MLModel Utilities#

The following are useful utilities for processing MLModel objects. To learn more about MLModel, see MLModel Overview. For the full list of utilities, see the API Reference.

Rename a Feature#

A feature in this case refers to a model input or a model output. You can rename a feature in the specification using the rename_feature() method. For example:

import coremltools as ct

# Get the protobuf spec
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlpackage')
spec = model.get_spec()
# Edit the spec
ct.utils.rename_feature(spec, 'old_feature_name', 'new_feature_name')

# reload the model with the updated spec and re-save
model = ct.models.MLModel(spec)
# or 
model = ct.models.MLModel(spec, weights_dir=model.weights_dir) # if model is an mlprogram"MyModel.mlpackage")

To get the names of the inputs and outputs of the model:

import coremltools as ct

# Get the protobuf spec
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlmodel')
spec = model.get_spec()

# get input names
input_names = [ for inp in spec.description.input]

# get output names
output_names = [ for out in spec.description.output]

Convert All Double Multi-array Feature Descriptions to Float#

You can convert all double multi-array feature descriptions (input, output, and training input) to float multi-arrays using the convert_double_to_float_multiarray_type() method. For example:

import coremltools as ct

# Get the protobuf spec
model = ct.models.MLModel('MyModel.mlmodel')
spec = model.get_spec()
# In-place convert multi-array type of spec

Evaluate Classifier, Regressor, and Transformer Models#

To test the correctness of a conversion, you can use use evaluation methods to compare predictions to the original framework. Use this type of evaluation for models that don’t deal with probabilities.

For example, you can evaluate a Core ML classifier model and compare it against predictions from the original framework using the evaluate_classifier() method, as shown in the following code snippet:

import coremltools as ct

# Evaluate a classifier specification for testing.
metrics =  ct.utils.evaluate_classifier(spec, 
                   'data_and_predictions.csv', 'target')

# Print metrics
{"samples": 10, num_errors: 0}

To evaluate a regressor model, use the evaluate_regressor() method:

// Evaluate a CoreML regression model and compare against predictions from the original framework (for testing correctness of conversion)

metrics = coremltools.utils.evaluate_regressor(spec, 'data_and_predictions.csv', 'target')
{"samples": 10, "rmse": 0.0, max_error: 0.0}

To evaluate a transformer model, use the evaluate_transformer() method:

// Evaluate a transformer specification for testing.

input_data = [{'input_1': 1, 'input_2': 2}, {'input_1': 3, 'input_2': 3}]
expected_output = [{'input_1': 2.5, 'input_2': 2.0}, {'input_1': 1.3, 'input_2': 2.3}]
metrics = coremltools.utils.evaluate_transformer(scaler_spec, input_data, expected_output)

Get Weights Metadata#

The get_weights_metadata() utility provides a convenient way to inspect the properties of the weights in the model. You may want to use it for debugging, or for identifying weights that are larger than a certain size, have a sparsity greater than a certain percentage, or have a certain number of unique elements.

For example, if you want to compare the weights of a model showing unexpected results with the weights of a model with predictable results, you can use get_weights_metadata() to get a list of all the weights with their metadata. Use the weight_threshold parameter to set which weights are returned. A weight is included in the resulting dictionary only if its total number of elements are greater than weight_threshold.

The metadata returned by the utility also offers information about the child ops the weight feeds into. The data returned by the API can then be used to customize the optimization of the model via the ct.optimize.coreml API.

Using the Metadata#

The get_weights_metadata() utility returns the weights metadata as an ordered dictionary that maps to strings in CoreMLWeightMetaData and preserves the sequential order of the weights. The results are useful when constructing cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig.

For example, with the OptimizationConfig class you have fine-grain control over applying different optimization configurations to different weights by directly setting op_type_configs and op_name_configs or using set_op_name and set_op_type. When using set_op_name, you need to know the name for the const op that produces the weight. The get_weights_metadata() utility provides the weight name and the corresponding weight numpy data, along with metadata information.


The following code loads the SegmentationModel_with_metadata.mlpackage saved in Converting a PyTorch Segmentation Model. It uses get_weights_metadata(), which specifies the size threshold (2048) in the weight_threshold parameter. A weight tensor is included in the resulting dictionary only if its total number of elements are greater than weight_threshold.

