All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract implementation of CloseableIterable that wraps an Iterable.
Conversion from a CloseableIterator to a InputStream given a Function to serialize to bytes.
Builder for the AimdCapacityLimiter capacity limiter.
A state observer for AIMD CapacityLimiter to monitor internal limit and consumption.
This internal class will be removed in the future releases without a replacement.
Used to close/shutdown a resource.
A utility class to create AsyncCloseables.
A resource that can be converted to an AsyncCloseable.
Presents a static interface to retain state in an asynchronous environment.
A InMemoryScopeManager that uses AsyncContext as the backing storage.
An authentication exception, which indicates that access was denied and usually converts to 401 (Unauthorized) or 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) response.
Utilities for AutoCloseable.
A utility class for methods related to AutoCloseable.
Utilities to do blocking await calls for tests.
Indicates that the marked Application, resource class or resource method is authenticated with HTTP Basic and that a SecurityContext needs to be established for the in-flight request.
A StreamingHttpServiceFilter, which filters HTTP requests using RFC7617: The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.
A builder for an StreamingHttpServiceFilter, which filters HTTP requests using RFC7617: The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.
Verifies user-id and password, parsed from the 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme credentials.
A generic Principal that wraps a user provided UserInfo.
A generic SecurityContext that wraps a user provided Principal, and which is designed for the SecurityContext.BASIC_AUTH authentication scheme.
Factory methods for building ContainerRequestFilter that establish SecurityContexts for requests authenticated with the Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme (RFC7617).
A builder for ContainerRequestFilter instances.
A builder that can be used when no user info is stored in AsyncContext.
A builder that can be used when user info is stored in AsyncContext.
Helper operator for signaling the end of an HTTP Request/Response cycle.
A special function that takes an int and a custom argument and returns the result.
A special predicate that takes an int and a custom argument to evaluate.
A blocking client to a gRPC service.
A blocking gRPC service.
The equivalent of HttpClient but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
The equivalent of HttpConnection but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
The equivalent of HttpRequester with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
The equivalent of HttpService but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
An Iterable which supports generation of BlockingIterators.
A BlockingIterable that supports to dynamically emitting items using
Utility methods for BlockingIterable.
An Iterator that is also an AutoCloseable and whose blocking operations support timeout durations.
A holder of items for a BlockingIterable.Processor.
The response for streaming use-cases that provides ability to defer sending response meta-data and write the payload to an GrpcPayloadWriter.
The equivalent of StreamingHttpClient but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
The equivalent of StreamingHttpConnection but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
The equivalent of HttpRequest but provides the payload as a BlockingIterable.
The equivalent of StreamingHttpRequester but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
A factory for creating BlockingStreamingHttpRequests.
The equivalent of HttpResponse but provides the payload as a BlockingIterable.
A factory for creating BlockingStreamingHttpResponses.
The equivalent of HttpResponse but provides an ability to write the payload to an HttpPayloadWriter.
The equivalent of StreamingHttpService but with synchronous/blocking APIs instead of asynchronous APIs.
Common utility functions to unwrap ExecutionException from async operations.
An arbitrary and sequential accessible sequence of zero or more bytes (octets).
An API to allocate Buffers.
Available BufferAllocators.
Used to decode buffers for aggregated and streaming use cases.
A group of BufferDecoders used when multiple options may be supported.
Builder for BufferDecoderGroups.
Used to encode buffers for aggregated and streaming use cases.
A specialization of SerializationException used to indicate an encoding exception.
This API is going to be removed in future releases with no planned replacement.
This API is going to be removed in future releases with no planned replacement.
An InputStream built around a Publisher<Buffer>, which can either be read OIO style or provide its wrapped Publisher.
A static factory of BufferStrategy instances.
A strategy for buffering items emitted from a Publisher.
An intermediate mutable object that holds items till it is finished.
Internal utilities for Buffers.
Utilities which are used for builders.
A mapper to transform byte[] buffer regions into a desired type T.
Serialize/deserialize byte[].
Provides a mechanism to iterate over a collection of bytes.
ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter which decodes bytes in a stream-like fashion from one ByteBuf to an other Message type.
A HttpLoadBalancerFactory that will cache successive connection creation attempts and return the same Single instead of creating a new connection each time.
An entity that can be cancelled.
A provider of capacity for a client or server.
Representation of the state of the CapacityLimiter when the CapacityLimiter.Ticket is issued.
Result of CapacityLimiter.tryAcquire(Classification, ContextMap) when capacity is enough to meet the demand.
A static factory for creating instances of CapacityLimiters.
Represents an algorithm that can compress and decompress SSL certificates.
When thrown contains information about a failure during TLS certificate compression.
Utilities to handle Channel closure and its reason.
Configures a Channel.
Manages a set of Channels to provide a mechanism for closing all of them.
8-bit ASCII strings factory and basic utilities helper.
Charset utilities.
ServiceTalk API for a Circuit Breaker.
Classification of requests.
A data-structure capable of holding arbitrary number of clients and bridging lifecycle events across all clients managed by the group.
There is no use of this interface in our codebase, it will be removed in the future releases.
Policy for peer capacity rejections that allows customization of behavior (retries or pass-through).
Specifies the configuration for client side TLS/SSL.
Default builder for ClientSslConfig objects.
