Training-Time Quantization#

The LinearQuantizer class implements training-time quantization, also known as quantization-aware training (QAT) as described in the paper Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference. LinearQuantizer quantizes both weights and activations, whereas Post-Training Quantization quantizes only the weights.

PyTorch quantization APIs

You can use PyTorch’s quantization APIs directly, and then convert the model to Core ML. However, the converted model performance may not be optimal. The PyTorch API default settings (symmetric asymmetric quantization modes and which ops are quantized) are not optimal for the Core ML stack and Apple hardware. If you use the Core ML Tools coremltools.optimize.torch APIs, as described in this section, the correct default settings are applied automatically.

Use LinearQuantizer#

Follow these key steps:

  • Define the LinearQuantizerConfig config to specify the quantization parameters.

  • Initialize the LinearQuantizer object.

  • Call the prepare API to insert fake quantization layers in the PyTorch model.

  • Run the usual training loop, with the addition of the quantizer.step call.

  • Once the model has converged, use the finalize API to prepare the model for conversion to Core ML.

The following code sample shows how you can use LinearQuantizer to perform training-time quantization on your PyTorch model.

from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import coremltools as ct
from coremltools.optimize.torch.quantization import LinearQuantizer, LinearQuantizerConfig

model = nn.Sequential(
            "conv": nn.Conv2d(1, 20, (3, 3)),
            "relu1": nn.ReLU(),
            "conv2": nn.Conv2d(20, 20, (3, 3)),
            "relu2": nn.ReLU(),

loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9)
data = get_data()

# Initialize the quantizer
config = LinearQuantizerConfig.from_dict(
        "global_config": {
            "quantization_scheme": "symmetric",
            "milestones": [0, 100, 400, 200],
quantizer = LinearQuantizer(model, config)

# Prepare the model to insert FakeQuantize layers for QAT
example_input = torch.rand(1, 1, 20, 20)
model = quantizer.prepare(example_inputs=example_input, inplace=True)

# Use quantizer in your PyTorch training loop
for inputs, labels in data:
    output = model(inputs)
    loss = loss_fn(output, labels)

# Convert operations to their quanitzed counterparts using parameters learnt via QAT
model = quantizer.finalize(inplace=True)

# Convert the PyTorch models to CoreML format
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, example_input)
coreml_model = ct.convert(

The two key parameters in ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig that need to be set for training-time quantization are quantization_scheme and milestones. The allowed values for quantization_scheme are symmetric and affine. In symmetric mode, zero_point is always set to zero, whereas affine mode is able to use any zero point in the quint8 or int8 range, depending on the dtype used.

The milestones parameter controls the flow of the quantization algorithm, and calling the step API on the quantizer object steps through these milestones. The milestones parameter is an array of size 4, and each element is an integer indicating the training step at which the stage corresponding to that element comes into effect. A detailed explanation of these various stages can be found in the API Reference for ModuleLinearQuantizerConfig.

How It Works#

The LinearQuantizer class simulates the effects of quantization during training by quantizing and de-quantizing the weights and activations during the model’s forward pass. The forward and backward pass computations are conducted in float32 dtype. However, these float32 values follow the constraints imposed by int8 and quint8 dtypes, for weights and activations respectively. This allows the model weights to adjust and reduce the error introduced by quantization. Straight-Through Estimation is used for computing gradients of non-differentiable operations introduced by simulated quantization.

The LinearQuantizer algorithm is implemented as an extension of FX Graph Mode Quantization in PyTorch. It first traces the PyTorch model symbolically to obtain a torch.fx graph capturing all the operations in the model. It then analyzes this graph, and inserts FakeQuantize layers in the graph. FakeQuantize layer insertion locations are chosen such that model inference on hardware is optimized and only weights and activations which benefit from quantization are quantized.

Since the prepare method uses prepare_qat_fx to insert quantization layers, the model returned from the method is a torch.fx.GraphModule, and as a result custom methods defined on the original model class may not be available on the returned model. Some models, like those with dynamic control flow, may not be traceable into a torch.fx.GraphModule. We recommend following the instructions in Limitations of Symbolic Tracing and FX Graph Mode Quantization User Guide to update your model first, before using LinearQuantizer algorithm.


Linear Quantization Tutorial: Learn how to train a simple convolutional neural network using LinearQuantizer. This algorithm simulates the effects of quantization during training, by quantizing and dequantizing the weights and/or activations during the model’s forward pass. You can download a Jupyter Notebook version and the source code from the tutorial.