
K-means finds cluster centers for a predetermined number of clusters ("K") by minimizing the sum of squared distances from each point to its assigned cluster. Points are assigned to the cluster whose center is closest.

Lloyd's algorithm is the standard way to compute K-means clusters, and it describes the essential intuition for the method. After initial centers are chosen, two steps repeat until the cluster assignment no longer changes for any point (which is equivalent to the cluster centers no longer moving):

  1. Assign each point to the cluster with the closest center.
  2. Update each cluster center to the be mean of the assigned points.

The Turi Create implementation of K-means uses several wrinkles to improve the speed of the method and quality of the results. Initial cluster centers are chosen with the K-means++ algorithm (if not provided explicitly by the user). This algorithm chooses cluster centers that are far apart with high probability, which tends to reduce the number of iterations needed for convergence, and make it less likely that the method returns sub-optimal results.

In addition, Turi Create's K-means uses the triangle inequality to reduce the number of exact distances that need to be computed in each iteration. Conceptually, if we know that a data point x is close to center A, which is in turn far from center B, then there is no need to compute the exact distance from point x to center B when assigning x to a cluster.

Basic Usage

We illustrate usage of Turi Create K-means with the dataset from the June 2014 Kaggle competition to classify schizophrenic subjects based on MRI scans. Download Train.zip from the data tab.1 The original data consists of two sets of features: functional network connectivity (FNC) features and source-based morphometry (SBM) features, which we incorporate into a single SFrame with SFrame.join.

import turicreate as tc

sf_functional = tc.SFrame.read_csv('train_FNC.csv')
sf_morphometry = tc.SFrame.read_csv('train_SBM.csv')

sf = sf_functional.join(sf_morphometry, on="Id")
sf = sf.remove_column('Id')


The most basic usage of K-means clustering requires only a choice for the number of clusters, K. We rarely know the correct number of clusters a priori, but the following simple heuristic sometimes works well:


where n is the number of rows in your dataset. By default, the maximum number of iterations is 10, and all features in the input dataset are used.

Analogous to all other Turi Create toolkits the model is created through the kmeans.create API:

from math import sqrt
K = int(sqrt(sf.num_rows() / 2.0))

kmeans_model = tc.kmeans.create(sf, num_clusters=K)
Class                           : KmeansModel

Number of clusters              : 6
Number of examples              : 86
Number of feature columns       : 410
Number of unpacked features     : 410
Row label name                  : row_id

Training Summary
Training method                 : elkan
Number of training iterations   : 2
Batch size                      : 86
Total training time (seconds)   : 0.2836

Accessible fields               :
   cluster_id                   : An SFrame containing the cluster assignments.
   cluster_info                 : An SFrame containing the cluster centers.

The model summary shows the usual fields about model schema, training time, and training iterations. It also shows that the K-means results are returned in two SFrames contained in the model: cluster_id and cluster_info. The cluster_info SFrame indicates the final cluster centers, one per row, in terms of the same features used to create the model.

kmeans_model.cluster_info.print_rows(num_columns=5, max_row_width=80,
|    FNC1   |    FNC2   |    FNC3   |    FNC4    |    FNC5   | ... |
| 0.1870... | 0.0801... | -0.092... | -0.0957298 | 0.0893... | ... |
|  0.21752  | 0.0363... | -0.027... | -0.063...  | 0.0556... | ... |
| 0.2293... | 0.1017... | -0.046... | -0.051...  | 0.2313... | ... |
| 0.1654... | -0.156... | -0.327... | -0.278...  | -0.033... | ... |
| 0.2549... |  0.02532  | 0.0081... | -0.134...  | 0.3875... | ... |
| 0.1072... | 0.0754... | -0.119422 | -0.312...  | 0.1100... | ... |
[6 rows x 413 columns]

The last three columns of the cluster_info SFrame indicate metadata about the corresponding cluster: ID number, number of points in the cluster, and the within-cluster sum of squared distances to the center.