An Iterable which supports generation of CloseableIterators.
An Iterator that is also an AutoCloseable.
Conversion from a CloseableIterator of Buffers to a InputStream.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Contract between protocol codecs and a close handler.
These events indicate an event was observed from the protocol or Channel that indicates the end of the Channel and no further requests should be attempted.
ClosedChannelException with additional meta-data to provide more context on what side initiated the close event.
Netty UserEvent to indicate the further inbound data should be discarded.
CloseHandler.NettyUserEvent to indicate the end of inbound data was observed at the transport.
Zipkin data formats for reporting of Spans.
An asynchronous computation that does not emit any data.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the first step in a Subscriber's lifecycle.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the terminal signals (e.g.
An operator contract for a Completable.
An asynchronous computation that does not emit any data.
A CompletableSource.Processor represents a processing stage that is both a CompletableSource and a CompletableSource.Subscriber and obeys the contracts of both.
Subscriber of the outcome of a Cancellable.
A virtual Buffer which shows multiple buffers as a single merged buffer.
A AsyncCloseable and Closeable that allows for adding new AsyncCloseables till it is closed.
This class prevents concurrent invocation of PublisherSource.Subscription methods and preserves the Reactive Streams, 2.7 rule when there is a possibility of concurrency.
This internal class will be removed in the future releases without a replacement.
Utilities which can be used for concurrency.
An OutputStream that can be connected to a sink such that any data written on the OutputStream is eventually emitted to the connected Publisher PublisherSource.Subscriber.
A PayloadWriter that can be connected to a sink such that any data written on the PayloadWriter is eventually emitted to the connected Publisher PublisherSource.Subscriber.
An execution strategy for creating or accepting connections.
A context for a connection.
A factory for creating new connections.
A contract to decorate ConnectionFactory instances for the purpose of filtering.
Provides information about a connection.
Provides information about the network protocol.
Thrown when the number of connections reached their limit for a given resource (i.e.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a network connection.
An observer interface that provides visibility into read and write events related to data flow.
An observer interface that provides visibility into new streams created by a multiplexed connection.
An observer interface that provides visibility into proxy connect events for establishing a tunnel.
An observer interface that provides visibility into read events.
An observer interface that provides visibility into security handshake events.
An observer interface that provides visibility into stream events.
An observer interface that provides visibility into write events.
A ChannelInitializer that registers a ConnectionObserver for all channels.
Thrown when a newly created connection was rejected.
A factory to create different ConnectionSelectorPolicy variants.
Configuration of the policy for selecting connections from a pool to the same endpoint.
Throws when a connect operations failed because of a timeout.
A container for an event that requires acknowledgement when the event is consumed via ConsumableEvent.eventConsumed().
A StreamingHttpClientFilter that adds encoding / decoding functionality for requests and responses respectively, as these are specified by the spec Content-Encoding.
A StreamingHttpService that adds encoding / decoding functionality for responses and requests respectively, as these are specified by the spec Content-Encoding.
Netty pipeline event that represents the successful completion of the ConnectionAcceptor.
The key-value entry map for different types of the value, defined by the ContextMap.Key.
A key identifies a specific object in a ContextMap.
Interface for getting and setting a ContextMap.
Shared utilities for ContextMap.
Methods for route matching on cookies.
Initializer to configure ChannelInboundHandler that will ensure no pooled ByteBufs are passed to the user and so no leaks are produced if the user does not call ReferenceCountUtil.release(Object).
Constants and utilities related to gRPC deadlines.
Default implementation of ContextMap.
this class will be made package-private in the future, rely on the DnsServiceDiscovererBuilder instead.
A default implementation of ExecutionContext.
A default implementation of GroupKey.
Default implementation for DefaultGrpcClientMetadata.
Implementation of Health.HealthService which targets gRPC health checking that provides accessors to set/clear status for arbitrary services.
Default implementation of HttpCookiePair.
Default implementation of HttpExecutionContext.
Default implementation of HttpHeadersFactory.
Default implementation of HttpLoadBalancerFactory.
A builder for creating instances of DefaultHttpLoadBalancerFactory.
A client builder provider that supports enabling the new `DefaultLoadBalancer` in applications via property flags.
Default implementation of HttpSetCookie.
SpanContext object used by the DefaultInMemoryTracer.
Tracer implementation that propagates spans in-memory and emits events to listeners.
Builders for DefaultInMemoryTracer.
Implementation of NettyConnection backed by a netty Channel.
Netty UserEvent to signal cancellation of the write stream.
Netty UserEvent to signal continuation.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Implementation of RouteExecutionStrategyFactory that always throws IllegalArgumentException.
Use implementations of following types: Serializer StreamingSerializer Deserializer StreamingDeserializer
Default implementation of ServiceDiscovererEvent.
Empty subclass to differentiate uses of MDC.
Provides a set of certificates useful for tests that require SSL.
A ThreadFactory implementation.
Default implementation of LoggerConfig.
A ChannelHandler that holds a place in a pipeline, allowing us to defer adding the SslHandler.
A Cancellable which serves as a placeholder until the "real" Cancellable is available.
An interface that enhances any exception to provide a constant delay to be applied when it needs to be retried.
A RequestDroppedException to indicate that a request was dropped by a server due to capacity constraints and requires a client to delay its retry.
