Turi Create
This is the complete list of members for turi::unity_sarray, including all inherited members.
_head(size_t nrows) | turi::unity_sarray | inline |
all() | turi::unity_sarray | |
any() | turi::unity_sarray | |
append(std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray_base > other) | turi::unity_sarray | |
astype(flex_type_enum dtype, bool undefined_on_failure=false) | turi::unity_sarray | |
begin_iterator() | turi::unity_sarray | |
clear() | turi::unity_sarray | |
clip(flexible_type lower=flex_undefined(), flexible_type upper=flex_undefined()) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_autodetect(std::string url, flex_type_enum type) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_const(const flexible_type &value, size_t size, flex_type_enum type=flex_type_enum::UNDEFINED) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_files(std::string url, flex_type_enum type) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_json_record_files(std::string url) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_planner_node(std::shared_ptr< query_eval::planner_node > node) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_sarray(std::shared_ptr< sarray< flexible_type >> s_ptr) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_sarray_index(std::string location) | turi::unity_sarray | |
construct_from_vector(const std::vector< flexible_type > &vec, flex_type_enum type) | turi::unity_sarray | |
copy_range(size_t start, size_t step, size_t end) | turi::unity_sarray | |
count_bag_of_words(std::map< std::string, flexible_type > options) | turi::unity_sarray | |
count_character_ngrams(size_t n, std::map< std::string, flexible_type > options) | turi::unity_sarray | |
count_ngrams(size_t n, std::map< std::string, flexible_type > options) | turi::unity_sarray | |
datetime_to_str(std::string format) | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_has_all_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys) | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_has_any_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys) | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_keys() | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_trim_by_keys(const std::vector< flexible_type > &keys, bool exclude) | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_trim_by_values(const flexible_type &lower, const flexible_type &upper) | turi::unity_sarray | |
dict_values() | turi::unity_sarray | |
drop_missing_values() | turi::unity_sarray | |
dtype() | turi::unity_sarray | |
expand(const std::string &column_name_prefix, const std::vector< flexible_type > &expanded_column_elements, const std::vector< flex_type_enum > &expanded_columns_types) | turi::unity_sarray | |
fill_missing_values(flexible_type default_value) | turi::unity_sarray | |
filter(const std::string &lambda, bool skip_undefined, uint64_t seed) | turi::unity_sarray | |
get_content_identifier() | turi::unity_sarray | |
get_planner_node() | turi::unity_sarray | |
get_underlying_sarray() | turi::unity_sarray | |
has_size() | turi::unity_sarray | |
hash(uint64_t seed) | turi::unity_sarray | |
head(size_t nrows) | turi::unity_sarray | |
is_materialized() | turi::unity_sarray | |
item_length() | turi::unity_sarray | |
iterator_get_next(size_t len) | turi::unity_sarray | |
lazy_astype(flex_type_enum dtype, bool undefined_on_failure=false) | turi::unity_sarray | |
left_scalar_operator(flexible_type other, std::string op) | turi::unity_sarray | |
logical_filter(std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray_base > index) | turi::unity_sarray | |
make_exact_uniform_boolean_array(size_t size, size_t num_trues, uint64_t random_seed) | turi::unity_sarray | static |
make_uniform_boolean_array(size_t size, float percent, uint64_t random_seed, bool exact=false) | turi::unity_sarray | static |
make_uniform_int_array(size_t size, size_t max_int) | turi::unity_sarray | static |
materialize() | turi::unity_sarray | |
max() | turi::unity_sarray | |
mean() | turi::unity_sarray | |
median(bool approx) | turi::unity_sarray | |
min() | turi::unity_sarray | |
missing_mask(bool recursive=false, bool missing_is_true=true) | turi::unity_sarray | |
nnz() | turi::unity_sarray | |
num_missing() | turi::unity_sarray | |
right_scalar_operator(flexible_type other, std::string op) | turi::unity_sarray | |
sample(float percent, uint64_t random_seed, bool exact=false) | turi::unity_sarray | |
save_array(std::string target_directory) | turi::unity_sarray | |
save_array_by_index_file(std::string index_file) | turi::unity_sarray | |
size() | turi::unity_sarray | |
std(size_t ddof=0) | turi::unity_sarray | |
str_to_datetime(std::string format) | turi::unity_sarray | |
subslice(flexible_type start, flexible_type step, flexible_type stop) | turi::unity_sarray | |
sum() | turi::unity_sarray | |
tail(size_t nrows=10) | turi::unity_sarray | |
ternary_operator(std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray_base > is_true, std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray_base > is_false) | turi::unity_sarray | |
to_const(const flexible_type &value, flex_type_enum dtype) | turi::unity_sarray | |
to_vector() | turi::unity_sarray | inline |
topk_index(size_t k, bool reverse) | turi::unity_sarray | |
transform(const std::string &lambda, flex_type_enum type, bool skip_undefined, uint64_t seed) | turi::unity_sarray | |
transform_native(const function_closure_info &closure, flex_type_enum type, bool skip_undefined, uint64_t seed) | turi::unity_sarray | |
unity_sarray() | turi::unity_sarray | |
unpack(const std::string &column_name_prefix, const std::vector< flexible_type > &unpacked_keys, const std::vector< flex_type_enum > &unpacked_columns_types, const flexible_type &na_value) | turi::unity_sarray | |
unpack_dict(const std::string &column_name_prefix, const std::vector< flexible_type > &limit, const flexible_type &na_value) | turi::unity_sarray | |
var(size_t ddof=0) | turi::unity_sarray | |
vector_operator(std::shared_ptr< unity_sarray_base > other, std::string op) | turi::unity_sarray | |
vector_slice(size_t start, size_t end) | turi::unity_sarray | |
~unity_sarray() | turi::unity_sarray |