turi::text::alias_topic_model.

◆ name()

virtual const char* turi::model_base::name ( )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the name of the toolkit class, as exposed to client code. For example, the Python proxy for this instance will have a type with this name.

Note: this function is typically overridden using the BEGIN_CLASS_MEMBER_REGISTRATION macro.

◆ perform_registration()

virtual void turi::model_base::perform_registration ( )

Declare the base registration function. This class has to be handled specially; the macros don't work here due to the override declarations.

Reimplemented in turi::model_proxy.

◆ perplexity()

double turi::text::topic_model::perplexity ( std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  documents,
const count_matrix_type &  doc_topic_counts,
const count_matrix_type &  word_topic_counts 

Compute perplexity. For more details see the docstrings for the version that is not a member of the topic_model class. This version is for a model's internal usage, i.e. where the two count matrices are already available. Note that the first thing this method does is normalize counts to be proper probabilities. This is done via: doc_topic_prob[d, k] = p(topic k | document d) = (doc_topic_count[d, k] + alpha) / ' (doc_topic_count[d, k'] + alpha) word_topic_prob[w, k] = p(word w | topic k) = (word_topic_count[w, k] + eta) / ' (word_topic_count[w', k] + eta)

◆ predict_counts()

count_matrix_type turi::text::topic_model::predict_counts ( std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type > >  dataset,
size_t  num_burnin 

Make predictions for a given data set. Return the number of assignments of each topic for each document in the dataset.

◆ predict_gibbs()

std::shared_ptr<sarray<flexible_type> > turi::text::topic_model::predict_gibbs ( std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  data,
size_t  num_burnin 

Make predictions on the given data set.

This method closely resembles the sampler in the collapsed Gibbs sampler solver found in cgs.hpp. Here, however, the word_topic_counts matrix is held fixed. For each document, num_burnin iterations are performed where in each iteration we sample the topic_assignments. The returned predictions are probabilities, and are computed by smoothing the doc_topic_counts matrix that arising from sampling.

◆ register_defaults()

void turi::model_base::register_defaults ( const std::string &  fnname,
const variant_map_type &  arguments 

Registers default argument values

◆ register_docstring()

void turi::model_base::register_docstring ( const std::pair< std::string, std::string > &  fnname_docstring)

Adds a docstring for the specified function or property name.

◆ register_function()

void turi::model_base::register_function ( std::string  fnname,
const std::vector< std::string > &  arguments,
impl_fn  fn 

Adds a function with the specified name, and argument list.

◆ register_getter()

void turi::model_base::register_getter ( const std::string &  propname,
impl_fn  getfn 

Adds a property getter with the specified name.

◆ register_setter()

void turi::model_base::register_setter ( const std::string &  propname,
impl_fn  setfn 

Adds a property setter with the specified name.

◆ save_impl()

virtual void turi::text::topic_model::save_impl ( turi::oarchive oarc) const
overridepure virtual

Serialize the model object.

Reimplemented from turi::model_base.

Implemented in turi::text::alias_topic_model.

◆ save_model_to_data()

void turi::model_base::save_model_to_data ( std::ostream &  out)

Save a toolkit class to a data stream.

◆ save_to_url()

void turi::model_base::save_to_url ( const std::string &  url,
const variant_map_type &  side_data = {} 

Save a toolkit class to disk.

urlThe destination url to store the class.
sidedataAny additional side information

◆ set_associations()

void turi::text::topic_model::set_associations ( const sframe associations)

Methods available to all topic_models.

Load a set of associations comprising a (word, topic) pair that should be considered fixed.

associationsAn SFrame with two columns named 'word' and 'topic'.

◆ set_options()

void turi::ml_model_base::set_options ( const std::map< std::string, flexible_type > &  _options)

Set one of the options in the algorithm.

The value are checked with the requirements given by the option instance.

[in]nameName of the option.
[in]valueValue for the option.

◆ set_property()

variant_type turi::model_base::set_property ( const std::string &  property,
variant_map_type  argument 

Sets a property. The new value of the property should appear in the argument map under the key "value".

◆ set_topics()

void turi::text::topic_model::set_topics ( const std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  word_topic_prob,
const std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  vocabulary,
size_t  weight 

Remove current vocabulary and topics and load these instead.

word_topic_probAn SArray of vector type, where each element has size num_topics. The k'th element represents the probability of the corresponding word in vocabulary under topic k.
vocabularyAn SArray of string type containing the unique words that should be loaded into the model. This must have the same length as word_topic_prob.
weightThe weight the model should give these probabilites when learning. In other words, the provided word-topic probabilities are multiplied by this weight before used as count matrices within the model.

◆ topic_model_clone()

virtual topic_model* turi::text::topic_model::topic_model_clone ( )
pure virtual

Methods that must be implemented in a new nearest neighbors model

Clone objects to a topic_model class

A new model with the same things in it.

model_base for details.

Implemented in turi::text::alias_topic_model.

◆ train()

virtual void turi::text::topic_model::train ( std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >>  dataset,
bool  verbose 
pure virtual

Create a topic model.

◆ uid()

virtual const std::string& turi::model_base::uid ( )
pure virtualinherited

Returns a unique identifier for the toolkit class. It can be any unique ID. The UID is only used at runtime (to determine the concrete type of an arbitrary model_base instance) and is never stored.

Note: this function is typically overridden using the BEGIN_CLASS_MEMBER_REGISTRATION macro.

Implemented in turi::model_proxy.

Member Data Documentation

◆ state

std::map<std::string, variant_type> turi::ml_model_base::state

All things python

Definition at line 206 of file ml_model.hpp.

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