
Find near duplicate data samples within a given dataset or across multiple datasets, by using an approximate nearest neighbor to build a distance matrix for all samples and clusters the closest samples. This algorithm, for example, can be used to unmask a class imbalance issue or find duplicate data that exist in both the train and test splits.

For a more thorough discussion of this algorithm and its use, see the Description below.

General Usage#

For getting started with DNIKit code, please see the how-to pages.

Assuming a pipeline is set up that produces responses from a model, Duplicates analysis can be run as so:

from dnikit.introspectors import Duplicates

response_producer = ...  # pipeline setup here

# Run `Duplicates` analysis on responses from a `Producer`
duplicates = Duplicates.introspect(response_producer, batch_size=128)
Preparing input to introspection usually requires two things:
  • introspect on intermediate layer responses (rather than the final outputs of a network). For Duplicates, layer(s) towards the end of the network could be most appropriate.

  • reduce the dimensions of outputs with a dimension reduction algorithm. While the Duplicates algorithm can run on any dimension of data, dimension reduction helps with performance.

A full example pipeline for the CIFAR10 dataset and model (note: this will likely take some time to run!):

from dnikit.base import pipeline
from dnikit.processors import Cacher, ImageResizer
from dnikit.introspectors import Duplicates, DimensionReduction
from dnikit_tensorflow import TFDatasetExamples, TFModelExamples

# Load CIFAR10 dataset and feed into MobileNet,
# observing responses from layer "conv_pw_13/convolution:0'"
cifar10 = TFDatasetExamples.CIFAR10()
mobilenet = TFModelExamples.MobileNet()
producer = pipeline(
   ImageResizer(pixel_format=ImageResizer.Format.HWC, size=(224, 224)),

# Create a processor that reduces dimensions of
# model responses down to 40, using PCA
pca = DimensionReduction.introspect(

# Create a new producer that outputs the reduced data:
reduced_producer = pipeline(producer, pca)

# Run `Duplicates` introspector
duplicates = Duplicates.introspect(reduced_producer, batch_size=128)


It’s recommended to visualize the Duplicates results using Symphony, as noted in the DatasetReport page. There is also an example visualization that does not use Symphony in the example notebook below.

Config Options#

The introspect() method of Duplicates takes an optional batch_size keyword argument for the size of batches to pull from and an optional threshold keyword argument of type dnikit.introspectors.Duplicates.DuplicatesThresholdStrategyType. Please see the API docs for Duplicates for more information.

Exploring Duplicates Results#

The return object of Duplicates is a dict mapping response names to a list of DuplicateSetCandidates, which represent clusters of nearby data samples. Assuming a return object duplicates, the results may be traversed as so:

for response_name, clusters in duplicates.results.items():
   # sort by the mean distance to the centroid
   clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda x: x.mean)


The Harm of Duplicates#

The presence of near duplicates in a dataset can indicate that there might not be enough variation in the dataset. When duplicates exist across training and test datasets, the test accuracy is not an accurate reflection of the model’s performance, and doesn’t demonstrate that the model will generalize well to new, unseen, data samples. Near duplicates within a train or test set alone might not necessarily be harmful, however, they could slow down training and mask a class imbalance problem. A first glance at the distribution of samples across classes might indicate a balanced split, the effective distribution might change depending on the presence of duplicates.

In a dataset, there could be variation in the form of the same data sample, but with various transformations applied. E.g. for an image, maybe translations, crops, scales, etc. Although this kind of variation improves performance and allows the model to generalize better, an alternative way to introduce this variation uniformly across all kinds of data samples is to use data augmentation during training. Data augmentation is a popular way to artificially increase the size of a dataset, via flipping, rotating, scaling, cropping, translating, etc. the images. If the plan is to introduce different data augmentation methods during training, then the presence of these kinds of similar images in the dataset is unnecessary and might, again, mask a class imbalance problem. In addition, if the dataset has not yet been annotated, then reducing duplicates also reduces the annotation effort.


The duplicates are found by searching for the k-nearest neighbors using ANNOY - Approximate Nearest Neighbor Oh My!, filtering the results by a threshold distance and building clusters using the transitive closure of the union of the result sets.

Approximate nearest neighbors uses a hashing technique to limit the possible search area (this is how the linear performance is obtained). The “approximate” means that the hashing may prevent some duplicates from being found, though in practice multiple hash functions are used to mitigate this effect. In practice, the algorithm found the same results as an “exact” algorithm on CIFAR-10. The distances computed are exact.

The run-time of Duplicates scales linearly with the number of samples and the number of dimensions in the response data. If the responses have a high number of dimensions, consider using DimensionReduction to reduce the dimensions (e.g. to 40).

Relevant API#

Duplicates – introspector to find duplicates and near duplicates