A PublisherSource.Subscription which serves as a placeholder until the "real" PublisherSource.Subscription is available.
Wrap a ClientSslConfig and delegate all methods to it.
An implementation of ConnectionAcceptor that delegates all methods to another ConnectionAcceptor.
A ConnectionContext implementation that delegates all calls to a provided ConnectionContext.
A ConnectionFactory that delegates all methods to another ConnectionFactory.
A ConnectionFactoryFilter that delegates all methods to another ConnectionFactoryFilter.
A DnsServiceDiscovererBuilder that delegates all methods to another DnsServiceDiscovererBuilder.
An ExecutionContext implementation that delegates all calls to a provided ExecutionContext.
An Executor that simply delegates all calls to another Executor.
Implementation of FilterableStreamingHttpLoadBalancedConnection that delegates all methods.
A FlushStrategy implementation that delegates all calls to another FlushStrategy.
A GrpcClientBuilder that delegates all methods to another GrpcClientBuilder.
A GrpcServerBuilder that delegates all methods to another GrpcServerBuilder.
HttpConnectionContext implementation that delegates all calls to a provided HttpConnectionContext.
An implementation of HttpExecutionContext that delegates all method calls to another HttpExecutionContext.
A HttpServerBuilder that delegates all methods to another HttpServerBuilder.
An implementation of HttpServiceContext that delegates all calls to a provided HttpServiceContext.
A LoadBalancerBuilder that delegates all methods to another LoadBalancerBuilder.
A MultiAddressHttpClientBuilder that delegates all methods to another MultiAddressHttpClientBuilder.
A PartitionedHttpClientBuilder that delegates all methods to another PartitionedHttpClientBuilder.
Wrap a ServerSslConfig and delegate all methods to it.
A ServiceDiscoverer that delegates all methods to another ServiceDiscoverer.
A SingleAddressHttpClientBuilder that delegates all methods to another SingleAddressHttpClientBuilder.
Wrap a SslConfig and delegate all methods to it.
Deserialize objects from Buffer to Deserializer.
Defined resolved address types.
An infinite stream of DNS server addresses.
Provides an opportunity to override which DnsServerAddressStream is used to resolve a specific hostname.
Builder for DNS ServiceDiscoverer which will attempt to resolve A, AAAA, CNAME, and SRV type queries.
An observer that provides visibility into DNS ServiceDiscoverer built by DnsServiceDiscovererBuilder.
An observer that provides visibility into individual DNS discoveries.
An observer that provides visibility into DNS resolution results.
Results of the current DNS resolution.
A factory to create DNS ServiceDiscoverers.
An address which represents a socket belonging to the AF_UNIX socket family.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Used in scenarios where a subscribe to an asynchronous source is subscribed to, but there is already a subscriber and the source doesn't support multiple subscribers.
Helper utilities for Duration.
Allows to accept or reject connections early in the connection setup stage.
Indicates that fields, method parameters, method return types, and type parameters within a package are Nonnull unless explicitly annotated with Nullable.
An immutable zero capacity Buffer.
A BufferDecoderGroup which is empty.
HttpHeaders which are always empty and does not allow modification.
Utility methods for PublisherSource.Subscriptions which don't deliver any data.
Enforces sequential behavior of the client, deferring return of the response until after the request payload body is sent.
A special NettyIoExecutor that exposes the underlying netty EventLoopGroup.
A static factory to create or convert to EventLoopAwareNettyIoExecutor.
Context related to execution and allocation.
A builder of ExecutionContext.
Provides utilities around Executors, ExecutionContexts and how they interact with netty Channels.
An execution strategy for all transports.
An entity that wishes to influence the ExecutionStrategy for a server or client.
A general abstraction to execute immediate and delayed tasks.
A general abstraction to execute immediate and delayed tasks.
Utility methods to create various Executors.
An exception that represents 417 Expectation Failed response status code.
Special SocketAddress that allows to wrap an already existing filedescriptor.
A special type of StreamingHttpConnection for the exclusive use of the caller of StreamingHttpClient.reserveConnection(HttpRequestMetaData).
A StreamingHttpClient that supports filtering.
A StreamingHttpConnection that supported filtering.
A FilterableStreamingHttpConnection that supported filtering and implements the LoadBalancedConnection contract.
A builder for fixed capacity CapacityLimiter.
A state observer for the fixed CapacityLimiter to monitor internal limit and consumption.
A StreamingSerializerDeserializer that uses a SerializerDeserializer and frames each object by preceding it with the length in bytes.
A logger that logs at a fixed LogLevel.
A set of utility methods for safe math operations to prevent overflow.
A factory for creating FlushStrategy.
A strategy that defines how to flush writes on a connection.
An abstraction for a FlushStrategy to flush writes by calling FlushStrategy.FlushSender.flush().
A listener of write events from the connection on which the related FlushStrategy is applied.
A utility class to hold a FlushStrategy and allow it to be updated atomically using FlushStrategyHolder.updateFlushStrategy(NettyConnectionContext.FlushStrategyProvider).
Utility which helps implementations of StreamingDeserializer leverage a Deserializer and apply a framing to define the boundaries of each object.
A functional interface that accepts 3 arguments and generates a return value.