kmeans_model.cluster_info[['cluster_id', 'size', 'sum_squared_distance']]
| cluster_id | size | sum_squared_distance |
|     0      |  7   |     340.44890213     |
|     1      |  11  |    533.886421204     |
|     2      |  49  |    2713.56332016     |
|     3      |  13  |     714.04801178     |
|     4      |  3   |    177.421077728     |
|     5      |  3   |     151.59986496     |
[6 rows x 3 columns]

The cluster_id field of the model shows the cluster assignment for each input data point, along with the Euclidean distance from the point to its assigned cluster's center.

| row_id | cluster_id |    distance   |
|   0    |     3      | 6.52821207047 |
|   1    |     2      | 6.45124673843 |
|   2    |     2      | 7.58535766602 |
|   3    |     2      | 7.64395523071 |
|   4    |     3      | 7.42247104645 |
|   5    |     2      | 8.29837036133 |
|   6    |     4      | 7.61347103119 |
|   7    |     2      | 6.98522281647 |
|   8    |     2      | 8.56831073761 |
|   9    |     0      | 7.91477823257 |
[10 rows x 3 columns]

Assigning New Points to Clusters

New data points can be assigned to the clusters of a K-means model with the KmeansModel.predict method. For K-means, the assignment is simply the nearest cluster center (in Euclidean distance), which is how the training data are assigned as well. Note that the model's cluster centers are not updated by the predict method.

For illustration purposes, we predict the cluster assignments for the first 5 rows of our existing data. The assigned clusters are identical to the assignments in the model results (above), which is a good sanity check.

new_clusters = kmeans_model.predict(sf[:5])
dtype: int
Rows: 5
[3, 2, 2, 2, 3]

Advanced Usage

For large datasets K-means clustering can be a time-consuming method. One simple way to reduce the computation time is to reduce the number of training iterations with the max_iterations parameter. The model prints a warning during training to indicate that the algorithm stops before convergence is reached.

kmeans_model = tc.kmeans.create(sf, num_clusters=K, max_iterations=1)
PROGRESS: WARNING: Clustering did not converge within max_iterations.

It can also save time to set the initial centers manually, rather than having the tool choose the initial centers automatically. These initial centers can be chosen randomly from a sample of the original dataset, then passed to the final K-means model.

kmeans_sample = tc.kmeans.create(sf.sample(0.2), num_clusters=K,

my_centers = kmeans_sample.cluster_info
my_centers = my_centers.remove_columns(['cluster_id', 'size',

kmeans_model = tc.kmeans.create(sf, initial_centers=my_centers)

For really large datasets, the tips above may not be enough to get results in a reasonable amount of time; in this case, we can switch to minibatch K-means, using the same Turi Create model. The batch_size parameter indicates how many randomly sampled points to use in each training iteration when updating cluster centers. Somewhat counter-intuitively, the results for minibatch K-means tend to be very similar to the exact algorithm, despite typically using only a small fraction of the training data in each iteration. Note that for the minibatch version of K-means, the model will always compute a number of iterations equal to max_iterations; it does not stop early.

kmeans_model = tc.kmeans.create(sf, num_clusters=K, batch_size=30,
Class                           : KmeansModel

Number of clusters              : 6
Number of examples              : 86
Number of feature columns       : 410
Number of unpacked features     : 410
Row label name                  : row_id

Training Summary
Training method                 : minibatch
Number of training iterations   : 10
Batch size                      : 30
Total training time (seconds)   : 0.3387

Accessible fields               :
   cluster_id                   : An SFrame containing the cluster assignments.
   cluster_info                 : An SFrame containing the cluster centers.

The model summary shows the training method here is "minibatch" with our specified batch size of 30, unlike the previous model which used the "elkan" (exact) method with a batch size of 86 - the total number of examples in our dataset.

References and more information

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