The example also shows how to get the name of the last weight in the model. The code palettizes all ops except the last weight, which is a common practical scenario when the last layer is more sensitive and should be skipped from quantization:

import coremltools.optimize as cto

from coremltools.models import MLModel
from coremltools.optimize.coreml import get_weights_metadata

mlmodel = MLModel("SegmentationModel_with_metadata.mlpackage")
weight_metadata_dict = get_weights_metadata(mlmodel, weight_threshold=2048)

# iterate over all the weights returned 

large_weights = [] # get the weight names with size > 25600
sparse_weights = [] # get the weight names with sparsity >= 50% 
palettized_weights = [] # get the weight names with unique elements <= 16 

for weight_name, weight_metadata in weight_metadata_dict.items():
     # weight_metadata.val: numpy array of the weight data
     if weight_metadata.val.size >= 25600: large_weights.append(weight_name)

     # weight_metadata.sparsity: ratio of 0s in the weight, between [0,1]
     if weight_metadata.sparsity >= 0.5: sparse_weights.append(weight_name)

     # weight_metadata.unique_values : number of unique values in the weight
     if weight_metadata.unique_values <= 16: palettized_weights.append(weight_name)

     # Access to the child ops this weight feeds into.  
     child_op = weight_metadata.child_ops[0]
     # name of the child op
     # child_op.op_type:  op type of the child op
     # child_op.params_name_mapping:  this dictionary shows the input parameters of the child op and their corresponding ops' names

# Palettize all weights except for the last weight
last_weight_name = list(weight_metadata_dict.keys())[-1]
global_config = cto.coreml.OpPalettizerConfig(nbits=6, mode="kmeans")
config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig(
    op_name_configs={last_weight_name: None},
compressed_mlmodel = cto.coreml.palettize_weights(mlmodel, config)

Bisect Model#

In certain scenarios, you may want to break a large Core ML model into two smaller models. For instance, if you are deploying a model to run on neural engine on an iPhone, it cannot be larger than 1 GB. If you are working with, say, Stable Diffusion 1.5 model which is 1.72 GB large (Float 16 precision), then it needs to be broken up into two chunks, each less than 1 GB. The utility ct.models.utils.bisect_model will allow you to do exactly that. When using this API, you can also opt-in to package the two chunks of the model into a pipeline model, so that its still a single mlpackage file, with the two models arranged in a sequential manner.

The example below shows how to bisect a model, test the accuracy, and save them on disk.

import coremltools as ct

model_path = "my_model.mlpackage"
output_dir = "./output/"

# The following code will produce two smaller models:
# `./output/my_model_chunk1.mlpackage` and `./output/my_model_chunk2.mlpackage`
# It also compares the output numerical of the original Core ML model with the chunked models.

# The following code will produce a single pipeline model `./output/my_model_chunked_pipeline.mlpackage`

# You can also pass the MLModel object directly
mlmodel = ct.models.MLModel(model_path)

Change Model Tensor Input/Output Types#

Consider a scenario when we have a Core ML model with an fp32 multiarray output, but we need to use a Core ML API that requires fp16 multiarrays instead. We can now easily change the model output types from fp32 to fp16 (and vice versa).

An example how to update the output data types:

from coremltools.models.model import MLModel
from coremltools.utils import change_array_output_type
from coremltools.proto.FeatureTypes_pb2 import ArrayFeatureType

model = MLModel("my_model.mlpackage")
updated_model = change_input_output_tensor_type(

Another example is showing how to update data types of all the function inputs:

from coremltools.models.model import MLModel
from coremltools.utils import change_array_output_type
from coremltools.proto.FeatureTypes_pb2 import ArrayFeatureType

model = MLModel("my_model.mlpackage")
updated_model = change_input_output_tensor_type(
    function_names=["main_1", "main_2"],
    output_names=[],  # no output to be modified

Optional arguments:

  • function_names: list of functions to be modified (by default only input / output of the main function is modified)

  • input_names: list of inputs that should be updated (by default none is modified)

  • output_names: list of outputs that should be updated (by default all the outputs matching the from_type type are updated)

Special values for input_names and output_names arguments:

  • an empty list means nothing will be modified (default for input_names)

  • a list containing "*" string means all relevant inputs/outputs will be modified (those that will match the from_type type)