A functional interface that accepts 4 arguments and generates a return value.
A set of utilities for interacting with Future.
ServiceTalk's shared ExecutionContext with reasonable defaults for APIs when a user doesn't provide one.
An extension of AutoCloseable to add graceful closure semantics.
Builder for the GradientCapacityLimiter capacity limiter.
A state observer for Gradient CapacityLimiter to monitor internal state changes.
A group as emitted by Publisher.groupBy(Function, int) or its variants.
Identifies a client within a group of clients, and provides enough information to create a client if non exist.
A gRPC service that can generate factory instances bound to itself.
A client to a gRPC service.
A builder for building a gRPC client.
Initializes the underlying SingleAddressHttpClientBuilder used for the transport layer.
An interface to create multiple gRPC clients that share the underlying transport.
A factory to create gRPC client call objects for different programming models.
An abstraction to make blocking client calls.
An abstraction to make blocking client calls where request is streaming.
An abstraction to make blocking client calls where response is streaming.
An abstraction to make blocking bi-directional streaming client calls.
An abstraction to make asynchronous client calls.
An abstraction to make asynchronous client calls where request is streaming.
An abstraction to make asynchronous client calls where response is streaming.
An abstraction to make asynchronous bi-directional streaming client calls.
A factory for creating clients that follows the specified gRPC GrpcClientFactory contract.
Metadata for a gRPC client call.
A factory to create gRPC clients.
All ContextMap.Key(s) defined for gRPC.
Filter that maps known Throwable subtypes into an gRPC response with an appropriate GrpcStatusCode.
An extension of ExecutionContext for gRPC.
A factory to create different GrpcExecutionStrategy.
A builder to build an GrpcExecutionStrategy.
An execution strategy for gRPC client and servers.
Utility filters for gRPC.
An observer interface that provides visibility into gRPC lifecycle events.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single gRPC exchange.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single gRPC request.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single gRPC response.
An HTTP requester filter that tracks events during gRPC request/response lifecycle.
A factory to create different GrpcLifecycleObservers.
An HTTP service filter that tracks events during gRPC request/response lifecycle.
Metadata for a gRPC call.
A holder for all gRPC-specific providers that can be registered using ServiceLoader.
Provider for GrpcClientBuilder.
Provider for GrpcServerBuilder.
A holder of gRPC routes that constitutes a service.
This class is not used starting from version 0.42.0 (see PR#1893), we plan to remove it in future releases.
A blocking gRPC route with request streaming.
A blocking gRPC route with response streaming.
A blocking gRPC route.
A blocking gRPC route with bi-directional streaming.
An asynchronous gRPC route with request streaming.
An asynchronous gRPC route with response streaming.
An asynchronous gRPC route.
An asynchronous gRPC route with bi-directional streaming.
Serialization is now specified via MethodDescriptor.
A builder for building a gRPC server.
Initializes the underlying HttpServerBuilder used for the transport layer.
Context of a gRPC server.
A factory to create gRPC servers.
A gRPC service.
A gRPC service context.
A factory for binding a gRPC service to a server using a GrpcServiceFactory.ServerBinder.
A utility to bind an HTTP service for gRPC with an appropriate programming model.
gRPC Service Filters will be removed in future release of ServiceTalk.
Class representing gRPC statuses.
Standard gRPC status codes.
A GrpcStatus in exception form.
Provides utilities around percent-encoding and decoding the GRPC status message.
Configuration for HTTP/1.1 protocol.
Builder for H1ProtocolConfig.
Additional exceptions for HTTP/1.1 specification.
Builder for H1SpecExceptions.
A HttpHeadersFactory optimized for HTTP/2.
A factory to create H2ProtocolConfig.KeepAlivePolicy instances.
Configuration for HTTP/2 protocol.
A policy for sending PING frames to the peer.
Builder for H2ProtocolConfig.
Header utilities to support encoding.
Utilities to use for HttpHeaders implementations.
An Iterator of HttpCookiePair designed to iterate across multiple values of HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE for a specific cookie-name.
An Iterator of HttpCookiePair designed to iterate across multiple values of HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE.
Class for Health Service
This class will be removed in the future in favor of direct usage of GrpcClientMetadata.
This class will be removed in the future in favor of direct usage of GrpcClientMetadata.
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf type
Protobuf enum
Utilities for hex strings.
A tuple of <host name, port>.
A filter which will set a HttpHeaderNames.HOST header with the fallback value if the header is not already present in HttpRequestMetaData.
Represents an http/2 error code.
An exception that represents a http/2 error.
Object representing a HTTP/2 Setting frame.
Builder to help create a Map for HTTP/2 Setting.
Conversion routines to StreamingHttpService.
this interface is not needed anymore and will be removed in a future version with no replacement.
Provides a means to issue requests against HTTP service.
Factory methods for building HttpClient (and other API variations) instances.
Defines ServiceDiscoverer will be used.
Represents a single fixed connection to a HTTP server.
All ContextMap.Key(s) defined for HTTP.
Interface defining a HTTP cookie-pair.
A factory to address deserialization concerns for HTTP request/response payload bodies.
A key which identifies a configuration setting for a connection.
Filter that maps known Exception subtypes into an HTTP response with an appropriate HttpResponseStatus.
An extension of ExecutionContext for HTTP.
