Converting an Open Efficient Language Model#

The following example shows how to convert a PyTorch OpenELM model to Core ML. OpenELM is a family of Open Efficient Language Models. The small size variants are suitable for mobile and embedded language applications.

In this example you do the following:

  1. Import libraries and set up the model

  2. Export the model

  3. Convert the model to Core ML

  4. Tokenize the prompt

  5. Run the PyTorch model

  6. Run the converted Core ML model


This example requires macOS Monterey or newer versions, PyTorch, Transformers, and Core ML Tools 8.0 or newer versions. Use the following commands:

pip install torch
pip install transformers
pip install coremltools

At the time of creating this example, the author environment is

torch              2.4.1
transformers       4.45.1
coremltools        8.0

Import Libraries and Set Up the Model#

Import the torch, numpy, and coremltools libraries, and AutoModelForCausalLM and AutoTokenizer from transformers.

import torch
import numpy as np
import coremltools as ct
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

Initialize the language model along with its tokenizer. Here we choose the smallest variant OpenELM-270M-Instruct, which uses the Llama-2-7b tokenizer

torch_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf")

Export the Model#

You can now use PyTorch’s exporter (torch.export.export) to export the language model:

example_input_ids = torch.zeros((1, 32), dtype=torch.int32)
sequence_length = torch.export.Dim(name="sequence_length", min=1, max=128)
dynamic_shapes = {"input_ids": {1: sequence_length}}
exported_program = torch.export.export(
    # Because of
    # we need to use strict=False until torch 2.5

For more about exporting, see Model Exporting.

Convert the Model to Core ML#

Convert the model exported_program to Core ML using the convert() method:

mlmodel = ct.convert(exported_program)

Tokenize the Prompt#

To test the performance of the converted model, tokenize the prompt ("Once upon a time there was"), and convert that list of tokens into a Torch tensor.

prompt = "Once upon a time there was"
tokenized_prompt = torch.tensor(tokenizer(prompt)["input_ids"])
# Since model takes input ids in batch,
# create a dummy batch dimension (i.e. size 1) for tokenized prompt
tokenized_prompt = tokenized_prompt.unsqueeze(0)

Run the PyTorch Model#

Run the original PyTorch model with the tokenized prompt as input, to establish the benchmark for the model’s performance. The output appears below the code:

max_sequence_length = 64

input_ids = tokenized_prompt
# extend sentence (sequence) word-by-word (token-by-token)
# until reach max sequence length
for i in range(max_sequence_length):
    logits = torch_model(input_ids)[0]
    # determine the next token by greedily choosing the one with highest logit (probability)
    output_id = torch.argmax(logits, -1)[:, -1 :]
    # append the next token to sequence
    input_ids =, output_id), axis=-1)
# decode tokens back to text
output_text = tokenizer.decode(input_ids[0].tolist(), skip_special_tokens=True)
print("Output text from the original torch model:")
Output text from the original torch model:
Once upon a time there was a man named John Smith. John Smith was a hard-working farmer, a good husband, and a good father. He loved his family dearly, and he cherished every moment with them.
But one day, John's life changed forever.
John's wife, Mary, died suddenly of

Run the Converted Core ML Model#

Now run the converted Core ML version of the model with the same input:

input_ids = np.int32(tokenized_prompt.detach().numpy())
# extend sentence (sequence) word-by-word (token-by-token)
# until reach max sequence length
for i in range(max_sequence_length):
    logits = list(mlmodel.predict({"input_ids": input_ids}).values())[0]
    # determine the next token by greedily choosing the one with highest logit (probability)
    output_id = np.argmax(logits, -1)[:, -1 :]
    # append the next token to sequence
    input_ids = np.concat((input_ids, output_id), dtype=np.int32, axis=-1)
# decode tokens back to text
output_text = tokenizer.decode(input_ids[0].tolist(), skip_special_tokens=True)
print("Output text from the converted Core ML model:")
Output text from the converted Core ML model:
Once upon a time there was a man named John Smith. John Smith was a hard-working farmer, a good husband, and a good father. He loved his family dearly, and he cherished every moment with them.
But one day, John's life changed forever.
John's wife, Mary, died suddenly of

As you can see, the converted Core ML model performs in the same manner as the original model.