Sample Use Cases for Visualization

In this chapter, we will use the show and explore methods to get insight about a dataset to use it for a modeling problem.

Use case: automated code formatting

As a developer, I'd like to use automated tools to help me write code in the same style as the code in the current Turi Create repository. One commonly used code formatting tool is clang-format. Since we don't yet have a set of configuration options for the repository, we'll need to make one. We don't exactly know the right set of options up front, but we have representative example data available in the form of the existing source code. We can use machine learning to help solve this problem. The modeling problem this chapter focuses on is to find the best fitting configuration of clang-format, given the existing source code of Turi Create.

There are many possible configuration options, with many possible values, and testing all of them would take a very long time. However, we can use a small random sample of these configurations to model the ideal configuration, by treating each clang-format configuration variable (like AlignAfterOpenBracket) as an independent feature to a model. While exploring how to model the formatting of the source code, we will see how visualizing raw data, data aggregated across a single dimension, and data aggregated across two dimensions can help us manipulate data and understand the behavior of a model.

Loading and exploring data

We'll start by loading the dataset and getting an overview of the data. There are two useful methods on SFrame objects that can help us understand what we just loaded:

  • explore gives us a table view of rows and columns of raw data.
  • show gives us an aggregated overview of each column in the dataset.
sf = turicreate.SFrame.read_csv('')


The explore method opens a scrollable table of the raw data from sf arranged in rows and columns. This dataset contains the following columns:

  • Lines Added represents the number of lines that would be added, for this source file, for this clang-format configuration. Lines Removed represents the number of lines that would be removed, per source file, for this configuration.
  • File Path is the path to a file in the Turi Create source tree.
  • Each column starting with Config. is a distinct clang-format configuration option. For example, Config.BasedOnStyle refers to the BasedOnStyle option in the clang-format options. There are 20 such columns.

Each line in this dataset is created by performing the following steps:

  1. From the set of possible file paths under src/unity, sample a random file path. This becomes the File Path column.
  2. From the set of possible clang-format options, sample a random combination of options. This becomes each of the 20 Config. columns. Note that there are more than 20 clang-format configuration options available; to speed up this process, we are looking only at the first 20 options in alphabetical order.
  3. Apply the set of options in step (2) to the file path in step (1), by running:

    clang-format -i $FILE_PATH

    The result of this command is not directly used in the dataset.

  4. Determine the diff (in lines added and removed) resulting from step 3 by running:

    git diff --numstat

    The result of this command becomes the Lines Added and Lines Removed columns.

  5. Revert the changes on disk using git reset --hard, and repeat for another row of data.

By having a quick look at the summarized data presented by the show method, we can get a good sense if these columns are ready to be used as targets for our model. Typical problems in the data such as missing values, outliers and skewed input values could be easily spotted, allowing us to quickly identify the required cleaning steps.

We can clearly see that in almost all of the config changes, only a few lines of code were changed. In fact, so few lines of code have changed, that almost the entire distribution is stacked near 0 in the first bin. This suggests outliers are skewing the distribution, so let's see what they are:

sf[sf['Lines Added'] > 10000].explore()


From this subset of the data, we can tell that the files with a large (outlier) number of lines added tend to come from toolkits/coreml_export/MLModel. Aha! It turns out the MLModel directory is for exporting models in the Core ML model format, and contains a large amount of generated code. Let's exclude it from our analysis.

mostly_generated_code = sf['File Path'].apply(lambda path: '/MLModel/' in path)
sf = sf[mostly_generated_code != 1]

Now we can have a proper look at the number of changes. It seems that most cases only had a few lines changed. From here it looks to go down exponentially, with only a few of the configurations leading to more than 500 lines changed, and almost none with more than 800 changes. By scrolling down in the visualization window, we can also see the distributions of the other columns:, scrolled down

Explore some features

The target of our model would be to optimize the number of lines changed, regardless of whether they were deleted or added. Let's choose one config parameter, and inspect how it correlates with our target of lines changed. To achieve this, we will use the method, that takes two columns (SArrays) and plots one on each axis. The type of plot chosen by is automatic, based on the underlying data types in each SArray, and in this case we're going to get a box plot because we are plotting a categorical column with a numeric column.

sf['Lines Changed'] = sf['Lines Added'] + sf['Lines Removed']['Config.BasedOnStyle'],
                sf['Lines Changed'],
                xlabel='Based on Style',
                ylabel='Lines Changed')

The box plot shows us the distribution of values on the Y axis ("Lines Changed"), for each distinct categorical value on the X axis ("Based on Style"). This type of plot shows a line representing the full range of the data (from min to max), and a smaller rectangle within that line that represents the range of the 2nd and 3rd quartiles (from 25% to 75%). We can see from this plot that the base style that gives the smallest change overall in this sample data is either "Google" or "Chromium". It appears that in all of the base styles, the majority of the files had only a few line changed, but there were a few files in which thousands of lines have changed. Looking at number of lines changed might be misleading, as long files would have more changes even if the change itself wasn't significant. We should probably normalize the "Lines Changed" measurement by file size. Now that we've noticed this by visualizing this feature, let's go back and adjust in our dataset for the length of the file.

file_sizes = turicreate.SFrame.read_csv('')
sf = sf.join(file_sizes, on='File Path', how='left')
sf['Normalized Lines Changed'] = sf['Lines Changed'] / sf['Lines in File']['Config.BasedOnStyle'],
                sf['Normalized Lines Changed'],
                xlabel='Based on Style',
                ylabel='Normalized Lines Changed'),y)

Now we see a much better distribution of lines changed per base config. Now that we've normalized by file size, let's take a look at the distribution of lines changed across all configs once more, by calling the show method on the "Normalized Lines Changed" column:

sf['Normalized Lines Changed'].show(title='Normalized Lines Changed')

After eliminating outliers and normalizing for file size, the distribution of lines changed starts to make more sense. Now we are ready to create a model.

Evaluate a model

Next, let's create a regression model using the data we have now, treating each "Config." column as a feature of the model, and the "Normalized Lines Changed" column as the target to predict. Once the model has been created, we can use it to predict the normalized lines changed for a subset of the data. By plotting that prediction against the actual normalized lines changed, we can then get a visual feel for how well the model is performing.

(train, test) = sf.random_split(0.9)
features = [c for c in sf.column_names() if c.startswith('Config.')]
model = turicreate.regression.create(train,
                                     target='Normalized Lines Changed',
test['Predicted Change'] = model.predict(test)['Normalized Lines Changed'],
                test['Predicted Change'],
                xlabel='Actual Change',
                ylabel='Predicted Change')

There doesn't seem to be much correlation between the predicted and actual changes; otherwise, all the points would seem to be close to a straight line, and not just scattered about. It seems we'll need to go back and improve our model. Perhaps more data will help, as the ~6,800 samples we ended up training on is only a tiny fraction of the possible search space of configuration values. We also only used a small fraction of the possible configuration variables here, as more would require an even larger sample size.

We can see from this exercise that visualization provides a powerful way to help us visually inspect our data, clean it up, prepare it for modeling, and evaluate the quality of a model. With immediate and visual feedback on the result of data transformation, manipulation, and prediction, you can create better models, faster.

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