A factory to create different HttpExecutionStrategy.
A builder to build an HttpExecutionStrategy.
An execution strategy for HTTP client and servers.
An entity that wishes to influence HttpExecutionStrategy for an HTTP client or server.
Factory method for creating HttpHeaders.
Builds an StreamingHttpService which routes requests to JAX-RS annotated classes, using Jersey as the routing engine, eg.
An observer interface that provides visibility into HTTP lifecycle events.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single HTTP exchange.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single HTTP request.
An observer interface that provides visibility into events associated with a single HTTP response.
An HTTP requester filter that tracks events during request/response lifecycle.
A factory to create different HttpLifecycleObservers.
An HTTP service filter that tracks events during request/response lifecycle.
A LoadBalancerFactory for HTTP clients.
Iterable of the message-body that also provides access to the trailers.
Iterable of the message-body that also provides access to the trailers.
Meta data shared between requests and responses.
The OutputStream which provides access to the HTTP trailers.
An interface which mimics behavior like OutputStream, but allows for writing of objects of type HttpPayloadWriter and provides access to the HTTP trailers.
Builds a StreamingHttpService which routes requests to a number of other StreamingHttpServices based on user specified criteria.
Defines configuration options for HTTP protocol versions.
Factory methods for HttpProtocolConfigs and builders for their customization.
A holder for all HTTP-specific providers that can be registered using ServiceLoader.
Provider for HttpServerBuilder.
A Span Reporter that will publish to an HTTP endpoint with a configurable encoding Codec.
A builder to create a new HttpReporter.
An HTTP request.
Provides a means to make a HTTP request.
A factory for creating HttpRequests.
Meta data associated with an HTTP request.
A static factory class for HttpRequestMetaData objects.
Helper methods for computing effective request URIs according to RFC 7230, section 5.5 and base URIs (which are effective request URIs with / as path, and no query nor fragment.
An HTTP response.
A factory for creating HttpResponses.
Meta data associated with an HTTP response.
A static factory class for HttpResponseMetaData objects.
The class of response status codes.
A factory to address serialization concerns for HTTP request/response payload bodies.
A builder for building HTTP Servers.
Context of an HTTP server.
A factory to create HTTP servers.
Same as StreamingHttpService but that accepts HttpRequest and returns HttpResponse.
Parent interface for all available HTTP services.
A HttpConnectionContext for use in the HttpService context.
An interface defining a set-cookie-string.
HTTP request/response deserialization for streaming payload bodies.
HTTP request/response serialization for streaming payload bodies.
Utility class that constructs and provides the default, always supported NOOP 'identity' ContentCodec.
A connection-level filter that closes idle connections.
Initializes the channel with idle timeout handling.
This class is not used by ServiceTalk internal code anymore and will be removed in the future releases.
Exception that clarifies an illegal character and expected values.
A contract that defines the connection acceptance criterion.
Represents a reference to another span.
A Scope that works with InMemorySpan.
A ScopeManager that works with Scope instances.
A span that allows reading values at runtime.
A Tracer.SpanBuilder that works with InMemorySpan instances.
A span that allows reading values at runtime.
Used to extract InMemorySpanContext from a carrier of type InMemorySpanContextExtractor.
A Format compatible with InMemorySpanContext.
Used to inject InMemorySpanContext into a carrier of type InMemorySpanContextInjector.
Listener for tracing events.
A entry that corresponds to Span.log(long, String) events.
A Tracer that works with InMemorySpan instances.
Executor that handles IO.
Thread factory for use with IoExecutor.
Marker interface for IO Threads.
A filter that mimics SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT behavior on the client-side.
A set of adapter methods for converting to and from JDK Flow APIs and ServiceTalk APIs.
An indicator that can be attached to the last chunk of payload to carry trailer headers.
Allows to accept or reject connections later in the connection setup stage.
This class is no longer used by ServiceTalk and will be removed in the future releases.
A ConnectionFactory that limits the total number of active connections created using this ConnectionFactory.
A contract to limit number of connections created by LimitingConnectionFactoryFilter.
Provides a way to subscribe when AsyncCloseable.closeAsync() is completed.
An address managed by a LoadBalancer.
A connection managed by a LoadBalancer.
Given multiple SocketAddresses select the most desired SocketAddress to use.
Builder for LoadBalancerFactory that creates LoadBalancer instances based upon the configuration.
Provider for LoadBalancerBuilder that can be registered using ServiceLoader.
A factory for creating LoadBalancer instances.
An observer that provides visibility into a LoadBalancer.
A description of a host.
An observer for Host events.
Factory of LoadBalancerObserver instances.
A hint from LoadBalancer.eventStream() that the internal state of the LoadBalancer is ready such LoadBalancer.selectConnection(Predicate, ContextMap) is not likely to fail.
A factory to create a LoadBalancer or a LoadBalancerBuilder to customize one.
A factory to create different LoadBalancingPolicy variants.
Definition of the selector mechanism used for load balancing.
Logger name + level configuration.
A Simple Reporter that logs the span at INFO level.
Defines different severity level of logging.
A special consumer that takes two long arguments.
This class will be invoked by the protoc compiler to create Java ServiceTalk source classes.
Internal math utilities.
This exception type was thrown only by ProtoBufSerializationProviderBuilder that was deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
Metadata that describes a specific RPC method.
