Converting Compressed Source Models#

This section shows how you can indicate to the converter to use the sparse or palettized representations to store the weights. This is required when you bring in a source model whose weights are compressed but still represented in dense floatformat. This is the case for PyTorch models that are updated and fine-tuned using the ct.optimize.torch APIs.

Convert models with sparse weights#

If your source model weights have lots of zeros, then specify the pass_pipeline argument as follows:

import coremltools as ct

model_with_sparse_weights = ct.convert(

During the conversion process, an additional graph pass will be run, which will convert the weight values below a certain low threshold (default=1e-3) to exact zeros, and then use the a sparse representation to store the weights, thereby saving space.

Remember to use this option to convert any PyTorch model that has been pruned using the ct.optimize.torch.pruning.MagnitudePruner method.

Convert models with palettized weights#

If your source model weights are palettized; that is, clustered and can only take on a few discrete values, then you can save space by invoking the following pass during conversion:

import coremltools as ct

model_with_lut_weights = ct.convert(

This will invoke an additional graph pass that will automatically detect whether the weights have repeated values. If they do, and if the overall weight tensor has at most 256 or less unique values (which means it can be represented with an 8-bit or less lookup table), it will use a more compact representation using lookup tables (LUTs) to store them.

Remember to use this option to convert any PyTorch model that has been compressed using the ct.optimize.torch.palettization.DKMPalettizer method.

Convert PyTorch models with quantized weights and activations#

For PyTorch models with quantized weights and/or activations, no additional pass_pipeline flag is required since PyTorch stores quantized weights or activations using qint or quint data types, and additional quantization ops are used. This is picked up automatically by the conversion process, which then automatically uses linear quantized storage format to store weights.