Load data#

DNIKit pipelines and algorithms run using lazy evaluation, consuming data in Batches so as to scale computation for large dataset sizes.

The entity responsible for producing Batches of data is called a Producer. From here, the data can be transformed in a DNIKit pipeline, such as pre- or post-processors, model inference, and more.

DNIKit uses Producers to connect datasets with the rest of DNIKit in Batches. To run inference with a model outside of dnikit, define a Producer that produces Batches of model responses instead of data samples.

Set up a Producer of Batches#

Producers can simply be generator functions that take a batch_size parameter and yield Batch objects; they may also be callable classes (class with __call__ method). Here’s an example generator function that loads the CIFAR10 dataset using Keras:

from keras.datasets import cifar10
from dnikit.base import Batch, Producer

def cifar10_dataset(batch_size: int):  # Producer
    # Download CIFAR-10
    (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data()
    dataset_size = len(x_train)

    # Yield batches with an "images" feature,
    # of length batch_size or lower
    for i in range(0, dataset_size, batch_size):
        j = min(dataset_size, i + batch_size)
        batch_data = {
            "images": x_train[i:j, ...]
        yield Batch(batch_data)

This batch generator can be used in a pipeline by passing it as the first argument:

my_processing_pipeline = pipeline(
    ... # later steps here

DNIKit provides a built-in Producer, ImageProducer, to load all images from a local directory. By default, it will do a recursive search through all subdirectories. For instance, if the MNIST dataset is stored locally. Here is an example use of ImageProducer:

from dnikit.base import ImageProducer

mnist_dataset = ImageProducer('path/to/mnist/directory')  # Producer

For an example of creating a custom Producer that attaches metadata (such as labels) to batches, see Creating a Custom Producer.

DNIKit also provides mechanisms for transforming between a PyTorch dataset and a Producer: ProducerTorchDataset and TorchProducer.

Format of Batch objects#

Batches are samples of data; whether audio, images, text, embeddings, responses, labels, etc. At their most basic, Batches wrap dictionaries that map from str types to numpy arrays. For instance, a Batch can be created by passing a dictionary of the feature fields:

import numpy as np
from dnikit.base import Batch

# Create a batch of words with 3 samples
words = np.array(["cat", "dog", "elephant"])
data = {"words": words}
batch = Batch(data)

In practice, however, it’s typical to yield batches inside a generator method. For instance, here’s a random number generator that produces 4096 samples of random floats from 0 to 1.0:

import numpy as np
from dnikit.base import Batch

def rnd_num_batch_generator(batch_size: int):
   max_samples = 4096
   for ii in range(0, max_samples, batch_size):
      local_batch_size = min(max_samples, ii + batch_size)
      random_floats = np.random.rand(local_batch_size)
      batch_data = {
         "samples": random_floats  # of shape (local_batch_size,)
      yield Batch(batch_data)

As its name indicates, Batch contains several data elements. Following deep learning terminology, the number of elements in a batch is called batch_size in DNIKit. Batch expects the 0th-dimension of every value (a numpy array) in every field to denote the batch_size (same as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and other ML frameworks). Further, the batch_size of all fields in a Batch must be the same, or DNIKit will raise an error.

Besides these regular fields in a Batch, Batches can also contain snapshots and metadata. Batch snapshots capture a specific state of a Batch as it’s going through the DNIKit pipeline (see below). For instance, model output can be captured in a snapshot before sending data into postprocessing. Batch metadata holds metadata about a data sample. For example, label metadata about a data sample can be added as Batch.metadata. To attach metadata to batches, use a Batch.Builder to create the batch:

import numpy as np
from dnikit.base import Batch

# Load data and labels
images = np.zeros((3, 64, 64, 3))
fine_class = np.array(["hawk", "ferret", "rattlesnake"])
coarse_class = np.array(["bird", "mammal", "snake"])

# Build a batch of 3 images, attaching labels as metadata:
builder = Batch.Builder()

# Add a field (feature)
builder.fields["images"] = images

# Attach labels
builder.metadata[Batch.StdKeys.LABELS] = {
    "fine": fine_class,
    "coarse": coarse_class

# Create batch
batch = builder.make_batch()

Here is a visualization of a new sample Batch with batch size of 32, two fields, metadata and a snapshot.

Batch Sample with 32 elements





numpy.ndarray with shape (32, 3, 64,64) and dtype numpy.uint8.


numpy.ndarray with shape (32, 1024) and dtype numpy.float32.





Another Batch with fields and metadata.





A sequence of Hashable unique identifiers for each data sample.


A mapping of label dimensions to labels for each data sample in the batch. For example, { "color" ["blue", "red", ...] }, where the length of ["blue", "red", ...] is the batch size In this case, 32.


A mapping of Batch.fields keys to a sequence of 32 FamiliarityResult for the field. (e.g. {"embeddings": [result] * 32)

Set up a pipeline#

After a data Producer has been set up, the producer can feed batches into a DNIKit-loaded model (and through any preprocessing steps) by setting up a pipeline, e.g.:

from dnikit.base import pipeline
from dnikit_tensorflow import load_tf_model_from_path

producer = ...
preprocessing = ... # a dnikit.processing.Processor
model = load_tf_model_from_path(...)
my_pipeline = pipeline(

The pipeline my_pipeline will only begin to pull batches and perform inference when passed to an Introspector.

In the preceding example, preprocessing is a batch Processor that transforms the data in the batches. DNIKit ships with many Processors to apply common data pre-processing and post-processing techniques. These include resizing, concatenation, pooling, normalization, caching, among others. To write a custom Processor, see the Batch Processing page.

Example pipeline#

The following is a sample instantiation of a pipeline with DNIKit:

A picture of a specific sample DNIKit pipeline. Starting with an Image Producer that yields batches of images (one batch at a time). The Batch then goes through various Pipeline Stages: First an Image Resizer, then a Mean / Std Normalizer, ResNet Model inference, and a Pooler. At this point, the Batches contain pooled model responses, and they are (one at a time) fed into the IUA introspector.

This pipeline can be implemented, given some Model "model", with just a few lines of code:

from dnikit.base import ImageProducer
from dnikit.processors import ImageResizer, MeanStdNormalizer, Pooler
from dnikit.introspectors import IUA
from dnikit_tensorflow import load_tf_model_from_path

model = load_tf_model_from_path("/path/to/resnet/model")

response_producer = pipeline(
    ImageResizer(pixel_format=ImageFormat.CHW, size=(32, 32)),
    MeanStdNormalizer(mean=0.5, std=1.0),
    Pooler(dim=1, method=Pooler.Method.AVERAGE),

# Data is only consumed and processed at this point.
result = IUA.introspect(response_producer)

The pipeline corresponds to the following stages that are called PipelineStages:

This pipeline is fed into Inactive Unit Analysis (IUA), an introspector which checks if there were any inactive neurons in the model. Recall that until introspect is called, no data will be consumed or processed. pipeline() simply sets up the processing graph that will be executed by the introspectors.

Notice that in the example, four pipeline stages are used, but in DNIKit as many, or as few, stages as the user needs can be chained together.


In fact, if a method to generate responses from the model is already set up, it’s not necessary to use DNIKit’s Model abstraction and instead it makes sense to create a custom Producer of responses which may be fed directly to an Introspector. This might also be a good option for model formats that DNIKit does not currently support, or for connecting to a model hosted on the cloud and fetching responses asynchronously.

Next Steps#

After setting up a Producer, loading a model into DNIKit, and thinking about a pipeline, the next step is to run an Introspector. Learn more about introspection in the next section.