Utility methods for MethodDescriptor.
A builder of StreamingHttpClient instances which have a capacity to call any server based on the parsed absolute-form URL address information from each StreamingHttpRequest.
Initializes the SingleAddressHttpClientBuilder for each new client.
Factory methods for common BufferEncoderDecoders.
Implements ListenableAsyncCloseable using a netty Channel.
Common available compression implementations.
A wrapper over a physical connection providing a way to read/write as a Publisher.
A specialized ConnectionContext for netty based transports.
A provider of FlushStrategy to update the FlushStrategy for a NettyConnectionContext.
A Completable that wraps a netty Future.
IoExecutor for Netty.
A static factory to create or convert to NettyIoExecutor.
Factory methods to create IoExecutors using Netty as the transport.
Default IoThreadFactory to create IO NettyIoThreadFactory.NettyIoThreads.
Contract for using a NettyConnection to make pipelined requests, typically for a client.
Utilities for ChannelPipeline and SSL/TLS.
ServerContext implementation using a netty Channel.
Network-related utilities.
Thrown when no host is active to establish a new connection.
Thrown when no host is available but at least one is required.
A special RouteExecutionStrategy that indicates that a resource class or method needs to use a strategy that does not offload user code using a different thread pool.
Noop version of TransportObserver.
Noop version of ConnectionObserver.
A FlushStrategy.WriteEventsListener that by default does nothing for all method.
Helper utilities for Numbers.
An HTTP filter that supports open telemetry.
A set of options for configuring OpenTelemetry filters.
A builder for OpenTelemetryOptions.
XDS outlier detector configuration.
A builder for OutlierDetectorConfig instances.
A builder for P2CLoadBalancingPolicy instances.
Description of a parameter or return value related to a MethodDescriptor.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
A key identifies a specific object in a PartitionAttributes.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Initializes the SingleAddressHttpClientBuilder for each new client.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Limits the response payload size.
Limits the request payload size.
Indication that the payload was too large and failed to process.
An interface which mimics behavior like OutputStream, but allows for writing of objects of type PayloadWriter.
Utilities for PayloadWriter.
Provide utilities that are dependent on the current runtime environment.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
Static factory methods for creating processor instances for different type of sources.
Media type definitions for Protobuf.
The gRPC framing is now built into grpc-netty.
Configuration for a proxy.
Builder for ProxyConfig.
An exception while processing HTTP/1.1 CONNECT request.
A subclass of ProxyConnectException that indicates an unexpected response status from a proxy received for HTTP/1.1 CONNECT request.
An asynchronous computation that produces 0, 1 or more elements and may or may not terminate successfully or with an error.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the first step in a Subscriber's lifecycle.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the terminal signals (e.g.
An operator contract for a Publisher.
A holder of items for a PublisherSource.Processor.
An asynchronous computation that emits zero or more items to its PublisherSource.Subscriber and may or may not terminate successfully or with an error.
A PublisherSource.Processor represents a processing stage that is both a PublisherSource and a PublisherSource.Subscriber and obeys the contracts of both.
A subscriber of result(s) produced by a PublisherSource.
A subscription to control the signals emitted from a PublisherSource to a PublisherSource.Subscriber.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the PublisherSource.Subscriber.onNext(Object) stages of a Subscriber's lifecycle.
An operator contract for a Publisher to Single conversion.
This class is no longer used by ServiceTalk and will be removed in the future releases.
Exception indicating a bounded queue is full.
Internal random utilities.
A set of adapter methods for converting to and from Reactive Streams APIs and ServiceTalk APIs.
Utility class containing BufferAllocators that create Buffer instances which cannot be modified and are read only.
Read only view of TcpClientConfig.
Read only view of TcpServerConfig.
Configuration options for redirection.
Predicate to make the final decision if redirect should be performed or not based on the given context.
Provides access to the full context of the redirect to apply transformations for the pre-initialized redirect request.
Builder for RedirectConfig.
An HTTP request filter that performs automatic redirection if a client receives 3XX status code in the response.
Provide utilities to assist reflective access.
Used in scenarios where a subscribe to an asynchronous source is attempted, but no "real" subscription is established.
Used in scenarios where a subscribe to an asynchronous source is attempted, but no "real" subscription is established.
A set of strategies to use for repeating with Publisher.repeatWhen(IntFunction), Single.repeatWhen(IntFunction) and Completable.repeatWhen(IntFunction) or in general.
An Exception instance used to indicate termination of repeats.
Accumulates signals for the Publisher replay operator.
Utilities to customize ReplayStrategy.
Used to customize the strategy for the Publisher replay operator.
A builder of ReplayStrategy.
This interface is not used by ServiceTalk internal code anymore and will be removed in the future releases.
An interface which allows controlling reserving connections which maybe used concurrently.
This class is not used by ServiceTalk internal code anymore and will be removed in the future releases.
An Exception to indicate that a request was dropped by a client/server likely due to capacity constraints or as-such interpretation of peer feedback according to configuration.
Helper methods used internally for accessing ServiceTalk-specific request properties.
Thrown when a request was rejected before processing by the transport layer.
Decodes the HttpRequestMetaData.requestTarget() for each incoming request.
Encodes the HttpRequestMetaData.requestTarget() for each outgoing request.
Encodes the HttpRequestMetaData.requestTarget() for each incoming request.
A tracker of latency of an action over time.
Enumeration of the main failure classes.
This interface is not used by ServiceTalk internal code anymore and will be removed in the future releases.
A RequestConcurrencyController that also allows to ReservableRequestConcurrencyController.tryReserve() a connection for exclusive use.
This class is not used by ServiceTalk internal code anymore and will be removed in the future releases.
A special type of BlockingHttpConnection for the exclusive use of the caller of BlockingHttpClient.reserveConnection(HttpRequestMetaData).
A special type of HttpConnection for the exclusive use of the caller of HttpClient.reserveConnection(HttpRequestMetaData).
A special type of StreamingHttpConnection for the exclusive use of the caller of StreamingHttpClient.reserveConnection(HttpRequestMetaData).
Set of adapters converting from Resilience4j APIs to ServiceTalk APIs.
Throws when a connect operations failed.
A marker-interface for exceptions which are safely retryable and occur only before ServiceTalk starts writing a request to the network.
A retryable RequestDroppedException to indicate that a request was dropped by a client/server due to capacity constraints.
A filter to enable retries for HTTP clients.
Definition and presets of retry backoff policies.
A builder for RetryingHttpRequesterFilter, which puts an upper bound on retry attempts.
This exception indicates response that matched the retrying rules of the RetryingHttpRequesterFilter and will-be/was retried.
Callbacks invoked on a retry attempt.
A set of strategies to use for retrying with Publisher.retryWhen(BiIntFunction), Single.retryWhen(BiIntFunction), and Completable.retryWhen(BiIntFunction) or in general.
use LoadBalancerBuilder interfaces instead.
use the LoadBalancerBuilder implementations along with LoadBalancerBuilderProvider
use LoadBalancers to create LoadBalancerFactory instances.
rely on the LoadBalancers.builder(String) instead.
use LoadBalancers instead.
A builder for RoundRobinLoadBalancingPolicy instances.
Methods for continuing a route.
Indicates that a resource class or method needs a specific execution strategy.
A factory that creates an execution strategy for different ids of RouteExecutionStrategy annotation.
Utilities to handle RouteExecutionStrategy annotation.
Methods for starting a route.
Utility methods for sampling strategies.
A PublisherSource.Subscription that only emits a single value.
Provides the ability to transform (aka map) signals emitted via the Publisher.scanWithLifetimeMapper(Supplier) operator, as well as the ability to cleanup state via ScanLifetimeMapper.afterFinally().
Provides the ability to transform (aka map) signals emitted via the Publisher.scanWithMapper(Supplier) operator.
Result of a mapping operation of a terminal signal.
Enables components to expose a score.
A Cancellable that can hold at most one Cancellable that will be cancelled when this is cancelled.
A DnsServerAddressStreamProvider which is backed by a sequential list of DNS servers.
Exception indicating an error during serialization or deserialization.
General Type serialization is not supported by all serializers.
Serialize from Serializer to Buffer.
Description of the serialization used for individual elements related to a ParameterDescriptor.
Context for servers.
Context for controlling listen behavior.
Specifies the configuration for server side TLS/SSL.
Default builder for ServerSslConfig objects.
Represents the interaction pattern with a service discovery system.
Notification from the Service Discovery system that availability for an address has changed.
Status provided by the ServiceDiscoverer system that guides the actions of LoadBalancer upon the bound ServiceDiscovererEvent.address() (via ServiceDiscovererEvent).
A set of utility functions for ServiceDiscoverer.
Represents an operation that accepts two int-valued arguments and returns no result.
ServiceLoader utilities.
Rejection Policy to rule the behavior of service rejections due to capacity or open circuit.
A ServiceRejectionPolicy builder to support a custom policy.
AutoDiscoverable registering ServiceTalkFeature if the feature is not already registered.
Implementation of ContextStorageProvider that stores the Tracing Context making it available within AsyncContext.
Feature enabling ServiceTalk request handling.
AutoDiscoverable registering ServiceTalkJacksonSerializerFeature if the feature is not already registered.
Feature enabling ServiceTalk Jackson serializer request/response content handling.
AutoDiscoverable registering ServiceTalkProtobufSerializerFeature if the feature is not already registered.
Feature enabling ServiceTalk protobuf serializer request/response content handling.
SocketOptions that can be used beside StandardSocketOptions.
A ThreadContext that provides storage for MDC based upon AsyncContext.
A ThreadContext that provides storage for MDC based upon AsyncContext that also includes tracing information in accessors via AsyncContextInMemoryScopeManager.
An asynchronous computation that either completes with success giving the result or completes with an error.
A builder of StreamingHttpClient instances which call a single server based on the provided unresolved address.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the first step in a Subscriber's lifecycle.
Provides the ability to express expectations for the terminal signals (e.g.
Single-line serialization format.
Wrapper for supporting injecting and extracting single-string values.
An operator contract for a Single.
An asynchronous computation that either completes with success giving the result or completes with an error.
A SingleSource.Processor represents a processing stage that is both a SingleSource and a SingleSource.Subscriber and obeys the contracts of both.
Subscriber of the outcome of a SingleSource.
A contract that provides discrete callbacks for various ways in which a SingleSource.Subscriber can terminate.
SLF4J implementations of FixedLevelLogger.
SNI ChannelInitializer for servers.
Utilities to convert SocketOptions.
A set of adapter methods to convert an asynchronous source in this module to a corresponding source in io.servicetalk.concurrent module.
When request's contents are not buffered, Jersey's determines if the entity body input stream that backs a request can be closed by introspecting the return type of the MessageBodyReader.
A Publisher that is also a Source.
A Single that is also a Source.
This class will be removed in the future releases.
This interface will be removed in the future releases.
An enumeration for boundary of flushes on which this SplittingFlushStrategy splits writes.
Indicates the state of the SSLEngine with respect to client authentication.
SSL ChannelInitializer for clients.
Specifies the configuration for TLS/SSL.
Defines filtering logic for ciphers suites.
A factory for creating SslContexts.
The provider to use for SSLEngine.
SSL ChannelInitializer for servers.
ClosedChannelException that will not fill in the stacktrace but use a cheaper way of producing limited stacktrace details for the user.
State information of the traffic-resilience service filter.
An implementation of TrailersTransformer that does not require any state.
Provides the ability to verify expectations on asynchronous sources.
Factory for the first steps that lead to StepVerifier test utility to verify each step in the lifecycle of asynchronous sources Publisher, Single, and Completable.
Merge ExecutionStrategy directly instead.
The equivalent of HttpClient but that accepts StreamingHttpRequest and returns StreamingHttpResponse.
A StreamingHttpClient that delegates all methods to a different StreamingHttpClient.
The equivalent of HttpConnection but that accepts StreamingHttpRequest and returns StreamingHttpResponse.
A StreamingHttpConnection that delegates all methods to a different StreamingHttpConnection.
The equivalent of HttpRequest but provides the payload as a Publisher.
The equivalent of HttpRequester but that accepts StreamingHttpRequest and returns StreamingHttpResponse.
A factory for creating StreamingHttpRequests.
Factory methods for creating StreamingHttpRequests.
The equivalent of HttpResponse but provides the payload as a Publisher.
A factory for creating StreamingHttpResponses.
Factory methods for creating StreamingHttpResponses.
A service contract for the HTTP protocol.
An implementation of StreamingHttpService that delegates all methods to the provided StreamingHttpService.
Wraps a StreamingHttpService to apply the provided HttpExecutionStrategy and Executor for offloading.
Extends CookieMatcher for things where the value is a string, like headers and query parameters.
Serialize/deserialize Strings encoded with a Charset.
A Completable that is also a CompletableSource and hence can be subscribed.
A Publisher that is also a PublisherSource and hence can be subscribed.
A Single that is also a SingleSource and hence can be subscribed.
A set of utilities for common PublisherSource.Subscriber tasks.
A signal containing the data from a series of Publishers switched in a serial fashion.
ChannelInitializer for TCP client.
Configuration for TCP based clients.
Utility class for TCP clients to connect.
Utility class to start a TCP based server.
Configuration for TCP based servers.
Holder of Throwable.
A contract that provides discrete callbacks for various ways in which a PublisherSource.Subscriber or a CompletableSource.Subscriber can terminate.
A CompletableSource.Subscriber that enqueues signals and provides blocking methods to consume them.
A PublisherSource.Subscriber that enqueues TestPublisherSubscriber.onNext(Object) and terminal signals while providing blocking methods to consume these events.
A SingleSource.Subscriber that enqueues signals and provides blocking methods to consume them.
Test utility methods / helpers.
Utility for creating static Throwables.
Utilities for working with Throwables.
In areas which require TimeoutFromRequest use variants that accept BiFunction<HttpRequestMetaData, TimeSource, Duration>.
A filter to enable timeouts for HTTP requests on the client-side.
A filter to enable timeouts for HTTP requests on the server-side.
A source of time that can be represented as a long.
Various constants for tracing.
An HTTP filter that supports open tracing.
A StreamingHttpService that supports open tracing.
A StreamingHttpClientFilterFactory to enforce capacity and circuit-breaking control for a client.
A StreamingHttpServiceFilterFactory to enforce capacity control for a server.
Transactional observer for the requests that were let-through.
A contract for transforming trailers for a streaming HTTP request/response.
Configuration for transport settings.
Builder for TransportConfig.
An observer interface that provides visibility into transport events.
A ConnectionFactoryFilter that configures a TransportObserver for new connections.
A factory to create different TransportObservers.
Represents an operation that accepts three input arguments and returns no result.
General Type serialization is not supported by all serializers.
A Span Reporter that will publish to a UDP listener with a configurable encoding Codec.
A builder to create a new UdpReporter.
We are unaware of anyone using "partition" feature and plan to remove it in future releases.
LoggerConfig used in areas that can filter logging output to include user data or not.
A StreamingSerializerDeserializer that uses a SerializerDeserializer and frames each object by preceding it with the length in bytes.
A ChannelInitializer that enables wire-logging for all channels.
Provides an estimate for the value of n for calls to PublisherSource.Subscription.request(long) per PublisherSource.Subscription.
Utility methods associated with WriteDemandEstimator.
Base class for Zip based content-codecs.
A publisher of Spans to the zipkin transport.
Builder for ZipkinPublisher.